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Free affiliate stats checker

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  • #624317

    Hi, can anyone suggest a program to check all my stats for my casino affiliate accounts so i dont have to log into each affilitate account to check my figures, clicks and conversions. I have found one that comes recommended called statsremote but it is a paid subsciption only. Currently my websites are making very little money and its not yet worth me paying $30 a month for this service, does anyone know of a service that does this free, i have found a few through google searchs but dont really know if i want to trust some of them..any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you


    Hi, is great. Another one that is getting good reviews is, but it isn’t free. I know that isn’t what you are looking for, but it is worth the money to pay for the service. I would imagine your time would be better spent optimizing your site to get more traffic and convert more players, instead of logging in and out of multiple systems to get stats.

    Just my 2 cents. I would be curious to see who else out there uses free stat checkers too and who they recommend.



    This question comes up every now and again in forums and I’m sure that there is no decent stats checker that is free


    @CornHusker 227283 wrote:

    Hi, is great. Another one that is getting good reviews is, but it isn’t free. I know that isn’t what you are looking for, but it is worth the money to pay for the service. I would imagine your time would be better spent optimizing your site to get more traffic and convert more players, instead of logging in and out of multiple systems to get stats.

    Just my 2 cents. I would be curious to see who else out there uses free stat checkers too and who they recommend.


    Thanks i think ill look at those to :-)


    I´ve been using statsremote and that is just great stats checker. Yes it will cost some money but it is really worth it. You will save hours and hours of time when using this kind of program. :hattip:

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