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FFS – Do Some Research!!!

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    If they want to promote scum let them, so long as they are doing so in a manner which is not doing me any direct harm.

    That is a very short-term, narrow minded view. If a player ends up at a bad casino and gets burned, it may sour them completely about online gambling. Especially if it is someone that has never gambled online before.

    The bad casinos that rip off people are fodder for the likes of Senator Kyle and others who want to completely ban online gambling. Why make it any easier for them?

    TheGooner wrote:
    Simmo .. I’m obviously being thick ..
    But I’ve read this thread twice … and I still don’t get it …

    What is it that you want us to contribute ?

    (perhaps it’s because I’m down-under?)


    I think its important that other affilaites see that their peers follow ethical practices and research before they represent. There’s too many affiliates giving the rest of us a bad name by representing casinos you wouldn’t send your mother-in-law too.

    In my opinion, they should be told!




    There will be rogues and people who promote rogues in any industry, including this one. The free market generally takes care of it, and I’m not sure that there is a better solution.

    I suppose someone could make a list of programs that it’s okay for me to promote, but I didn’t get into this particular business so that I could do what someone else tells me to do. I got into this business so that I could make my own decisions about what I should or shouldn’t do, and live with the consequences, good or bad, profitable or unprofitable.


    Research for what though?

    Wipe out firms that profit from the use of Spyware/Adware and thats Cassava, IGM, Crypto, Micro, Playtech and Betfair gone for a start.

    Randy is on the money. Who’s good do we folllow apart from our own ultimately.


    I see alot of webmasters who lack ethical practices. Ethics is very ambiguous, the way we ought to behave as individuals. Morality is how we should behave, closely related but also seperate.

    As webmasters promoting Gambling programs, I feel its our moral obligation to check out the program we are promoting. But its quite clear, some webmasters lack any moral character. Its tough serving two masters money and morality. Most choose money, and money has no intrinsic value just instrumental and the two don’t often work together.

    The conflict is clearly demonstrated here on CAP. Cap has the tough decision of serving two masters. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. For example, why is still certified?

    Contrary to my findings and others its a clash of moral values where money takes presidence. I find the whole arguement very hypocritical, promote good programs put your players first but the affiliate program itself lacks moral character. What do you do put the player first? I say yes.

    I have researched to the hilt, even played there lots. They just didn’t meet the standards I set for my site.

    So, the people supporting roque casinos lack the moral character and do it for the wrong reasons. Sending players to a roque is bullshit so is promoting roque affilaite programs such as Honesty is the best policy its the path to the Good Life. greek39


    Back when I was actively fighting scumware, boycotting casinos who used “gator” to cover up our websites and steal our visitors and being quite the activist, I learned the hard way that trying to influence who promotes whom is impossible, no matter how pressing the issue.

    You can’t tell people what to do.

    What you can do, however, is educate.

    Back in the day when you could run sites entirely on PPC generated one time vsitors, you didn’t need a reputation or happy players or content and the pool of new potential players was huge.

    Today you need to have some decent SEO, and return visitors are extremely valuable. Reputation matters. Content matters.

    And the pool of potental new players is slowly shrinking. You are seeing programs being much more concerned with retention.

    So there are a lot of real life tangible issues that are helping to clean this industry up.

    Maybe some people reading this thread will start visiting player boards and getting on top of things.

    But if you really want to influence the situation, you have to bring the information to the people. Bring it here and educate and you will influence many.


    Define the rogue though Greek.

    Some adware is force downloaded onto pc’s, then ads are served where aff banners should be. Likely to the same aff firm at times.

    Then affs knowingly promote aff programmes that knowingly capture their players.

    I don’t get it.

    That is aside the intrusion on the player and related issues. Crashing PC’s, privacy, etc.


    I assume you want the definiton of Rogue in a casino context? Behavior that includes the following:

    1.refuses to do pay outs
    2.cheating software
    3.practices in hooking techniques
    4.cheats players out of their winning/ earnnings
    5.putting holds on payouts
    6. Lock accounts without offering a explanation

    The same can apply to affiliate programs.

    But case in point, its often the webmaster who determines what is rogue and what is not. By regular definiton Roque is an unprincipled state, person, scoundrel,mischievous scamp. Basically inmoral with no quiding principles. greek39

    joeyl wrote:
    Define the rogue though Greek.

    Some adware is force downloaded onto pc’s, then ads are served where aff banners should be. Likely to the same aff firm at times.

    Then affs knowingly promote aff programmes that knowingly capture their players.

    I don’t get it.

