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Feeling a little low.. Low,Low Monthly Searches on ALL Keywords?!

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  • #626269

    Hi all,

    I’m new to these forums but have been working in the gambling affiliate industry since 07. I’ve recently (within the last year) made a switch from PPC marketing gambling offers to Gambling Review sites.

    I’m at the stage where I’ve just finished my website and all the content is up and ready to go..

    Now I’m just doing some keyword research and it’s looking extremely bleak…

    Is there something that I’m missing here?! Forget finding low competition keywords, I can’t even find keywords that have that many monthly searches..!

    I mean according to G00gle Adwords Tool, ‘Online Casino’ has only 1,600 monthly searches..

    And let’s say that it was even more than that, let’s look at the competition:

    “online casino” search in google returns 49,500,000 results
    and inurl:”online casino” is 10,000,000 +

    What am I missing here?!

    My whole strategy was going to be to find long tail keywords and target them however it seems that even really really short basic keywords are hardly getting any searches and the competition on them is just insane anyway..

    Someone please shed some light! Thanks!


    TBCOnet- first and foremost- welcome to the CAP Forums. Great having you here!:hattip:

    Been in the industry since 2007- that’s excellent. Totally understand the predicament that you’re in and appreciate you sharing these details. I will reach out in the social media communities to see if I can get you some more insight. Otherwise, I’m sure our community members can lend some info to you, too.


    TBCOnet – first off Google AdWords Keyword Tool gives viable options to bid on. I really only use the numbers as directional – espcially for SEO.

    Online Casino returns 1.5 million searches globally. So I am not sure if you read the info incorrectly or you are simply getting different results.

    Keyword research tools you should use:
    AdWords Keyword Suggestion tool
    WordStream – The Free Keyword Tool from WordStream – Free Keywords for SEO, AdWords, & Blogging

    Now with any tool you need to really understand they are not 100% accurate, but they will give you directional data regardless.

    Good Luck with “Online Casino” – those sites are dug in like ticks


    I dont wish to sound like an a-hole – but here goes..

    Are you not supposed to do your keyword research first.. As how can you build a site without knowing for what your building it for ?.

    I think you’ve missed the first rule of fight club.. “keyword research comes before anything else”.


    Hi – thanks for the replies.

    I am new to SEO and I thought I had done my keyword research before..

    I had found a number of very nice keywords but this was with the ‘BROAD’ search option enabled on Adwords Tool and not ‘EXACT’

    Online Casino has 1.5million searches if you have BROAD ticked but only 165,000 if you have EXACT ticked..

    Which one should I be using? What about PHRASE?

    – Also I’m not really targeting ‘Online Casino’ lol, that would be madness to start out with! I’m trying to find some nice long tail keywords ;)


    Here’s a new thing that I am doing. I build a page or a site with original content. (more or less)
    then I check density and I ‘cloud’ it to see what the content comes up with organically. Then I tweak from there.


    You should be using “exact”.

    That said, a lot of reasonable people have data that suggests the Google KW tool is – at best – a rough estimate.

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