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Firepay Scam????

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  • #597623

    One of my players showed me this email he received from firepay – it sounds absolutely outrageous. It is as if they are going to retrospectively apply a law that hasn’t even been signed yet in order to confiscate money used in casino transactions by US players :omg: If I am reading this correctly, I am utterly stunned and outraged.:shooter:

    This email is to inform you of an upcoming audit of your account. It has come to the attention of The FirePay Team that a number of our members have used FirePay to fund illegal gambling endeavors. Due to recently passed legislation by the United States government, we are working to investigate accounts of our members with United States residences. Under the new law, FirePay is required to confiscate all monies transferred through said illegal wagering and betting sites. FirePay has hired a US based communications firm to aid us in the audits. Your location: MARYLAND UNITED STATES is included in Section C of our audits. Section C audits will occur OCT 4 – OCT 5. A FirePay representative from the local branch of the communications firm we have hired will be contacting you via the phone number you provided in the next 24 hours to carry out your audit. If we are unable to contact you, FirePay will audit your account without your presence. The effect
    s of the audits will take place two weeks after the conclusion of Section Z, estimated NOV 13.

    If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    The FirePay Team


    What IN GOD’S NAME do they think they are doing?? It’s beyond unethical, it is utterly dispicably evil – if I am interpreting it correctly.

    Could Neteller do the same?


    This smacks of a pfishing scam, as opposed to anything “real” by Firepay. When it comes right down to it, Firepay has only been about online gambling, so I can’t imagine that there’s anything an “audit” can do.


    If so that is also very serious – but the letter doesn’t ask for any details, just says hey will be contacted by phone, and if they don’t answer the audit will go ahead anyway..


    This sure sounds like a scam to me, if I was him I would contact firepay and see if this is for real before whoever sent this has a chance to call him asking for info.


    I’ve warned him just now. Anyone have a firepay account and could find out for sure?


    was there any links in the email?

    slotplayer wrote:
    was there any links in the email?

    I don’t know I only just got up and it was posted in my forum a few hours ago, hope he’s still around.


    I do have a Firepay account and I haven’t heard anything about this yet (except for here) I’ll do some checking and see if I can find anything


    I just logged into my Firepay account and looked over the whole site (including reading the TOS) I don’t see anything that has to do with any audit being done or any changes in their policy at all


    Ok thanks, should have realised myself but it was the first thing I saw when I got up this morning :1circling


    Well, “phone phising” is a recent development where they make you call what seems like a legitimate call center but the odd thing with this email is that there seems to be no way for them to get in touch with you to “phish” your details.


    Well if they knew he was in Maryland then they must already have some info on him possibly including his phone number.


    Its a scam. I woke up to about 20 fake emails from Neteller telling me to claim money also. They are Phishing for logins and passwords…


    Some people eh…. wonder where they’re from.:devil:


    My player is not at all convinced that this is a scam – I told him that many similar emails had been doing the rounds but replied with the following:

    “I dont know. my call was legitimate im about 99% sure. the guy had in depth knowledge of my account and one of my friends was called at the same time. he also called me back to tell me that i would be getting an ammount of money for compensation for an earlier incident i had with them, and later called me one other time to verifiy that one of my friend who is also a firepay holder is over 18 since he used his account before he was 18 and it was never age verrified. If it is phishing it is the most in depth scheme ive seen…so much would of had to go into it”

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