    That is aside the intrusion on the player and related issues. Crashing PC’s, privacy, etc.

    Joeyl, wo exactly is doing this and how?

    How about dispensing some education here?


    Several programs here and many more of your fellow affiliates, some who you might even consider friends use contextual advertising to line their pockets. They have no ethics at all; and why should they being that they are getting rich albeit at the expense of the innocent!

    I know at least half a dozen very well known affiliates using this vehicle; surely you know them as well; if not do some investigating you will soon find them; more than likely popping up over your ads! Dom I have surmise that you have an assortment of computers; why not load up some adware on one and start taking names!

    As for 888 being certified they as all of the others should be considered sponsors and not actually certified; it’s my understanding that they are each charged a listing fee of some kind. They are here to give us all an opportunity to openly discuss issues we have with the programs. It’s a great opportunity but usually it’s not utilized to its fullest potential.


    Lol, everyone is hinting around and no one is naming names.


    Here is just one victim of the there are many more. Poor guy, just a innocent surfer being subjected to the immoral practices of

    Hi, any input on this issue would be much appreciated, as I’m not sure of next steps, I have pop ups that I can’t seem to uninstall or nail down as to the culprits.

    The pop-ups are numerous, from, winfixer, Windows registry editor solicitation, etc.

    The system comes up clean in Ad-aware, Spybot, AVG has fixed any viruses that were discovered in the past. Windows messager service is disabled. Ran a RootKitRevealer scan but nothing was found. I ran aproposfix in safe mode but nothing was found either I don’t believe.

    In the past a HijackThis scan was run and it is possible the wrong things may have been deleted, as the other issue is in Add / Remove programs there are 2 programs that can not be uninstalled: checkit86 and Registry fix v3.0.



    Why would we name names? to educate, in your own words Dom “you can’t tell people what to do” but you can “educate”.

    Do you think this approach really works in our arena, how do you tackle greed who use it at the expense of others. Ten people die so one can live? Is this correct moral conduct? greek39

    Dominique wrote:
    Joeyl, wo exactly is doing this and how?

    How about dispensing some education here?
    You knew about this stuff before I was born Dom. I will be as brief as possible.

    eXact advertisers

    Methodology by spyware detective ben edelman
    I installed eXact Advertising software on a dedicated computer in my lab. Using a network monitor (“packet sniffer”), I watched eXact’s transmissions over my Internet connection.

    I observed that eXact retrieves a set of text files that include URLs to advertisements and trigger conditions (URL fragments and keywords). When a user requests a web page that includes one or more of these triggers in its URL, eXact may show a matching URL from its advertisement listing. The lines below show a section of the configuration file at issue. Note ad number (yellow highlighting), ad URL (green), and trigger conditions (red) referencing ad number (purple). Via the targeting instructions highlighted below, eXact shows a Chase credit card ad when users visit or, two other sites offering credit services.


    +,9856,, 1078808400,1117602000,4,1,10,14752828,49589,400,600::1,0,0,0,BullsEye Network Offer,0,0,0,BullsEye Network Offer,0



    I wrote software to iterate through eXact’s configuration file, making a thumbnail of each ad as well as reporting the trigger conditions associated with each ad. For ads reached via redirects, I also attempted to retrieve and archive all intermediary URLs. Although these methods obtain most eXact ads, these methods omit certain ads that share “rotating” triggers, wherein eXact web server code randomizes between multiple ads shown under identical conditions.

    All analysis is based on data collected in during the first week of March 2005.

    Click Here For A List Of eXact Powered Gambling Ads

    Joey Blurb..
    Don’t need to be an expert an expert Dom. Just need to know one like The Spyware Detective Ben Edelman who I found via a post of yours on WOL.

    I try not to be an idiot at times, so I read on. Edelman wrote Some companies intentionally hire eXact to promote their products. But other companies are promoted by eXact without specifically requesting any relationship with eXact. Through so-called “affiliate programs,” eXact receives commissions from hundreds of online merchants, often without those merchants understanding what eXact is doing and without those merchants specifically consenting to eXact’s methods.

    So utopia Joe contacts said firms about whether they know. (you can believe all you read by other biased individuals who know not what i do) 1 reply – 32red. Ed Ware dropped the media firm that put 32 on the adware citcuit.

    I am no teacher Dom. You showed me where, I learned and am the only idiot with a site that won’t abide the firms like betfair that use spyware and then gets told to not dilly dally about mentioning names.


    Hi all,

    I agree whole-heartedly that any time a player is sent somewhere unethical it hurts us all.

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