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March 12, 2012 at 12:10 pm #626713
MemberI hope you are well and ready for this bumper week of sport with Champions League games and Cheltenham all taking centre stage.
On Wednesday 14th March (7:45pm), Napoli take on Chelsea at Stamford Bridge and bet365 are again offering a £50* free in-play bet offer on the match for new and existing customers.
With the departure of Andre Villas Boas the pressure now transfers to Roberto Di Matteo to ensure Chelsea progress into the latter stages of the Champions League.
The offer we are running follows the same format as previous offers whereby players must place a bet prior to kick-off and once the game starts place another bet on any In-Play market. If their first In-Play bet loses bet365 will refund this stake, up to the same value as their largest pre-match bet (max £50*). Or visit the following link for more information: bet365 – Online Sports Betting, Football, Soccer Odds, Live Streaming
I’m aware I’ve said this before but I honestly believe this offer is attractive to players and will encourage them to place a bet on the match. It can benefit in terms of new player acquisition and existing player re-activation whereby both should lead to higher revenues for you through the bet365 affiliate programme.
If you can achieve any placement live on site this would be brilliant and any extra promotion is genuinely appreciated by me.
Ways in which you can promote this offer could be as simple as:
· A brief mention live on site with a link to the offer
· Incorporation of the offer into any match preview of the game to make players aware of it
· Social media integration, promotion on Facebook or Twitter
· Mailouts – incorporation of the offer in any mailouts that go out prior to WednesdayI have pasted the official PR’s below which are available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Swedish.
English PR:
Enjoy a free In-Play bet on Chelsea v Napoli with bet365
The Champions League is ready to deliver more thrills and spills as Chelsea and Napoli go head-to-head on Wednesday. To add to the excitement bet365 is offering you a free In-Play bet on the big match.
To qualify for your free In-Play bet, simply place a bet with bet365 before kick-off, then once the game starts place another bet on any In-Play market. If your FIRST In-Play bet loses they will refund this stake, up to the same value as your largest pre-match bet.
With a great range of pre-match markets on offer and over 60 In-Play markets available throughout the game, you can make the most of this exciting Champions League clash with bet365.
About bet365
bet365 is one of the world’s largest online gambling groups with over seven million customers worldwide. bet365 offers a Sports Betting experience that’s unrivalled. The Group employs over 1,700 people and is the UK’s seventh largest private company.
At the iGaming Business Affiliate Awards 2012, bet365 won Best Overall Affiliate Programme, Best Sportsbook Affiliate Programme, Best Overall Affiliate Manager and Best Sportsbook Affiliate Manager, following on from similar success at the 2011 ceremony.
In the 2011 eGaming Review Awards, bet365 was named In-Play Sports Operator of the Year and Sports Betting Operator of the Year. In both 2010 and 2011, bet365 came top in eGaming Review’s Annual Power 50.
Spanish PR:
Disfrute de una apuesta gratis en directo en el Chelsea v Napoli con bet365La Champions League está lista para ofrecerlo todo con el encuentro del Chelsea v Napoli del miércoles. Para añadir más emoción, bet365 le ofrece una apuesta gratis para el encuentro de Titanes.
Para tener derecho a su apuesta gratuita en directo, realice una apuesta antes del comienzo y, cuando el juego empiece, realice otra apuesta a cualquier mercado en directo. Si pierde su PRIMERA apuesta en directo, devolveremos el valor de la misma, igualándolo al mismo valor de su apuesta más alta antes del partido.
Con una extensa gama de mercados antes del partido y más de 60 mercados disponibles en directo, podrá sacar el mejor provecho de los partidos de la Champions League con bet365.
Acerca de bet365
bet365 es uno de los grupos líderes en juegos de azar de Internet a nivel mundial, con más de siete millones de clientes en todo el mundo. bet365 ofrece un servicio de apuestas deportivas sin igual. El Grupo emplea a más de 1.700 personas y es la séptima mayor empresa privada del Reino Unido.
En los premios ‘Affiliate Awards 2012’ de iGaming, bet365 fue nombrado ‘Mejor programa general de afiliados’, ‘Mejor programa de afiliados de deportes’, ‘Mejor gerente general de afiliados’ y ‘Mejor gerente de afiliados de deportes’, continuando con el éxito cosechado en la ceremonia de 2011.
En la edición de 2011 de los premios de eGaming Review, bet365 fue nombrado ‘Operador del año de deportes en directo’ y ‘Operador del año de apuestas deportivas’. En 2010 y 2011, bet365 se situó en lo más alto de la lista ‘Annual Power 50’ de eGaming Review.
Portuguese PR:
Desfrute de uma aposta Ao-Vivo grátis no Chelsea v Nápoles com a bet365
A Liga dos Campeões prepara-se para proporcionar mais entusiasmo com o embate entre o Chelsea eo Nápoles na Quarta-feira. Para adicionar ao entusiasmo deste jogo, a bet365 oferece-lhe uma aposta Ao-Vivo grátis no encontro de gigantes.
Para se qualificar para a sua aposta Ao-Vivo grátis, coloque simplesmente uma aposta pré-jogo com bet365 antes do pontapé de saída, e assim que o jogo começar, coloque outra aposta em qualquer mercado Ao-Vivo. Se perder a sua PRIMEIRA aposta Ao-Vivo, a bet365 devolver-lhe-á o valor da mesma, até ao valor da sua aposta pré-jogo mais alta.
