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February 29, 2008 at 5:19 pm #607467
InactiveCorrecting the Ignorance of the “Republican Right Wing Extremists that are destroying OUR country” statement. In fact we need to rid of far right wing as well as the “mainstream” left wing who despise the thought of personal responsibility. Here was an article I wrote in such.
As mentioned in other articles written about the To Bet a Man Square Massacre, I am a Ronald Reagan conservative. Nobody is more dismayed by the Prohibition of the 21st Century than I am. I painfully acknowledge that the Reagan Revolution has been hijacked by the Big Brother Devolution, which has lead to the basic civil right to place a bet having been infringed upon.
That is unless you want to play bingo in a church hall or bet on the No. 4 horse in the second race. The insurgents in the conservative movement know who butters their bread. John Kyl and Bill Frist may be hypocritical but they are not stupid. Every phony has his price.
What attracted me to the Conservative Movement more than anything else was the foundation of personal responsibility and accountability. The Reagan Revolution saw this across the board whether it was holding convicted criminals accountable, allowing the successful to keep more of their income and by believing the individual and private sector always thrive more without government interference.
Deregulation was commonplace. Most importantly, my brand of conservatism believed in creating new streams of tax revenue. This was in lieu of raising taxes on the rich, defining the wealthy as anyone who makes one dollar more than I do.
In the Baptist Press, Bill Frist wrote a first person account why he knows how to spend your money more responsibly than you do.
The father of the Big Brother movement apparently wants to replace the first letter in his last name with “Ch” because he appoints himself the Savior of you and me. Conservatism’s bastard child aimlessly scribbled, “People who gamble online are almost twice as likely to become problem gamblers as those who gamble in other places. Problem gambling destroys lives and families.”
Frist has chosen not to revive Reaganism, but McCarthyism.
Apparently if you want to bet a four-team $20 parlay, you are destroying your family. Clearly your values are not as family friendly as that of Frist and Thomas Foley. Send perverted messages to minors on a computer and Big Brother wants to cover it up. Bet lunch money on a baseball game and Frist wants to lock you up.
I will be the first to admit, most Americans do not put the utmost priority on their right to gamble, though I’d venture to say the number of enraged is significantly higher than far right wing periphery realizes.
The Big Brother conservatives believe in personal responsibility alright. Your family values are their personal responsibility.
Every opinion poll known to mankind confirms American families believe Frist has failed miserably in leading his party in the Senate. Undeterred, he still believes government needs to be the caretaker of your family. You are too dim-witted to know online gambling is the greatest affront to the American family since that effeminate dinosaur Barney started emasculating our children thanks to tax supported PBS.
Legalizing and taxing online gambling is the perfect marriage for true conservatives. However the beliefs in personal responsibility and new forms of tax revenue have been sabotaged.
The To Bet a Man Square Massacre may not be the reason that Frist and his cronies have approval ratings that hover around the Duke football team’s winning percentage. But his attack on your rights under the subterfuge of family values is at the very least symbolic of the crisis he created. Genuine conservatives, those who should be his core supporters, believe that Frist and Kyl are, how can I say this nicely—self righteous idiots whose subversive skullduggery has incapacitated the movement they pretend to represent.
Ronald Reagan must be turning over in his grave. I’d bet on it, but Jesus Frist won’t let me.
Joe Duffy, a former Young Republican Executive Board member is now CEO of OffshoreInsiders.com, which conservatively speaking is the premier source for sports gambling information.
February 29, 2008 at 7:05 pm #762222vladcizsol
MemberThank you for the excellent post and lucid explanation of your position.
I voted for Reagan as well and believe it or not I was a registered Republican until midway through George Bush Sr.’s term. The current “Republican” party is so far away from the ideals that Ronald Reagan espoused he must indeed be spinning in his grave.
I am a fiscal conservative I believe in less governemt interference in our lives. I dont believe in an ever growing beaurocracy that attempts to force us to conform to a minority fundamentalist standard of morality.
I doubt our founding fathers or the settlers who made the journey here from around the world wanted LESS freedom. Unfortunately, through a campaign of fear politics and messages, we are seeing our individual freedoms continually eroded by the current “Republican” party. That’s not conservatism it’s facism.
I am a firm believer in a strong America and a strong Defense. I proudly served in the US Army, my father served in the US Navy and saw action in both WWII and Korea. I want our troops to have the best technology and tools they need and I am strongly committed to their support and care in case of injury while serving our country.
What I am NOT in favor of is placing our troops in harms way to further the financial goals of individuals who never served. If we TRULY value our troops we use them when needed, when all diplomatic avenues have been exhausted, to vigourously defend our country.
A true conservative would never invent a charade war where we invade a soverign nation and basically destroy it under completely false premises.
