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Founders of Neteller Arrested!

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  • #600084

    Gambling911 is reporting that the founders of Neteller were arrested today in Los Angeles and New York


    Holy cow!!!!!!!



    it was tooooo quiet the past weeks


    The headline doesn’t match the report …

    … Charges have not been filed yet.

    … Neither men have been involved with NETeller for a few years now, though it is not known if they are still receiving an “income” from the company

    … The detention of both men indicates a prolonged investigation dating back several years.

    … It is not known why either were traveling in the United States at the same time transferring through two different airports.

    … Nor is it known at this time if the two men are being detained for anything having to do with their involvement in NETeller.

    But it does smack of a fanatacism by US officials – almost a religious zeal.

    Gambling = EVIL !!
    You wouldn’t think that Las Vagas exist … or the WSOP …

    Just weird …

    The headline doesn’t match the report …

    The headline states:
    NETeller Founders Arrested in US

    The report states:

    The two founders of online gambling payment solutions NETeller were arrested in Los Angeles and New York, respectively, today, according to reports surfacing Monday afternoon has learned.

    How does that not match?

    Neither men have been involved with NETeller for a few years now, though it is not known if they are still receiving an “income” from the company

    They were the founders and have been arrested due to an investigation of their association with or activities at Neteller, no?

    Nor is it known at this time if the two men are being detained for anything having to do with their involvement in NETeller.

    Were they detained for wearing similar cologne?

    But it does smack of a fanatacism by US officials – almost a religious zeal.

    Yes thats true.


    hey Prof,

    The lines (that you’re subsequently commented on) were taken directly from that report link that you posted …

    That was my point (albeit poorly made) that inside the article it takes a completely different tone from the headline …

    The headline was designed to get the click – with the article has little to say …. almost like a UK tabloid newspaper …

    Oh – the religious zeal bit was my comment …


    They were the founders and have been arrested due to an investigation of their association with or activities at Neteller, no?

    From the 911 article:

    It is not known why either were traveling in the United States at the same time transferring through two different airports. Nor is it known at this time if the two men are being detained for anything having to do with their involvement in NETeller.

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