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Golden Lounge and Golden Associates are Liers,Cheaters,Thiefs and Life Ruiners‏

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  • #798635

    I recieved the e-mail from Miles regarding his situation yesterday and I am extremely thankful that I was given a “Heads Up” on this program. To disrespect any individual this way is ugly enough but… to do so, to someone that picks up his whole world so to speak and literally moves away from his home to recieve a paycheck is just “Dirty Business” and we all know that sooner or later how this SH*T rolls down hill and lands smack in our faces!
    Thanks Miles – You did the right thing – Letting others know your plight.


    Bonusstreak! What a wonderful thing to do, and i will second that. I know i don’t make much if any at Golden Ass. Seeing how i have not been able to log in to check in over 3 months, but if i have any earnings i would like mine also sent to miles, and i want proof of it being sent to. But i am sure, they will come up with some excuse why it can not be done, or they will tell me i have no earnings and i can’t prove otherwise, so i will look into other accounts for this month and see if i have anything i can send to miles myself, but i need his contact info? anyone??

    Chris, your kindness is awesome and i am sure Miles will never forget.



    Thanks everyone, Miles has declined my offer so I think it best that we just let him handle this in a private manor with the company. The last mail I got was that he prefers to handle this in private. So let us all get on with work and these folks can talk in private.:hattip:


    Sounds good, I wouldn’t want to aggravate the situation. Good to hear Miles is in negotiations now.

    Purely Bingo

    I am glad to Hear that also especially when i was brought onboard by Kamiel.

    Does anyone have Kamiel or Miles contact infos?


    To all Affiliates,

    Golden Associate who represent Golden Lounge Casino would like to make clear their position regarding previous employee Miles Sax (also written Miles Saccks or Myles Saccks).

    Ordinarily we would not comment on any individual and do not want to be drawn into a debate on this matter however we understand that some affiliates may be confused so below you will find our view on the matter.

    Contract ended
    Miles Sax was employed by Golden Associate to recruit and manage affiliates. On Thursday 5th March the decision was made to restructure the affiliate department which meant that Miles, along with other staff, was let go. This was unfortunate for all employees affected but unfortunately does happen in companies from time to time. Miles was notified of this and informed he would be paid one notice period as set out in his contract.

    Breach of Contract
    On Tuesday 10th March we received notification that Miles had been contacting affiliates saying not to trust us and that we were ‘thieves’ (Appendix A,B). There were other concerns before this matter but when this happened we were left with little choice other than to make the decision that Miles was in breach of his contract for gross misconduct and his contract would be ceased with immediate effect. He had already been paid for every day that he worked up to and including 5th March. The fact of the matter is that he would have received one month’s salary at the end of the month had he not sent misleading information, all other employees who were let go as part of the restructure received payment as per their contracts.

    Personal Circumstances
    Regarding Miles’s personal circumstances, we are not robots and do feel for him after reading his comments regarding his private life, however we want to make clear that he did not communicate that information to us until after he had contacted affiliates with incorrect information.

    Contrary to popular belief we had contacted Miles offering to make payment but received the following response “Yes sure youll get me my money you know what i dont care i was lied to before and im guessing youll be a lier too.” (Appendx C).
    He was not asked by the management of the company to move residence (from Cape Town to Johannesburg) at any time and he did not communicate any money issues or ask for any financial assistance, therefore we had no knowledge of the severity of his situation. Again, we are sorry to hear about Miles’s position but because he was in breach of contract he left us with little option.

    Miles has also stated that we disrespected him personally via various statements. We strongly deny all of these fabricated statements which were made by Miles to enhance his claims. We certainly did not make any negative personal comments.
    We also have reason to believe Miles is asking his industry friends to post on his behalf and while we appreciate affiliates can post whatever they want we ask that comments are verified before posting.

    Nobody at this company has had further correspondence with Miles since Appendix C and if he wants to discuss further he can contact us at

    Moving forward
    We regret Miles’s action and want to assure all affiliates that major changes have occurred within the organisation which has included new marketing, affiliates, payments and fraud teams. We appreciate that affiliates will still want to comment on this thread but hope the above clearly states our position. We are working tirelessly around the clock to improve the site for affiliates and players alike.

    All affiliates who have generated commission for April will be paid on the 15th of May. We are aware of the importance of this to affiliates. Commission amounts are available via your online tracking (subject to fraud adjustments).

    New Affiliates
    We will do our best to build up your trust and ask that you not let the above matter completely determine your view of Golden Associate or Golden Lounge.
    If you would like to discuss this further please contact us directly via or via our website

    Golden Associate

    Appendix A
    Message Sent on March 10th using the Private Message function on CAP Forum (we received the message as all PM’s were sent to his old work email inbox)
    “Originally Posted by Miles007
    Please dont repeat this we were let go we never left they are liers please dont repeat this as thye still owe me and (name removed -other employees) money salaries.

    also i think i did a good job and have also been bounced we though we could go forward with these guys but there yiu go good lukc and gain fight as these guys are thives just dont mention i said anything Miles”

    Appendix B

    Sent on 10th March 2009
    “Hi (names removed)

    I am sorry but as you know (other employee) and I were let go we did not leave of our own accord. Thye felt that this other group could do better. I am sorry please do not state anything i say in this message yet.

    We were let go we love you guys the golden louge guys decided we were not good enough.

    Please dont mention anything but id love for you to give these guys **** thye deserve it and are thieves they have stolen my like and that of (other employee).

    Please dont repeat what i have said and do it in your own way.


    Not sure if ill be back again job wise but who knows”

    Appendix C
    Message from Miles after offer was made to conclude the matter
    Subject: RE:
    Sender: miles sax


    HI Paul,

    Its going on CAP

    Yes sure youll get me my money you know what i dont care i was lied to before and im guessing youll be a lier too.

    I have mailed over 500 of my affiliates good luck in dealing with this

    storm thats about to hit.



    @Satya 202231 wrote:

    If all this is true, it is really bad and maybe some one can help him get some work. Anyone knows his email id.

    Very true!

    I have some contacts in the recruitment sector of our industry, and have offered them to Miles, but he has declined.

    Just reiterating what I said over at GPWA – With Miles’ experience in his past roles, and the many positive references he has, I’m sure he will be able to find a new role in or out of our industry without any problems and I wish him the best of luck.


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