The American people and the world was tacitly lied to to further a private agenda in Iraq and we have over 3600 troops dead and more then 10,000 permantly disabled for a fraudulent war. Thats not conservatism that’s treason.
There was never ANY connection established between Iraq and 911 but most Americans DONT know that because of the continual lies which spring forth from the current Administration and their remaining “Republican” cronies in the Congress.
The fact is this, and its well known to anyone who cares to take the time to investigates, Saudi Arabian Nationals and Royal Family members FINANCED 911.
There were 17 Saudis involved in the actual hijackings, NOT 1 Iraqi. There was no hotbed of terrorism in Iraq until we created a great training ground for existing terrorists in foreign countries to travel to to hone their skills.
This is a catastrophe that will haunt us for decades to come.As a fiscal conservative I want to see my taxes spent wisely. I am not keen on dumping $300 billion a year into Iraq with no end in sight. A real conservative would agree. Those funds could be much better spent at home here in the states for our people.
I could go on and on as to why the current “Republican” party are no longer conseratives in the traditional sense and are mere puppets of special interest groups and minority fanatics, but it’s clearly visible to anyone who opens their eyes to see.
March 1, 2008 at 1:24 pm #762263Anonymous
InactiveUS Election result leaked early
Well it appears it’s not worth you guys voting as the president has already been selectedhttp://www.theonion.com/content/video/diebold_accidentally_leaks
Whoever you put in the whitehouse they all turn out like………
March 1, 2008 at 2:59 pm #762267Anonymous
Inactive@BingoT 155251 wrote:
Whoever you put in the whitehouse they all turn out like………
Let’s just hope the US does not become an obamanation. Regardless of one’s political stripe, the fact that a Presidential candidate had no idea whatsoever that Al Qaeda is in Iraq should bring shivers down the spine of any American.
March 1, 2008 at 4:57 pm #762273Anonymous
Great article. But, you’ll find that most members on this forum want higher taxes and DO NOT want to take personal responsibilty. They would prefer to have the government pay for everything and stick their nose in the citizens business.
Most want socialism and pray that the government puts them out of business by paying their offshore earnings taxesrather than regulate the industry.March 1, 2008 at 5:37 pm #762276Anonymous
Inactive@bleuze 155262 wrote:
Great article. But, you’ll find that most members on this forum want higher taxes and DO NOT want to take personal responsibilty. They would prefer to have the government pay for everything and stick their nose in the citizens business.
Most want socialism and pray that the government puts them out of business by paying their offshore earnings taxesrather than regulate the industry.I noticed there is a definite left wing bias in this forum. That’s fine, we all have our own opinions, but I guess it’s the wingnuts on each side who lose credibility.
There are far right wingers who think Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster, Kathleen Willie’s husband, Ron Brown, etc. They also think Bill Clinton was lying when he assured us Iraq had WMDs, yet George Bush was telling the truth when he iterated what Clinton said.
Whether it’s John Birch, Pat Robertson, Anne Coulter or Michael Savage from the far right or Hollywood, Keith Olberman, and Rosie O’Donnell from the far left, each side has extremes who are incapable of keeping the debate honest.
Jimmy Carter is the worst President of my lifetime and Bush the worst Republican president, but those who spew venom at either are simply preaching to the wingnut choir and nobody else.
Why was Bush elected twice? Easy, the alternatives were Al Gore and John Kerry.
And now the obamanation?
Electing true Reagan conservatives–those who are into increasing sources of revenue, not raising taxes and those who believe in individual responsibility is the only way we can get gambling legal in the US.
March 1, 2008 at 10:16 pm #762285Anonymous
Inactive‘Great article. But, you’ll find that most members on this forum want higher taxes and DO NOT want to take personal responsibilty. They would prefer to have the government pay for everything and stick their nose in the citizens business.
Most want socialism and pray that the government puts them out of business by paying their offshore earnings taxesrather than regulate the industry.’Here is my short rant. I don’t think anyone in north America wants higher taxes. I say North America because I am Canadian, so I suffer way more from over taxation.
I think what a lot of the so called left wing nuts want, is a government that wants to be environmentally responsible and socially responsible. This means a government that approaches and tackles the problems that the planet is facing when it comes to pollution and is willing to ensure that no one has to choose between feeding their children and getting that much needed heart surgery.
The USA could easily offer FREE health care to everyone, as well as provide real aid to all of Africa, and they could have signed the Kyoto treaty and done a lot more for the environment, and they could have done this with reduced taxes. If you want the real culprit behind high taxes there, it’s due to several factors:
1. The high crime. With 10x the violent crime of other first world countries, you spend an insane amount on the prison system. Look at how much it costs to keep 1 person in prison for a year. Investing in education is proven to reduce crime and would save money in the long run as to avoid prison over crowding.
