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October 30, 2008 at 6:05 pm #612591
InactiveNow i came across this and didnt write it but I thought it was too good to keep to myself
Many Americans are getting ready to throw McCain – a good, honest, genuine American hero overboard back into the rice paddy and do to him politically what his Vietnamese captors tried to do to McCain physically.
Before you vote ask yourself – How Could a Community Organizer Afford to Buy a Mansion in Chicago. And read below:
1. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the causes of this financial disaster. In order to ensure that they were not regulated these corrupt companies bought off congressmen. This is corruption. In just 3 years, these corrupt companies gave Obama $123,000 to buy him off. $123,000. Obama was the second largest recipient of Fannie and Freddie corrupt donations. This is the corruption McCain has fought against his whole life. $123,000 is corruption.
2. Earmark projects are corruption incarnate. Obama had 1 billion dollars worth of earmarks. 1 billion dollars. This is CORRUPTION RUN AMUCK. This money goes to political cronies in return for support and donations, relatives, family members. We are in this financial mess because of this kind of corruption. It created a culture of corruption that lead to the wall street debacle. Barrack Obama is at the very center of this CULTURE OF CORRUPTION. He is the WASHINGTON ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATE. 1 billion dollars of hard earned tax payer money FLUSHED DOWN THE TOILET BOWL OF POLITICAL CORRUPTION.
3. Barrack Obama gave his First Cousin $70,000 of tax payer money. $70,000 of hard earned tax payer money to his first cousin. We elect representatives to Congress to serve the people. Not to ENRICH themselves. Not to enrich their family members. Not to enrich their political supporters. THIS IS TRULY CORRUPTION.
4. Obama wants to raise taxes on corporations, small businesses, capital gains. If you raise taxes in this economic crisis YOU WILL CAUSE A GREAT DEPRESSION. Business won’t create jobs. People will not invest. The 401 ks of seniors and all Americans won’t be worth anything. The DOW WILL COLLAPSE TO to 4000/5000. The US will become another failed state like Venezuela. It’s that simple. If you want a SECOND GREAT DEPRESSION BARACK OBAMA IS YOUR MAN.
5. Obama wants our troops out of Iraq in 16 months. As General Petraeus has warned such a withdrawal will lead to the collapse of the Iraqi government. Iraq is not Afghanistan. IT IS AT THE VERY CENTER OF THE OIL PRODUCING UNIVERSE. If the Iraqi government collapses, OIL PRICES WILL SOAR TO $200.00/barrel and $10.00/gallon/gas. If you want to pay $10.00/gallon/gas vote Barrack Obama.
6. Barrack Obama called our troops fighting in Afghanistan WAR CRIMINALS. He said that they were air raiding villages and killing innocent civilians. WAR CRIMES. You cannot be commander in chief of our great armed forces and call them WAR CRIMINALS. Not only that but these statements put THE LIVES OF OUR TROOPS AT RISK.
7. When Move On. org – a large money Barrack Obama supporter called General Petraeus – one of the greatest American generals – GENERAL BETRAYUS – Barrack Obama refused to vote on a senate motion defending this great general. You cannot be President of the United States and stand by while one of your generals is being viciously maligned. Obama did this because he didn’t want to lose the money from Move On. Barrack Obama is A COWARD.
8. Barrack Obama gave $800.000 to a organization called Acorn. Acorn is trying to steal this election by fraudulently registering thousands and thousands of voters throughout this country �quot; registering everything from dead people to cats, dogs. THIS IS CORRUPTION. Obama has a long and illustrious relationship with Acorn. Incredibility – ACORN leader Wade Rathke was in the Weather Underground along with Bill Ayers.
Ladies and gentlemen of America in the rescue package of 700 billion just passed by Congress the Democrats tried to include $500,000,000 for ACORN. DO YOU HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID – 500 MILLION FOR ACORN. THATS ONE OF THE REASONS MCCAIN RUSHED BACK TO WASHINGTON TO KILL THIS FRAUDULENT FUNDING. In Chicago, Obama was involved in training Acorn activists to go to the HOMES OF BANK PRESIDENTS AND THREATEN THEM IF THEY DID NOT GIVE OUT FRAUDELENT LOANS THAT COULD NEVER BE REPAID. $500 million to Acorn by the democrats in Congress and $800,000 from Obama. Can you imagine what will happen with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Obama in charge. Acorn will get the 500 million. 100%. Every vote is precious. It is the very essence of our democracy.
