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Founders of Neteller Arrested!

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  • #722703

    You would be amazed how fast an aff check arrives at your door. I have some come right on the third of the month. Payspark or Money bookers are very good viable alternatives.

    Okay I will shut up now.


    Professor wrote:
    Is that so?

    Mmm …

    These extradition laws were passed in the UK on the grounds of the terrorism fears that were going around.

    Blair’s willingness to allow the extradition to the US for non-trerrorism related activities has caused a significant dent in his personal credibility and was another major reason for his decision to step down from leadership of the Labour Party.

    The UK press slaughtered Blair and Labour over this … but it is true – technically in the UK you can be extradited legally to the US even for activities that are legal in the UK.

    Professor wrote:
    Is that so?

    OMG!!! Unbelievable!!! :nervous:

    greek39 wrote:
    You would be amazed how fast an aff check arrives at your door. I have some come right on the third of the month. Payspark or Money bookers are very good viable alternatives.

    Okay I will shut up now.


    Your bank doesn’t look at ya funny when you deposit all of those checks from around the world ?


    Well, to me this article tells me that:

    – 2 people were arested in LA

    – those people have/had shares of Neteller

    And that’s it. I dont think they are famous enough so their arests should become news without even knowing the charge :D
    So far, this is OK for the crime column of an LA newspaper on a very slow day (tell them Pastor).

    And lets not forget that it is quite possible that those two are crooks, and could have been involved in money laundering. Also, (placing the link to avoid dup content) from :

    This could come as a breath of fresh air for Neteller, after the company announced at the end of December that, Corvina International Ltd, a company owned by the former chairman of Neteller, Stephen Lawrence, has unloaded almost 2.4 million shares of Neteller, cutting his interest in the company which he formerly resided over.

    This could mean many things, so let’s just wait for the charges.


    If anyone cares for my opinion(remember i said Neteller were Canadians and you all jumped all over me saying they weren’t), i believe these reports are coming out of England

    I was also watching this 2 minute video that might interest people



    there is nothing that the DOJ can do about a legally operated, foreign based company

    Is that so?

    I was talking about owning shares in such company. I dont think that shareholders from Enron were on trial…

    As far as management is concerned – they could be arrested for anything and everything.

    LadyHoldem wrote:
    Your bank doesn’t look at ya funny when you deposit all of those checks from around the world ?

    Not in the slightess, in fact I think they like it. Probably because I have multiple accounts and am a heavy investor. In addition Banks are slowly becoming aware the World is a Global Economy.



    Originally Posted by LadyHoldem
    Your bank doesn’t look at ya funny when you deposit all of those checks from around the world ?

    Unless you live in the middle of nowhere and your banks serves 10 customer a week and hurdles the money with a wagon to the Big City – you are not the only one with international checks. :laughcry: Just playin’


    Good point Stupid there is also MoneyMart?


    LadyHoldem wrote:
    Your bank doesn’t look at ya funny when you deposit all of those checks from around the world ?

    not at all …

    There are 5 billion people and only 4 million New Zealanders – so I make that odds of 4996 in 5000 that the people I’m dealing with are overseas …

    So me having a NZ cheque would be an eye opener !!

    Well maybe that’s a little overdone – but with such a small market Kiwi’s have to export services to survive … I think that it would be just like you presenting an “out-of-state” cheque.

    But perhaps it’s different in the US – I’ve heard stories that some people don’t ever leave their state (let alone the actual US) in their entire lives ??


    There are other ways, but if someone wants to take it to a new level – I posted this link in the GPWA forum for a realted topic – go get you some free Swiss bank accounts:

    You can bookmark it just in case :rollover:


    0.75% interest !!!

    It’s 7.50% over here right now … bank guaranteed !!
    Anyone want to invest in the NZ$$ ?


    But perhaps it’s different in the US – I’ve heard stories that some people don’t ever leave their state (let alone the actual US) in their entire lives ??

    It is true and the same applies to any other country – there are many people all over the world whos biggest trip is going to “The City” for supplies :whipper”

    But in USA, a country build on immigrants – foreign checks should be the last thing to surprise a teller.


    Good point Gooner I think the U.S banking system is much different. Where I live money coming in from another country is a good thing. The banks Love it so does the Government. After all I will be contributing to the GDP.


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