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November 20, 2003 at 4:40 pm #583945
InactiveWe’ve been discussing this here for a few weeks now and more than likely many of us have formed our own theories. It’s quite a conspiracy, but many of us believe it is certainly possible.
Its been stated that certain affiliate managers possibly have created their own affiliate accounts and have been transferring players from affiliate accounts into their own secret account behind the scenes. This could prove to be very profitable for them and in most cases could/would surpass their own salaries and serve as one hell of a bonus!
For the most part the operation could run transparently due to the shear number of affiliates – hell all they would have to do is grab 1 or 2 VIP players from a handful of affiliates. Additionally, when ever an affiliate “ticked” them off or in some way “belittled” them you could rest assured this affiliate would be losing players.
Just to prove the envy exist – today I saw this posted on another forum which clearly shows that some managers are very envious …
Quote:Yes, because I am tired of sending payments to (super) affiliates that are larger than my own pay check, my dream is to be a super affiliate and work from home.Well I am joking, I am actually really happy with my job, working here with the staff of Portofino and Hampton is great, and I make enough and more, but the sums I see we send to affiliates drive me nuts, and to think some affiliates have many more casinos they promote and receive payments from…wow!!!
So if this is happening – (managers envy, leading to greed and corruption) HOW can we identify it? Furthermore WHAT can we do about it?
This theory goes hand in hand with the entire idea of “Selective Shaving” and further supports why some programs produce relatively the same returns month in and month out regardless of traffic.
ITS time we END the corruption or at least LIMIT it!!!
November 20, 2003 at 4:57 pm #641852Anonymous
I think that only the owners can do something.
This has to be brought up to their attention and
make them see the importance of auditing
the accounts of the Affiliate Managers.What we can do is bring this up with the owners
whenever and wherever possible.November 20, 2003 at 5:25 pm #641854Anonymous
Inactivewhat I can tell you is that two days ago I saw in one of the casinos I was promoting and sending many visitors daily a shaving using a faked player that started to win ALOT.
I immediatly stop the traffic to that casino and didn’t even send a notice out, two days later when I look at the stat at that casino
that player has GONE FROM THE PAST !!! (No history what so ever in my stat and the totals become positive again)My Advise, if you even think you see shaving, stop the traffic right there (There are many alternatives out there) and see what happen…
I will not send any traffic to that casino before having a lengthly discussion with the owner and reviewing the COMPLETE information of my past players and getting a decent payment in advance before starting again .
November 20, 2003 at 5:26 pm #641855Anonymous
InactiveIf we have proof, or a very sound foundation for a suspicion, I can probably get some things done.
Certainly worth a shot.
November 20, 2003 at 5:51 pm #641856Anonymous
InactiveThe affiliate programs and managers do need to be audited on a regular basis to prevent waht we all asume is going on. I don’t think online casino owners would approve of stealing from the affiliates.
November 20, 2003 at 6:06 pm #641857Anonymous
InactiveUnless they ordered it……
I think some of the shaving comes from higher up.
November 20, 2003 at 6:26 pm #641859Anonymous
InactiveHi Dom,
Yes, that could be a possiblity also.November 20, 2003 at 7:03 pm #641862Anonymous
InactiveYah but how reliable are audits … take PWC for instance – dont they just audit the data that is given to them? Whats to say that data isnt “fixed” prior to it being passed to PWC?
It would be nice though if something like PWC could be implemented for the affiliates … thats assuming it returned a valid/honest result.
