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Fortune affiliates refuse to pay me!

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  • #591670

    They tell me that i have abused the CPA modell but the only thing i have done is to put up banners on my site + posts in my forum..

    Here is the mail contact i got and they don’t say many words or seem intrested in a good solution.

    My first letter:

    Hi, i wonder when you will pay affiliates for the last month? In the FAQ it says the 20th each month but i havent recieved any payment yet.

    My account is XXX


    Bjorn E

    They wrote:

    Hi Bjorn;

    Thank you for contacting Fortune Affiliates.

    Our auditors have reversed the Casino CPA earnings on your account for CPA abuse. You will not be paid for these accounts and from the 1st January you will be on the Casino Wagering Share earnings model.

    Please let us know if you need anything else.


    I wrote:

    You can’t just ignore paying me.. I have made a lot of post in my forum + added your casinos in my emails (mailinglist).

    I have worked very hard promoting YOUR casinos becuse you have a good CPA rate and the players need to make 2 deposits before i can earn anything. A lot of time spent on YOU and then for nothing..

    Then i could have spent all my time promoting other casinos.

    Please tell me exactly in what way i have abused you and i hope you have a good explanation.. And how can you say abuse when you havent seen the future and how many deposits that will be made..

    Now i lost a lot of players under me that for example have made 0-1 deposits and from them i wont earn CPA or Net rev..

    I’m very disapointed.. ;o(

    They wrote:

    Hi again;

    There are different reasons our auditors would flag you for abuse, the simplest of these being that all or the majority of your players who qualified for CPA have made only the minimum 2 purchases.

    This matter has been looked into extensively by both ourselves and our auditors and the conclusion remains the same: We cannot pay you for these referred players.


    My third letter!

    But this is insane.. I have your casinos in sticky posts in my forum (top post)

    and your banners at my first page at

    and some on this site to + the forum there

    The ting with the CPA modell is that i get a good amount of cash fist and then when i have got it i will never recieve a penny from that players any more.. You take all of the winnings from them year after year and that is the idea of the CPA modell and you know that. Some of the players will be a loss for you and some of them will generate more cash than the average. You can’t know right now how many and how big the future deposits from them will be so it’s to early to talk about an abuse of the CPA! You know that to and a normal person understand this to.

    It’s not fair that i have to pay for an earning modell you have setup and that you can’t live up to.. I PAY money for running my site and get visitors and i recently brought a new computer to have as an server. Your casinos it the ones i have worked hardest with. (Banners on firstpage + in the forum) I had counted on the money i have earned from you and other places to afford it and all the contest and marketing for my site.

    I have visitors that have deposited over $1000 at other casinos so some of them are high quality!

    However.. I have earned $800 last month and this moth this far is $1000. + i have players under me that haven’t made any deposit + some that have made 1 deposit and that can genterate money in the future, what do i get.. You will not pay me a penny? So i have paid money myself + work to get YOU players and i have spent money in belive that i soon will get money from you.

    If you told me like this..

    We don’t belive your players will generate money enought so the CPA model you have will not make any benefit to us, we have to change it to the Net rev to the next month.

    And the money i have earned will of course be paid becuse i have earned them..

    At least i want some of it if you can’t pay me everything but so far there is $1800 that you just tell me to not recive + player loss under me that is a big loss of money i haven’t earned yet.

    I wonder who is being abused right now and i feel i wana puke!

    This is a very great and strategic way for YOU to make a fortune..

    I want you to forward this letter to the manager.


    Bjorn E – webmaster at

    Their answer:


    The problem is that we know players are not going to deposit again and the casino will not make any money from them. If we see a difference in your players in a while we can consider changing this and paying you for them but until then we consider it abuse and will not be paying you.


    My 4th letter

    The best way to solve this problem and this will be fair from both sides is to look in the history from my last month i got paid with the CPA and from the “abuse” month and forward convert everyone into Net rev share modell. I will not loose anything (players or $$) becuse i will then get everything from their play in the future to.
    If you can do this i will not have any bad feelings!

    I can’t know how many times a player will make a deposit and i think if a player do 2 deposits he/she will probably deposit again. Otherwise he/she would have made 1 deposit to go for the promos you have.

    I really hope that you will pay me in the future if you can’t convert the old months into rev share BUT will you contact me if the players deposits in the future or do i need to contact you to se whats going on in their accounts? I will never be able to see the players future so i hope i can trust you here. I have no problem with a rev share modell but the money i loose when i haven’t done anything wrong is very bad.

