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Founders of Neteller Arrested!

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  • #722822


    I’ll direct your attention to this USA vs Canada Brawl

    Please pay close attention to Frenchy kicking the living crap out of your bad boys


    Nick Canada makes good beer. They could kick the shit out of us in Hockey. Canadians are great people and live in a society that is often more civil then the US.

    The US specializes in world domination, we know what we are doing, we have the troops weapons, technology and experience. On average we beat the shit out of some poor country somewhere every ten years, if the Republicans are in office we go for twosies. To even suggest that Canada would prevail in a military confrontation is silly. You guys would be hard pressed to beat France.

    All that aside our countries are friends and allies. To even day dream that Canada would confront the US over peoples “right” to play a little poker online or drop a couple of bucks on a football game is silly. You must be drinking gallons of Molsons Canadian. Wish I was there mug in hand too.

    :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:


    This neteller thing sucks but it’s not entirely unexpected.

    Regarding nortel a couple of weeks ago they did a share split. Basically for every 10 shares you had they gave you 1 back and the amount per share went up in value by 10. So basically it’s still hovering around the $3 range had the shares never split.

    I was also pretty lucky with this company. I saw them trading at below a dollar and then sold them at over $3 a couple of months later.

    Neteller is publically traded so I think our money is pretty safe right now. I do agree that if you own shares they are going to tank.


    Perhaps i should breakdown this matchup for everyone, put my handicapping skills to use, i’ll start with this little tidbit of historical Canadiana from one of my sources…

    Any analysis of this conflict ought to start with the respective war records of the two combatants. The US is 3-2-1 since its inception (not including the Civil War which would have added a win and a loss to the record), while Canada is 5-0-1 during the same period, including a 1-0 record against the Yanks (1812). Moreover, while the Americans were having sex with each other in billowing parachutes, we Canucks were hip-deep in the two world wars this century from the very beginning, taking on every dog-ass job the Allies could throw to us and earning a reputation amongst the Germans as “the Allied SS”.

    Please feel free to rebut my comical claims


    I’m just workin on you guys, don’t worry about it

    Although you do often remind me of the boxer who just got dummied up and blames his loss on politics, thus somehow coming to the conclusion that they are still undefeatable.


    Nick if we are going to get into a mathmatical debate in this thread I am going to lock it. Canada deserves better representation then that and its too serious a topic to get derailed with foolishness.

    Ok we had fun, back to business.

    Professor wrote:
    Nick if we are going to get into a mathmatical debate in this thread I am going to lock it. Canada deserves better representation then that and its too serious a topic to get derailed with foolishness.

    Ok we had fun, back to business.

    Back to business

    Why would i pull out of Neteller now when some very respectable billionaires are joining their cause, makes no sense

    The US is outmanned, not by Canada, i’m talking about England(Europe), Asia, India, etc, all siding against them on this thing.


    No one said for you to pull out of Neteller. We are reporting on what’s going on.

    Shit Neteller deserves our support without them we are going to be in VERY bad shape.

    I am unhappy to see them come under this kind of pressure, but its obvious it’s being done to “encourage” them to come into compliance with the new US laws sooner rather then later.

    Dont delude yourself “shots across the bow” like this definately will get the attention of the world banking community and you can be sure we will be feeling the reprecussions shortly.

    Banks are conservative not militant. They will act, be sure of it.

    The US is outmanned, not by Canada, i’m talking about England(Europe), Asia, India, etc, all siding against them on this thing.

    Do you REALLY believe this Nick? I mean REALLY? You think that the average citizen in the UK or China or Japan or India is fuming over the US anti gambling legislation and planning on a coalition to take America to its knees?

    If you Really believe that then you need help, you are spending so much time online and are so immersed in this issue that its clouding your perception of what’s going on in the world.

    We all focus on this because its our livliehood, but the average citizen doesnt have a clue that anything is even going on. You know what THEY are thinking about “Ooooh American Idol is starting a new season” or “How am I going to feed my family, things are getting so expensive” the last thing a guy in Calcutta or Leeds is thinking about is how to stop the US menace to online gambling.


    I agree Lou, but people here came to the conclusion earlier that it was time to dump Neteller, that’s what i was responding to, their panic attack

    The truth is, several prominent businessmen are siding against the US on this, and are taking advantage of the panic attacks to buy up stock at reduced prices

    Apparently a law is going to be signed within the next year, sort of like a unanimous vote by the rest of the world on this whole matter, and speculation is that nobody will be taking the same stance as the US on this

    Back to comedy for a minute, which is where i like to spend most of my time, check this out, it’s where i grabbed the earlier info

    USA vs Canada – The Grudge Match

    Professor wrote:
    Do you REALLY believe this Nick? I mean REALLY? You think that the average citizen in the UK or China or Japan or India is fuming over the US anti gambling legislation and planning on a coalition to take America to its knees?

    If you Really believe that then you need help, you are spending so much time online and are so immersed in this issue that its clouding your perception of what’s going on in the world.

    We all focus on this because its our livliehood, but the average citizen doesnt have a clue that anything is even going on. You know what THEY are thinking about “Ooooh American Idol is starting a new season” or “How am I going to feed my family, things are getting so expensive” the last thing a guy in Calcutta or Leeds is thinking about is how to stop the US menace to online gambling.

    Actually i can’t agree with that, you could say the same about US residents, most don’t really care

    But it’s not about that, it’s about politics, and several other countries taking an opposing view to that of the US, that’s what i was referring to when i said outmanned.

    A coalition opposing the US has already been formed in case you weren’t aware, you gotta remember you guys are in the US and the info you get down there is all filtered out nice for you.

    I don’t wanna get into a whole political thing here, seriously

    But you should expect that the rest of the world will side with England and regulate gambling somehow, and not ban it entirely.

    But you should expect that the rest of the world will side with England and regulate gambling somehow, and not ban it entirely.

    Lets hope so, I have kids to feed.


    I hope this will wake up people involved in the online gambling indusitry to the fact. QUIT TRAVELLING TO THE USA.


    Yeah Antoine you would think so wouldnt you.

    Professor wrote:
    Lets hope so, I have kids to feed.

    Didn’t you see the news on this from last week about the conference that was held to discuss this subject

    There is absolutely no way in hell that Europe, Asia, India would side with the US over England, it doesn’t even matter who’s right or wrong, or even what the issue is, it just happens to be that England is in the right as an added bonus.

    Don’t worry, all will be fine

    I edited this to add one more point

    If you should still have doubts

    Siding with the US on this issue would virtually result in the loss of Pro Sports from across the world, i mean the whole English Soccer League is financially backed by online Sports Betting companies, as are other countries as well.

    If you take away the game you can be 100% assured of all out rioting and bloodshed from across the world, in which case promoting casinos would be the least of your concerns.

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