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Forum Hacked

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  • #688050
    occ wrote:
    Yet another example of bad things happening to good people. Sorry to hear about this, but glad that 4flush helped you out. I’ve been meaning to join your forum, do you think you have the forum under control now? Or do you have to implement more security before you use it again?

    1st Thank you ALL for your replys!!!! And very very kind words!!!

    So far so good, we added a few more security measures, and banned the IP etc, after a bit more investigation though, I belive he joined through a proxy IP so banning it really doesnt help all that much. I do think I will likely change to Vbulletin and away from IPB ASAP though. PhpBB is working out pretty well on WAC, so I might try that one … any suggestions?

    ~ LadyH


    Thanx a bunch Damian!


    Don’t use PhpBB, they have loads of vulnerabilities, VBulletin is much better and you have more control. :)

    occ wrote:
    Don’t use PhpBB, they have loads of vulnerabilities, VBulletin is much better and you have more control. :)

    I’ve been using phpBB for years and have been very happy with it.

    With the mySQL injection vulnerability last year (caused some headaches) but if you’ve patched that issue then you should be fine. Adding the latest version takes care of other issues too. The problem is that people don’t upgrade to current versions. The reason they have updates is to fix identified vulnerabilities. VBulletin btw do exactly the same.

    Whatever people choose to use if they don’t upgrade the likelihood of hackers finding a way in as vulnerabilities are found is more likely no matter what platform you use, forum/cms or otherwise. I’d also mention that a hackers road to success is increased depending on how the hosting server is setup.

    Granted phpBB is GPL as apposed to VBulletin being a purchased product, but that doesn’t always mean better. Out of interest have you used phpBB or is this a generalised comment?



    Yes I have used PhpBB, but it was ages ago. I do agree with your summary of forum software though :) I’ve been out of the ‘forum loop’ for a few years now. But I do happen to think that Vbulletin is better in terms of control of your forum.

    occ wrote:
    But I do happen to think that Vbulletin is better in terms of control of your forum.

    Depends on what you want to control I guess.

    Everyone to their own :)

    I like phpBB as I’m used to it and there are heaps of mods and so on…Plus if I have to write a custom mod I don’t have to think about which files it should be placed in.


    I suggest vBulletin or Invision. Whichever one is better for SEO.

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