2. War and the military. Yes its important to keep the country safe, but how much of the military expenditures are necessary versus increasing the coffins of Lockheed Martin? With Iraq and defense spending the US spends over 50% of its budget on the military. How many tanks and nuclear weapons does one country need? I am not talking about sending troops in with less than the best in gear. I agree if someone is going to enlist they should have nothing but the best. But check how many weapons are built and sit there. The USA spends more on biological and nuclear weapons than any other country. Guess what, if there is a war and they use those weapons, we are all dead regardless of nationality.
I could go on and on, but stuff like that at least is why people outside of the USA view Americans as nuts for voting Bush in. I do agree with some of the Reagen ideals a lot of them are logical, but increasing spending on education, healthcare, and the betterment of society in general is not a bad thing.
March 17, 2008 at 1:28 pm #763423Anonymous
InactiveI love how conservatives claim the US is liberal or has a liberal bias.
the US has been the most conservative nation in the western alliance. it has the lowest personal taxes, the lightest regulation of industry and the most top heavy distribution of wealth of any western economic power.
A candidate doesn’t know Al Queda in Iraq? Who would that be? Since Al Queda wasn’t there until the US invasion, you should explain how this well planned war will help US security.
You people who’ve been whining about a liberal media, liberal schools, liberal thinking, etc. Must have missed the last 28 years of history. You live in the most conversative western country. You have more people in prison that China and Russia combined. And you whine that the liberals control the country? It’s the republican party facists, that you folks put into power that are destroying america. So thanks for bankrupting the country financially and morally.
Sure the republicans aren’t conservative, so why do you people keep handing them keys?
March 17, 2008 at 1:47 pm #763430vladcizsol
MemberI wish the system allowed me to thank you more then once for that post.
You hit the nail on the head. Of course the Neo Coons dont care about the truth, so what we post mostly falls on deaf ears, but its still refreshing to hear that there are still people who care enough to stay truly informed on whats happening around them.
March 17, 2008 at 2:15 pm #763437Anonymous
Inactive@AmCan 156697 wrote:
I love how conservatives claim the US is liberal or has a liberal bias.
the US has been the most conservative nation in the western alliance. it has the lowest personal taxes, the lightest regulation of industry and the most top heavy distribution of wealth of any western economic power.
A candidate doesn’t know Al Queda in Iraq? Who would that be? Since Al Queda wasn’t there until the US invasion, you should explain how this well planned war will help US security.
You people who’ve been whining about a liberal media, liberal schools, liberal thinking, etc. Must have missed the last 28 years of history. You live in the most conversative western country. You have more people in prison that China and Russia combined. And you whine that the liberals control the country? It’s the republican party facists, that you folks put into power that are destroying america. So thanks for bankrupting the country financially and morally.
Sure the republicans aren’t conservative, so why do you people keep handing them keys?
Though I have no idea what that response had to do with the original article, I appreciate the perspective.
Um, of course the US is the most conservative country in the Western Hemisphere. You can’t produce one conservative who will tell you otherwise. In fact, this is why conservatives want the US to be the leader of the free world, while liberals prefer the US be the follower–don’t make the UN mad whining.
Conservatives believe Europe should be more like us, the liberals think the US should be more like Europe. And it’s all because of what you said–the US is the most conservative of Western countries.
April 16, 2011 at 5:53 pm #815726Anonymous
InactiveSo how did that hope and change work out?
My article has never proven more true.
April 16, 2011 at 7:10 pm #815728Anonymous
Inactive@joeduffy.net 227535 wrote:
So how did that hope and change work out?
Sadly, it didn’t.
Do you believe if we had “true” conservatives in power that yesterday’s actions would have been different? IMO, this is a precursor to regulation of online poker in the U.S., and that would be a very tough sell had they not cracked down on the companies who chose to continue to operate illegally rather than leave the U.S. and settle like PartyGaming did.
How else would the U.S. government be able to regulate the market if the poker “cowboys” remained operating?
April 16, 2011 at 7:22 pm #815730Anonymous
Inactive@Warren 227537 wrote:
Sadly, it didn’t.
Do you believe if we had “true” conservatives in power that yesterday’s actions would have been different? IMO, this is a precursor to regulation of online poker in the U.S., and that would be a very tough sell had they not cracked down on the companies who chose to continue to operate illegally rather than leave the U.S. and settle like PartyGaming did.
How else would the U.S. government be able to regulate the market if the poker “cowboys” remained operating?
Economic conservatives such as Rand Paul, Wayne Root, etc would legalize it and tax it. The problem is progs on the far left don’t want personal responsibility and social only conservatives don’t want something they consider immoral to be illegal.