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September 8, 2004 at 7:55 pm #654652
InactiveI vote for public hangings as well!
I second that motion! Honesty goes both ways and as others have said, I think I know who these two are.
September 8, 2004 at 8:23 pm #654655Anonymous
InactiveDon’t understand why it is that people don’t have enough integrity, enough guts or enough confidence in their own abilities to try to earn money honestly anymore.
Stealing from others seems to have become a way of life.
Sad commentary on society . . we’re surrounded by SCUMBAGS! :shooter:
September 8, 2004 at 8:35 pm #654657Anonymous
GuestIt baffles the mind – the money is there to be earned honestly, there’s absolutely no need to resort to dirty tricks.
September 8, 2004 at 8:41 pm #654660Anonymous
Guestedited – message posted twice..??
September 8, 2004 at 9:30 pm #654670Anonymous
Guestme too, only my second was uptop. I wanted the aff programs to read this too
Well we fear reprisals much more often and from a much more vulnerable position.
Yet we do it. (speak up that is)
1. We cannot police ourselves if we don’t know who to police.
2. We cannot “police ourselves” effectively: period. However we can support the programs. But its up to the programs to protect themselves in this matter. There simply is no other way. So what if the names were released, what is anybody here going to do about it?
Just like we work together to exposure programs that shave, cheat or otherwise have “tracking issues”, the programs must learn to work together in a similar way.
Many, many times I have signed and sent programs very good traffic and seen nothing for my troubles.
That is the risk you take. What should have happened is just like we will put in $200 into a PPC and then if it doesn’t produce, we don’t go back.
It should be the same for the other side of the table. If any program got taken for an extreme amount of money then frankly as I see it they’ve nobody to blame but their own lazy if not totally incompetent people.
When after the first 10 players signed up and not one of them showed any signs of being a quality player, (afore mentioned number should be recalculated according to the expected quality of the traffic, I just picked 10 out of a hat): it should have raised a red flag big enough to see from across the room.
When such happens, its the program’s responsibility to contact the traffic’s origin (that would be the offenders) and tell them they no longer are going to pay them on that sort of basis.
September 8, 2004 at 9:43 pm #654672Anonymous
InactiveOT (off topic)
hey bb1 are you aware that some of your links point to http://www.yoursite.com and some point to yoursite.com ???
Thats a big Search Engine no-no …
September 8, 2004 at 10:18 pm #654678Anonymous
InactiveI have a point that may not run well with all but what the heck, there is a hurricane on my back.
The aff managers need to make programs that are enticing to us and protect them on the backside. It is their job to do so (don’t blister me as I ran some of the first programs).
The bottom line is that there will always be people taking the short road, the aff managers should be experianced now to block this and if not they are exposed.
If there are people on this board that capitolize on this then i am sorry to hear this but it is the real world and I wish it was not so. It is the reverse of buyer be ware but it is aff beware. It is also part of the learning curve that successful aff have gone thru.
September 8, 2004 at 11:38 pm #654681Anonymous
Guestoff topic.
thanks Ark, Ya, I know. (kicks the ground)
but I’ve about given up on my short-lived SEO career.
you’re totally right. I do need to fix that. my Frontpage has something wrong with the “replace” button when you use it for a whole site – if you’re using the shared borders because it makes them duplicate for some reason. so if you changed 3 things thruout the site when you were finished there would be 4 x the original shared border part showing.
I found this out the hard damn way (had to go change over 300 pages- one at a time) and ever since then have been extremely gunshy of using the feature.
But thanks for the heads-up.
well now that I know you’ve seen my sites; I’m waiting for the question of how in the hell does he ever make any money?
…. begging. lots and lots of begging.
September 8, 2004 at 11:38 pm #654682vladcizsol
MemberOk since everyone seems to think it best to disclose the affiliates who have been taking advantage of the system I guess we might as well.
Greg go ahead and explain what happened and whos involved. These two have also been identified as abusers at at least five other programs so its probably best to get this out in the open so that list doesnt continue to grow.
September 9, 2004 at 1:19 am #654692Anonymous
Inactivewell now that I know you’ve seen my sites; I’m waiting for the question of how in the hell does he ever make any money?
I just seen your site for the first time … noticed the links in your signature above and clicked through – first thing I noticed was that the www was missing in the address bar – then I seen that the logo said www. Thats what first threw me for a loop …
Then I seen on a few of the links in the navigation that some showed www and some didnt …
Oh and I figured you must have a few rich sod customers keeping you happy! :rollover:
through/thru – threw LOL
September 9, 2004 at 12:31 pm #654702vladcizsol
MemberHey arkyt give me or the Captain a call later today…
September 9, 2004 at 3:44 pm #654709Anonymous
InactiveOriginally posted by arkyt
I vote for public hangings as well!Dont put it behind closed doors … when we gripe about the programs we do so in public – why not gripe in public about colleagues breaking the rules as well?
Heck most of us know who they are already anyways. If they are truly fraudulant lets work together to put them to rest just like we would to put a known fraudulant program/casino down!
I agree. I don’t think it’s right to give the fraudsters privacy. IMHO, the moment they chose to be dishonest is the moment they waived their rights to get respect.
September 9, 2004 at 4:53 pm #654720Anonymous
InactiveThe Affiliates in question are :
Elizabeth May
Michelle SlowinskiI am quite willing to speak to other Affiliate Managers re this situation as well.
Greg Gomes
September 9, 2004 at 5:05 pm #654721Anonymous
InactiveOriginally posted by Wager
The Affiliates in question are :Elizabeth May
Michelle SlowinskiThanks Greg… for just pointing to the white elephant and shouting “LOOK!”.
Most of us did know these were the two, and I am happy you have the courage to name names…
I’ve never dealt with Michelle, but Elizabeth doesn’t surprise me at all. From what I’ve gathered by reading her posts, she seems like the type to put “self” first at all costs…. even at the price of her own (dare I say it?) integrity….
September 9, 2004 at 5:08 pm #654722vladcizsol
MemberThanks Greg!