    I also wonder how you can think that none of all the players probably never will make any more deposit. I play a bit myself and sometimes i visit casinos and start deposit some after a half year and i think if i do something like that there is probably more ppl doing the same..

    Then i think a very good idea would be if new affiliates only can choose the Net rev modell and then will be able to choose the CPA when you se what players that arrives to you so this situation won’t happen to affiliates like me or lower the CPA rate so you can take the risk otherwise the CPA modell is pointless to me..

    I would be very happy if it’s possible to convert the “abuse” players in to Net rev and then continue on that… I just don’t want 2 month’s work on your casinos go away for nothing. And that would really be fair from both sides. I can really understand you and how you reason and i hope you can se my situation as well. I haven’t worked as an affiliate for a year yet and for me this means a lot and i don’t want to loose that players i got. So please, even if it means some work for you to convert the players i will be satisfied with this solution.

    /Bjorn E

    They haven’t wrote back after this… ???

    What do you think about this?


    I will post here again and tell you the end as soon i get an answer from them or if..



    The old CPA go around again.

    Perhaps some day programs will offer CPA only to affiliates who have proven that their average player value meets the CA value?



    Yes… Same ol – same ol.

    However, as I always say… There is NO reason the programs shouldn’t retro-actively move all players to rev-share when this happens.


    The players is from last month and this month.. How can they say that they won’t deposit again or that they don’t will earn from them in the future. It’s very early to say something like that and i have no problem if they put them into rev share because i believe some of them will probably will deposit again. But they haven’t answered yet.. If they don’t do it i think they are doing this to make $$$ by themselves..

    If i check my stats at other places i have players that deposits a lot every month. How do they KNOW the players they got won’t do that when no time at all have passed?

    I have never ever paid or rewarded a player to make any deposit into a place where i got CPA or Rev share as earnings model.

    I have asked if possible at a few places where i work as an affiliate if that’s ok but it wasn’t so i have never done it.. Never a post like that in my forum or in any mail in my mailing list so how can they talk of an abuse?

    They are running a lot of very good promos and maybe that’s the big problem because the promos results in min deposits to get your winnings and after that some of the players maybe do another small deposit.. I don’t know but just to throw away 2 months of work an none visitor is of quality.. That’s not true because that doesnt make sense to my stats at other places.

    I think the problem here is that i have had CPA for some months and I’m a new affiliate and my site is new to, i have only had it for maybe a half year the earnings from them before was like $0-400 each month. I get more visitors and therefore more players with the time and thees months made therefore more depositing players to them. That’s maybe why they think i abuse the CPA.

    Yes i really hope that they only allow CPA from ppl that first have used the rev share so they See what kinda players they receive.

    They could at least convert the 2 months into rev share for me so i don’t stands with empty hands. If they care about their affiliates they would do it especially when you haven’t done anything wrong.

    Marry Cristmas to all of you!!! :drink:

    kwblue wrote:
    However, as I always say… There is NO reason the programs shouldn’t retro-actively move all players to rev-share when this happens.

    They could at least convert the 2 months into rev share for me so i don’t stands with empty hands.

    I have to agree. That would make perfect sense to do.


    We had contact again and they told me they can’t change the earning model for the months.

    They told me that they will check the players for me and they will also pay me if there will be acctivity in their accounts..

    I belive him and it feels qiute good after all.

    But to all new affiliates it can be good to know that this can happen and that the REV share is probably better so you KNOW that youll get the money tou earn.


    I only have one CPA deal running, and I think I will remove it ASAP.
    It’s really not worth it…


    CPA is a recipe for disaster.

    Professor wrote:
    CPA is a recipe for disaster.

    that should be the tagline for all affiliate sites :)


    However, as I always say… There is NO reason the programs shouldn’t retro-actively move all players to rev-share when this happens.

    that seems very doable to me.

    They are simply choosing to be lazy if they tell you they can’t switch the players over to rev share.

    these are computers for crap’s sake; that’s what they are made to do; is to make the very kind of thing you are wanting; a tangible reality; so their arguement doesn’t make sense to me.


    He told me that they weren’t allowed to change anything like that, but i agree. If they really want to change it they could probably do so. He could have sent this mather to a person that is allowed to change it.

    Well what can i do…

    I have CPA on a few places only and i will keep them right now, if something like this happens at another affiliate program they maybe are allowed to change the settings for old months or discuss a fair solution.

    I think rev-share is the best modell in a longer perspective as long as it isn’t an RTG casino with a lot of free cash coupons.

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