November 20, 2003 at 7:15 pm #641863Anonymous
InactiveDom and Capain,
I agree in some cases it could be possible but,,
If the owners know you will start dropping them I doubt that
they would want to risk there good producers for some of This the crazy ass shaving that has started to appear. The one reality is that these aff managers do not even make close to what some of us make…. They would like to dream that they could but they do not. Especially the teams located in south africa. The Rand is worth 1/10 the american dollar and they would in turn be rock stars performing menial tasks in there own country …. They do not make anything compared to us. The lower rung affiliates make a lot more the they do in many cases. I was told to have a maid and a butler in SA would only cost me a little over $100 a month go figure … Now that shows you what the reality is in some of there salaries. As well this goes to show why some get so snippy as well when we bitch …. They are 100% envious and that is many of them. Just a few whales will make enough for them to live a year there own country. I say live and I am not talking poverty level I am talking like a king …. I think average salary in SA is less then 3 K US if that tells you anything it should let any one see that there is a huge possibility for this.I know for a fact that some of the affiliate managers have left companies like Referback for example to work for Americans at a 5 to 10 times increase in salary if not more…. So all you have to do is look at that as a reference, Costa Rica it is cheap to live, now look where the top affiliate programs are located … It is because help is extreemly cheap, these countries on the other hand have mass corruption in the government all the way down.
I mean who has not recieved one of the emails about some country emmisary that has all this cash they want transfered out of there country ??? Its a scam yes but this is also happeing for real in these countries …. the taxes you pay to transfer that cash around is the same or less then what the deal they make. But to them the 500 K of that few million is going to make them rich beyond belief in there land, while here you get in trouble with our government when they see what is going on ….
So all in all the envy and greed is there big time. No matter what I a sure it is happening I have had aff managers look at clients of mine in disgust. Nice to your face, but when they go back to the hotel room at the conventions and we are not around they tell each other what greedy pigs we are …. Though they are paying much more to live they do not comprehend this. A ten dollar click on overture is anough to feed there family a week. Here a 10 spot is good for Mcdonalds for two and that is not the first place I would take a date ; ) Add in movie tickets etc … then you are talking more and more …. I noticed how they love to go to movies with there clients … here hahhaha I have a feeling they do not get Hollywoods finest for a atleast a few months after release here and that ends up with envy from there friends when they return home ….
Jeez I love this forum … Thanks again Prof
November 20, 2003 at 7:38 pm #641864Anonymous
InactiveBadabing … you did it again … Super Post.
November 20, 2003 at 7:53 pm #641866Anonymous
I said
Though they are paying much more to live they do not comprehend this.
I meant to say ” Though we are paying much more to live they do not comprehend this. “
Aleph looks like the affiliate conferences can pay off in the long run … Thanks, hey I love coming to Canada cause I can buy clothes and hockey equipment cheap as hell with the money conversion, well it was cheaper a year or so ago , and that can not even compare to what its like in these other countries. …
November 20, 2003 at 8:48 pm #641875Anonymous
InactiveYou need to get over to Quebec City visit the Hockey Museum its pretty cool. Had never played hockey before till I visited that place. (they had a demo set up where you could shoot a puck into a goal.) Stay at the Frontenac – its awesome – just dont go after August hehe its too damn cold!
November 20, 2003 at 8:51 pm #641876Anonymous
InactiveExcellent post Badabing!
November 20, 2003 at 9:20 pm #641879Anonymous
InactiveWill do Ark,
been to both hall of fames here and Canada. I go to Montreal often also.
Vegas magic pay came today, richwebmaster also … I do much better with the affiliate managers from Canada I can relate to them much better then some of the other countries. The pay checks are always good also … and getting better now that I have started moving there casinos up on top again …. Referback has totally gotten themselves on my rotten list of sites though as my single casinos programs have beat them every month now …. for the last 3 months … jeez I had given them way to much exposure I have bannners and links everywhere this is a chore.
These other casinos aff managers I think in some cases are just still in the stone age … I am emailing Manuel also …
November 20, 2003 at 9:35 pm #641880Anonymous
InactiveHi badabing,
I can confirm that I know for sure that in the PlayTech platforms an affiliate manager can remove a player and transfer it out of your affiliate ID, I heard from a friend that there was a big winner for a good affiliate that lowered it’s stat so as a act of good will it was removed from his affliate ID and was not counted agaist him,
if this is done it means that it can also be used for other reasons ….Last time we met for a drink, we talked about the shavers but it was not that common, now I see it all around me ….