Com um fantástico leque de mercados pré-jogo em oferta e mais de 60 mercados Ao-Vivo disponíveis no decorrer do jogo, poderá desfrutar ao máximo deste emocionante encontro da Liga dos Campeões com a bet365.
Acerca da bet365
A bet365 é um dos maiores grupos de apostas online do mundo, com mais de sete milhões de clientes a nível mundial. A bet365 oferece uma experiência de Apostas Desportivas sem rival. O grupo emprega mais de 1.700 pessoas e é a sétima maior empresa privada do Reino Unido.
Nos Prémios de Afiliados iGaming Business de 2012, a bet365 obteve galardões nas categorias de Melhor Programa de Afiliados (Best Overall Affiliate Programme) e Melhor Gerente de Afiliados (Best Overall Affiliate Manager), no seguimento de um desempenho similar na cerimónia de 2011.
Na edição de 2011 dos Prémios eGaming Review, a bet365 obteve os títulos de In-Play Sports Operator of the Year (Operador de Desportos Ao-Vivo do Ano) e Sports Betting Operator of the Year (Operador de Apostas Desportivas do Ano). A empresa ficou ainda em primeiro lugar na lista Annual Power 50 da eGaming Review em 2010 e 2011.
German PR:
Gratis-Livewette von bet365 beim Champions League-Rückspiel Chelsea v Neapel
Am Mittwoch, den 14. März, empfängt Chelsea im Champions League-Rückspiel den SSC Neapel, und bei bet365 könnten Sie dank einer Gratiswetten-Aktion noch mehr vom Spielgeschehen bei der heiß ersehnten Partie profitieren.
Um sich Ihre Live-Wette zu sichern, müssen Sie einfach vor der Partie einen Tipp auf das Champions League-Rückspiel Chelsea gegen Neapel abgeben. Nach Spielbeginn müssen Sie dann auf eine der Live-Wettmöglichkeiten für das Spiel tippen. Sollten Sie mit der ersten Live-Wette daneben liegen, erstattet bet365 Ihren Einsatz bis zur Höhe Ihrer höchsten vor dem Spiel abgegebenen Wette.
Mit einer riesigen Auswahl an vor dem Spiel verfügbaren Wetten und über 60 Live-Wettmöglichkeiten, können Sie bei bet365 also voll vom Topspiel in der Champions League profitieren!
Infos zu bet365
bet365 ist mit über sieben Millionen Kunden weltweit einer der größten Glücksspielanbieter der Welt. Sportwetten, wie Sie sie sonst kein zweites Mal finden, sind bei bet365 immer im Programm. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt über 1.700 Angestellte und ist das siebtgrößte Privatunternehmen in Großbritannien.
Bei der iGaming Business Affiliate Awards 2012 hat bet365 die Auszeichnung Best Overall Affiliate Programme und Best Overall Affiliate Manager gewonnen und konnte somit an den Erfolg 2011 anknüpfen.
Beim eGaming Review Awards 2011wurde bet365 zum Live-Sports Operator des Jahres und zum Sports Betting Operator des Jahres gekürt. Sowohl 2010 als auch 2011 nahm das Unternehmen den Spitzenplatz der Annual Power 50-Liste der eGaming Review Awards ein.
Swedish PR:
Dra nytta av ett gratis Liveoddsspel på Chelsea mot Napoli hos bet365
Det levereras mer spänning och dramatik från Champions League när Chelsea tar emot Napoli på onsdag och bet365 bjuder på ett Liveoddsspel för att öka spänningen ytterligare.
För att kvalificera dig till ett gratis Liveoddsspel behöver du bara placera ett spel hos bet365 innan avspark och när spelet väl startat placerar du ytterligare ett spel på valfri Liveoddsmarknad. Skulle ditt FÖRSTA placerade Liveoddsspel gå förlorat så återbetalar de din insats för det spelet upp till det högsta insatsbeloppet du har på ett spel före matchstart.
Med ett stort utbud av marknader före match samt över 60 Liveoddsmarknader under matchens gång är bet365 den bästa platsen för att få ut det mesta av ditt spelande på denna spännande uppgörelse i Champions League.
Angående bet365
bet365 är en av världens största spelkoncerner online med över sju miljoner kunder världen över. bet365 erbjuder en oslagbar spelupplevelse på Sport. Koncernen har över 1 700 anställda och är Storbritanniens sjunde största privata företag.
Under iGaming Business Affiliate Awards 2012 vann bet365 Best Overall Affiliate Programme, Best Sportsbook Affiliate Programme, Best Overall Affiliate Manager och Best Sportsbook Affiliate Manager, en uppföljning av liknande framgång under 2011 års ceremoni.
Under eGaming Review Awards 2011 utnämndes bet365 till In-Play Sports Operator of the Year samt Sports Betting Operator of the Year. Under både 2010 och 2011 toppade bet365 eGaming Review’s Annual Power 50.
Best of luck with any extra promotion you can deliver!, if you require help with anything or further information, please let me know.
Ruth Oleksik
Affiliates Manager
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t: +44(0) 8456 000 365
e: [email protected]
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