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Founders of Neteller Arrested!

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    Gambling911 is reporting that the founders of Neteller were arrested today in Los Angeles and New York


    that sucks – its too risky to set foot in “the land of the free” anymore :(

    How many of you guys are thinking of moving to another country incase affiliates start to get arrested ?

    Have you thought about it prof ? as your pretty high profile being the owner of CAP etc or do you have it all covered



    Land of the free…pah


    I think more info should be found out before anyone freaks out, then remember these are founders they are no longer owners.

    Best start finding another payment opt and yah thought really hard on moving.


    You guys should take it easy – so 2 guys who own shares in Neteller got arested. It probably has nothing to do with Neteller, and if it does, it’s more likely to be linked to how they got the money to start Neteller :)

    As of now they do not work for Neteller, and they certainly did not get arrested for owning shares of LEGALY traded company!

    Neteller does NOT do anything illegal, they are not USA based, and they do not accept wagers.

    I think it will be better to find out what they were arested for. I am STILL waiting on 911 to tell me why Victor Chandler was arested…


    Things get to boring around the gambling world and someone has to create news, I am not saying it is fake but full details are not known it is a sketchy artical with not resourses AND it is going to spark another internet scare, I for one don’t want to suffer another loss of money due to unfounded rumors.


    Things get to boring around the gambling world and someone has to create news, I am not saying it is fake but full details are not known it is a sketchy artical with not resourses AND it is going to spark another internet scare, I for one don’t want to suffer another loss of money due to unfounded rumors.

    I could not agree more!


    If true all I can say is HOLY SHIT! I never used Neteller. I guess we will have to wait and see what effect this has. After all the founders were only arrested.



    The headline barely matches the report … and it seems that vERY LITTLE is known.

    … Charges have not been filed yet.

    … Neither men have been involved with NETeller for a few years now, though it is not known if they are still receiving an “income” from the company

    … The detention of both men indicates a prolonged investigation dating back several years.

    … It is not known why either were traveling in the United States at the same time transferring through two different airports.

    … Nor is it known at this time if the two men are being detained for anything having to do with their involvement in NETeller.

    But it does smack of a fanatacism by US officials – almost a religious zeal.

    Gambling = EVIL !!
    You wouldn’t think that Las Vagas exist … or the WSOP …

    Just weird …

    The headline doesn’t match the report …

    The headline states:
    NETeller Founders Arrested in US

    The report states:

    The two founders of online gambling payment solutions NETeller were arrested in Los Angeles and New York, respectively, today, according to reports surfacing Monday afternoon has learned.

    How does that not match?

    Neither men have been involved with NETeller for a few years now, though it is not known if they are still receiving an “income” from the company

    They were the founders and have been arrested due to an investigation of their association with or activities at Neteller, no?

    Nor is it known at this time if the two men are being detained for anything having to do with their involvement in NETeller.

    Were they detained for wearing similar cologne?

    But it does smack of a fanatacism by US officials – almost a religious zeal.

    Yes thats true.


    Oh, Neteller will pull out, this is 99% sure. They are a publicly trade company, so they will have to pull out (if they have to). The fact is that the law is putting too much pressure on the banks, and nobody knows what will happen, but one thing is for sure – you will always be able to deposit with your credit card one way or another.

    If webmasters worry about payment methods – you can survive with the check option from the aff. programs. As a matter of fact – Referback is one company already sending checks in Euros…


    Since there is nothing that the DOJ can do about a legally operated, foreign based company, then all they can do is to try and negatively impact on the value of its shares in the hope of scaring it off.


    I am sure there will be additional news available tomorrow. Obviously something happened related to Neteller and arrests were made. I would not be the least bit surprised for charges of Money Laundering or other such nonsense to be cited as the cause, but lets wait and see.


    Prof you see I changed my comment in this version of the thread from “doesn’t match” to “barely matches” …

    Note that the top two lines you commented on were direct from the article … I think that they’ve borrowed a tabloid headline writer from the SUN.

    there is nothing that the DOJ can do about a legally operated, foreign based company

    Is that so?

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