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Golden Lounge is Disgusting!!

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  • #617048

    This is absolutely disgusting, and i hope they reap what the sow someday!

    We all Know Miles from back in his Grand Prive affiliate manager days, and then heard all the crap “Golden Lounge Program” did to him, buy hiring him and Kamiel as affiliate managers, used them for their contacts and let them go. Well Miles has been without work, and home for awhile now, and this has been posted and i will take for granted that everyone read those past posts. Well last we heard, Miles was “supposed” to be in talks with Management of Golden Lounge, working on some type of agreement, because they owe him weeks worth of paychecks, that they had refused to pay him, so all hopes were that Miles would at least get paid monies owed.

    Well i have spoken with Miles and this is what kind of people run this damn affiliate group.

    They have refused to pay him anything, there are no “talks” or “agreements” being made, they have made their position clear, and have told Miles….

    “See ya, we are not paying you anything, we hope you like living on the streets, and you will make a good hobo”!!

    ENd of story! They could careless about one of the best employees that they may ever have, and to me, that means they could careless about “players, affiliates” and Affiliate managers, and i stress to everyone, we all need to stay away from this group. I for one, will not have anything to do with a group that will treat ANYONE, in the manner that they have treated Miles.




    Isn’t Golden Casino Best Casino Partners?

    Last I know Miles did not want this publicly discussed because there was a problem with him sending out letters to his affs slamming the program.

    Is Miles going public? Did he ask you to post? I don’t want him in legal problems too…


    YES, He asked me to publish this. He is angry, wants to let everyone know what Golden Lounge did and what they said.

    My mistake in my post, with golden casino, will edit that now.

    Triple777s;203042 wrote:
    “See ya, we are not paying you anything, we hope you like living on the streets, and you will make a good hobo”!!

    Who said this, was it a guy called Jonathan do we know? :sarcasm:


    Hi Martyn,

    I will ask Miles, who said it. Real Disgusting if you ask me, nice guy.!


    Used them for their contacts and let them go??? Their contacts? They stole a copy of Grand Prive affiliate database took it golden lounge and they got ****ed over. You are sticking up for Kamiel and Miles for selling your private information and not getting paid for it???
    Hi xxxxxxxxxxxx
    We contacted you in February asking you to become and Affiliate of Golden Lounge.
    We really want you to promote our great site so we would like to offer you one of the following special offers.

    Exclusive Offer
    1. Get $10 for every single new depositing player you bring in May and June on top of your 40% rev share in month one.
    2. Get 40% revenue share for your first three months.
    We have already created an account for you on our affiliate site so it is easy for you to get started:
    Get Started
    Username: Click here and we will send you your log in details
    Affiliate site:
    Unique Affiliate tag: xxxxxxxxx
    URL to promote:
    As an Affiliate you will get to promote Golden Lounge, the newest online gaming site powered by Microgaming. As the site only launched this year you will be sure that most of your traffic will not have an account with us….YET!
    And then use this info to set me up an affiliate account without talking to me without asking and thinking I’m going to put your banners up on my sites

    Kamiel and Miles you two have been in this game a long time you should know better
    Duncan I don’t know who you are but it’s just plane rude to go setting up accounts


    We have posted a full response to this issue at

    If you have any questions beyond the posting please let me know and I will be happy to answer you in full.

    mak445;203199 wrote:
    Used them for their contacts and let them go??? Their contacts? They stole a copy of Grand Prive affiliate database took it golden lounge and they got ****ed over. You are sticking up for Kamiel and Miles for selling your private information and not getting paid for it???

    Hi mak445,

    That’s a pretty strong allegation you’ve made there. Triple777’s never said anything about anyone stealing a copy of Grand Prive’s affiliate database. As a matter of fact, the first time I’ve read anything even hinting of that was here from you.

    Why would you say something like that?

    Kamiel is one of the very best affiliate managers there is, has years of experience, and has worked with affiliates from several programs over the years. He’s met a lot of affiliates over the years and I’m sure has plenty of contacts of his own.

    Miles was always very dedicated to his job and was a very good affiliate manager. He worked for Grand Prive for a good long while and got to know both players and affiliates quite well. He now has a lot of good friends that he’s made from his past job.

    Both Kamiel and Miles have plenty of contacts of their own from their years in the business. I don’t believe for an instant, that either of them stole any database or sold any database.

    If Duncan opened an account for you without you requesting it, then why don’t you ask him where he got your information? Maybe they went through the sent mail folder after Miles and Kamiel left, unless you knew Duncan previously. But Kamiel and Miles are good guys and they’re the ones that got the short end of the stick here. I don’t think they’ve done anything wrong.


    name and email address that was only ever used at Grand Prive starts geting emails from Golden Lounge

    mak445;203586 wrote:
    name and email address that was only ever used at Grand Prive starts geting emails from Golden Lounge

    Hi mak445,

    Thanks for your reply. Was your account opened after Kamiel and Miles left? If so, I’d be very interested to see Duncan’s answer to where he got your information if you hadn’t ever given it to him in the past.

    I asked him about this and he told me that for a couple affiliates that they knew they set up a log in for them, and sent their login to them by email.

    It doesn’t matter much to me except that I think these guys got a crap deal the way they got let go, and I’d hate to see them have more grief for something that I doubt they’ve done. Maybe Kamiel or Miles emailed you previously about Golden Lounge, feeling they knew you well enough to contact you, and the new program got the info from their email sent folder. Who knows.


    I remember that when both Kamiel and Miles started here they both sent a mail to their affiliates they had email addys for already, I am sure saved or stored in their favorites to me that is not stealing and how in the hell can you steal from a bunch of crooked thieves like GP anyway? I don’t mind if long standing Affiliate Managers contact me when they are in a new job I think it is acceptable.

    As far as this whole issue I think it is best left up to those involved to take care of in a private manner plain and simple.


    @bonustreak 203589 wrote:

    I remember that when both Kamiel and Miles started here they both sent a mail to their affiliates they had email addys for already, I am sure saved or stored in their favorites to me that is not stealing and how in the hell can you steal from a bunch of crooked thieves like GP anyway? I don’t mind if long standing Affiliate Managers contact me when they are in a new job I think it is acceptable.

    As far as this whole issue I think it is best left up to those involved to take care of in a private manner plain and simple.

    That is not acceptable that affiliates info stays with that program they worked for so they worked out of an office on a work computer using a company email address so how`s this jump to their new work computer? Without making a copy of address and taking it with them. So is it acceptable for a long standing casino Managers to contact high rollers when they start a new mangers job at a new casino? I do not care if it was gp or any other casino affiliate program what they have done is not acceptable


    We have indeed contacted affiliates who arent currently part of the programme and this, I would imagine, is key to any affiliate recruitment plan. We apologise if this has caused offence but it was genuinely only part of a recruitment plan for contacting key affiliates. Where an affiliate has asked not be contacted again we have honoured their request.


    There is a fine line there sometimes.

    There are a handful of managers who know me well in person by now, and who have switched work places. I don’t mind them contacting me, I actually appreciate and encourage it, I want to know what they are up to.

    Also, programs hire AMs sometimes particularly because they have good relationships with affs.

    There is a difference between having personal contacts and stealing a data base.

    If this threead goes on I will likely split it, the topic of data base versus personal contacts is interesting and needs it’s own title, so it will come up in searches.


    If i give an affiliate manager my business card or an address other than my standard aff program addy, they have the right to contact me for any reason, unless/until i ask them to stop.

    On the other hand, even a former aff manager has my card, they shouldn’t have any information from their former employer, that was in the system, but not on my card.

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