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ecasinocash and others???

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    we are planning to start an online casino, and I’d like to know if it’s a good idea to begin with a company like Are they reliable?
    Is there a better company or a better way to start in this industry? And what do I have to expect doing buisness with this kind of companies?

    Thanks for your help!!!


    I have a casino with them, there are a couple of bad points in this. First if the player has played in windows casino he cannot open an account in your casino and that goes for the webmaster also, if he has an account with windows casino he cannot open an account with you.. the casino that i have with them is due to this it might be alittle had to get new player


    They built a casino for me as well. My casino is

    If you do get a casino through them … don’t bother spending the extra money for one with an affiliate program. Ninety percent of affiliates don’t generate any money anyway … the biggest share of your profits will be from your own marketing efforts.

    A less expensive option is The casino I got through them is at They offer a ready made casino for $299.

    If you decide to get one through them, I would appreciate if you would tell them you were referred by me. Although they do not have an affiliate program per se … they do pay a referral fee … Thanks!

    If you do get your own casino … you should develop a few portal sites as well, to assist in the promotion of your own casinos, as well as any other casinos you may be affiliating with.

    You can find a list of the best gambling affiliate programs HERE

    Good Luck to you. :bigsmile:


    LVLady, if you don’t mind my asking? I see your readymadecasino is a windows casino; how does your backend work?

    I mean, is everything realtime? so there is no chance for anyone to tamper with the stats you see?

    who is in charge of paying the players and handling the $ that come in?

    I mean, suppose you had a big jackpot winner for the month? How does all that work? What kind of assurance do you have on being able to pay a player under such circumstance?

    If it falls to windows, if I may be so bold; are you worried at all that they will “find a reason” to not pay the winner?

    I say that only from gossip I’ve heard and 3rd-person statements, but I’ve heard there were issues that some players weren’t paid by windows (this being from the past, I’ve heard nothing of recent in the way of complaints about them), but thought I’d ask since the price seems very reasonable and I like the idea of having a backend where everything comes in realtime

    thanks in advance for your reply.



    BB1 … They’re all run by Windows Casino … so you pretty much have to trust them to be honest, the same as if you were an affiliate with them promoting their casino. Only difference is … you’re promoting you own brand rather than the Windows Casino brand.

    As to whether they pay winners … I would certainly hope so … they have a lot of money invested in an online casino business … I don’t imagine they would be around too long if they didn’t pay the winners.

    With my Vegas Station Casino I have an affiliate program, with Nevada Oasis Casino I do not. But, as I mentioned before my affiliates bring in a very small amount of the profit each month anyway. Only about 10% of them actually do anything at all.

    For the difference in price (I paid $3000 for VSC, vs. $300 for NOC) the things you need to consider are:

    1 – For $3000 through ecasinocash you get a completely custom designed casino site to your specifications (plus your own affiliate program) … For $300 through readymadecasinos you get one of their pre-designed templates with your casino name added (no affiliate program).

    2 – If you purchase a site through ecasinocash your percentage is 60% … if you purchase a site through readymadecasinos your percentage is 45%.

    In either case … would really appreciate your telling them I referred you if you decide to get a casino from either of these sources. Since spending $3300 to get my 2 casinos up and running I could really use a referral fee or two … Thanks … :)

    If you have more questions … pm me or e-mail me … or call :CallMe:


    Earn United (Orchid Casino) also offers a private label RTG casino.


    thanks LV Lady, but for me, one thing I’d need is a realtime stats that showed me as soon as the deposit was made, that it had been made; and that there was no way the parent could somehow siphon away players (and not that I’m saying Windows does any of this, but rather am stating what I’d want from anyplace: and in fact I feel Windows treated me very fairly when I had dealings with them).

    I’d still likely have them listed in better spots (because I still have a couple of their links up – call me sentimental… I know) if not for hearing things about players being given a hard time when trying to cash-in; or not ever being able to get their cash-in.

    Its been so very long ago that I couldn’t even begin to tell you what the deal was; but I remember at the time it was enough to scare me into putting them towards the back pages.

    From an affiliate’s pov, you couldn’t have asked for better IMHO; as I collected 4 figures from them for well, well over a year after I stopped sending traffic of any quantity.

    When it became apparent of the latter; I tried giving them some better exposure for a while but they just couldn’t seem to land another real player but the residuals were excellent and like I said, they paid me for well over a year after I stopped sending traffic.

    But after the residual income dried up I of course lost most of any incentive to rekindle the relationship to its previous peaks.

    I wish you all the luck in the world.

    Dominique wrote:
    Earn United (Orchid Casino) also offers a private label RTG casino.
    Hey Dominique … :wavey:

    I’ve been meaning to PM you … haven’t been in touch for a while.

    I have a private label through Earn United as well. I have been waiting to see what happens with my newest Windows Casino PL site (Nevada Oasis Casino). Would like to compare with Earn United since I got them about the same time.

    If EU turns out to make more money for me I had thought I may switch the back end of NOC over to them. We’ll see.

    Which PL’s seem to do better for everyone here … GFed … Earn United … some others ?


    Hello everyone, I am very new to this affiliate thing. It is very frustrating. We got this site in September this year. As of yet we have not gotten 1 single player :laughcry:. We are now just today on the search engines but we can only be found by searching for our site by name. How do you get better ratings on the se’s? What are other good means of advertising? I think our site looks boring. I don’t know what to do to change it though. All suggestions would be appreciated. This is an ecashcasino affiliate or windows I think. Now I am really confused. I saw in one of the postings that if you are ecash and a windows player comes to your site they can not register. Is this true?

    Any way I have many many many more questions :help: Any help is appreciated.


    Welcome JewelPalace … :wavey:

    It’s true … if a player already has an account with Windows Casino they would not be able to register through your link, since they are allowed to have only one account. This is true of any casino you may be affiliating with, since a person can only have one account at each casino.

    I think the reason you think your casino looks boring is because there is the glitzy header and then nothing but text below. I would ask the people at ecasinocash if they can make 3 columns under the header. Put in a few more graphics of games and whatever on both sides and put the text in the center column. If you got one of the less expensive options I don’t know how much customization they are willing to do. If the site is hosted on their servers, perhaps they will give you FTP access and you could fix the page yourself.

    As to SEO … you may want to click on Webmasters Forum in the top navigation bar … go down to the section Search Engines and Domains and enter at Search Engine Optimization … scroll to the bottom and select posts from the Last Year … there should be something in those discussions that may help you.

    There are some very good ebooks on SEO as well … gets quite involved … not really something anyone can tell you in a post or two.

    Good Luck to you.


    Thank you so much for your information. :dontget:


    For SEO also go to the search engine sections here – a couple days ago for instance I posted a good piece about Yahoo seo.

    Hi Vegas Lady – still hope to show you Amsterdam. This time I think us ladies should have our own night out – the boys always hang in the banana bar and such places. Been there – seen that – have some other ideas for fun. Hopefully Fergie and Krystall and all other female affs and aff managers can get together. Used to be there were hardly any wonem in this business – that has changed. Time to claim or own fun times.

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