9. Bill Ayers was a terrorist who bombed the Pentagon, police stations and homes of people trying to capture him. Obama has a long and illustrious relationship with this arch criminal and hater of the US. Obama received $50 million dollars from Ayers to indoctrinate children in Chicago in revolutionary ideology. NOT READING AND WRITING AND SCIENCE BUT REVOLUTIONARY IDEOLOGY like Chavez teaches in Venezuela . Obama says – he was just a guy living in my neighborhood. Obama doesn’t understand that as President one of your most important obligations is NOT TO LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
10. Obama called the people of this country when he thought nobody was tape recording his great genius – Bitter people clinging to their bibles and their guns. You cannot denigrate the great people of this country and be their president.
11. In order to create a PERMANENT DEMOCRATIC PARTY MAJORITY – Obama and the Democrats FAST TRACK CITZENSHIP FOR ALL 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants. And all those who will pour into the US to share in the new STATE WELFARE STATE. This will happen immediately.
Corruption is what this election is all about. McCain must demand justice. Jail the bastards. Jail them all. MUST BE THE BATTLE CRY
October 30, 2008 at 6:17 pm #784819Anonymous
InactiveThanks for this completely unbiased, bi-partisan review of the facts.
If anything it’s spelling “RUN AMUCK” :tongue:
October 30, 2008 at 6:19 pm #784822Anonymous
I stopped reading when I saw that. Come on — seriously?
October 30, 2008 at 6:30 pm #784825Anonymous
InactiveYeah lol.
His name is Hussein chips! Get your facts straight!:tongue:
October 30, 2008 at 7:15 pm #784841Anonymous
InactiveLol, sorry I was a little Bias, none of the Obamabots here would never do the same!:sarcasm:
November 1, 2008 at 11:53 am #785051Anonymous
Inactive11. In order to create a PERMANENT DEMOCRATIC PARTY MAJORITY – Obama and the Democrats FAST TRACK CITZENSHIP FOR ALL 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants. And all those who will pour into the US to share in the new STATE WELFARE STATE. This will happen immediately.
I guess he can start with his Aunt
McCain is sympathetic towards illegal immigrants but I bet sound bite Sarah isn’t.
November 2, 2008 at 12:01 am #785074Anonymous
Inactivei hate to be making comments on politics again, but chips. you are full of shit. the whole world thinks you are full of shit. but, you still think that mccain, with his dying legacy of a stupid maverick, along with his imbecile VP, could rule your country?
do you have no shame? have you not been embarassed by your president making an ass of himself? would you like a second turn at that?
of course you will call me a socialist communist (even though you cant spell Stalin correctly, btw how much do you know about Josef?). this is not a vote against republicans. this is not a vote against democrats. THIS IS A VOTE AGAINST RETARDS. i think you put yourself in the wrong camp, which is why everyone bashes at you.
i figure that by the time you realised your mistake, the world will be in responsible hands. ready for self destruction. and don’t give me this mccain knowledge shit, whoever is going to be the next president, he will have to deal with COLLAPSING economy. not just mere falling. mark my communist words.
your mother teresa
p.s. i’m in a bashing mood. bring it on!
on the 4th of november you will vote not only for who will run your country, but also on what effect america will have in the western hemisphere, africa, iran/israel/irag, afghanistan/pakistan/india, south east asia, former soviet union, eastern europe are just to name a few.
i hope you dont elect a president who cant even remember the countries on the map ( ie. the difference between the czech republic and slovakia. a country that was split in the early 90s). i hope someone sensible will come in power. i call for a sensible erection…err…election!
November 2, 2008 at 1:25 am #785082Anonymous
InactiveAs i said in the top I did not write that lol..
November 2, 2008 at 1:26 am #785083Anonymous
Inactive@splinterfree 184117 wrote:
on the 4th of november you will vote not only for who will run your country, but also on what effect america will have in the western hemisphere, africa, iran/israel/irag, afghanistan/pakistan/india, south east asia, former soviet union, eastern europe are just to name a few.
i hope you dont elect a president who cant even remember the countries on the map ( ie. the difference between the czech republic and slovakia. a country that was split in the early 90s). i hope someone sensible will come in power. i call for a sensible erection…err…election!
I hope Obama keeps all 57 states safe
November 2, 2008 at 11:56 am #785097Anonymous
Inactive@allfreechips 184125 wrote:
As i said in the top I did not write that lol..
haha, i really ought not to drink and post things in the political arena. my bad
classic of the day:
November 2, 2008 at 12:08 pm #785099Anonymous
Inactive@allfreechips 183791 wrote:
I figured we could use a little humor today. :tongue: -