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Down payment

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  • #584044

    Hi all,

    I had a vendor which I promoted and got a few ‘000 a month for the players there, that vendor was good but did not ever pay in time, sometimes it was 2-3 month delay.
    so I stoped advertising it. He approched me now and he is willing to pay in advance for the promotion services.

    So My questions for you based on your experience, what is the right amount for a down payment so it will be both serious and not too much, I think that the mesurment should be in myltiples of expected revenues per month, but what should be the multiple.



    from my experience… getting paid up front = a lot harder to get out of the red… no solid proof though…

    but then its cool to get some pesos up front

    all depends on your traffic i guess… get couple k and see how it goes maybe… just don’t give them front line exposure or anything

    this industry is sooo shady… but you gotta love it :3eyes:



    I would ask for about what you made per month before and then see how it goes from there … Maybe tack on a few extra for your time and effort of having to put banners and links up and having to wait before. As bvc said though upfront pay is a bit of a pain in the ass. I hate having to worry on whether or not the casinos are gonna shave away cause they think that they are going to take you on the deal.

    As for shady BVC that is what I hate about this industry there is no way we will get legilation in our favor unless some of these asshole casinos get there acts together and its hurting us all on the bottom line because some of them are so damned crooked. I would lot rather have a good business relationship then deal with the BS that is constantly going on. It has hurt the image of us all and they need to start getting it together and we could all make a hell of a lot more benjamins each month. I hope that your comment was meant to be sarcastic … Crooks have totally BF’d us honest people trying to make a living.

    Good luck J


    AMEN … applaud.gif


    $2500 – $5000 is the average placement fee I charge for casinos I am unsure of. If they look particularly strong and offer over 35%I might go for $1500, but thats as low as I would go.


    thanks all for the comments, I closed at 10K advance (avg 2 months pay)


    I always insert a line that says

    If in 30 days “X” cannot deliver the promised players then “Y” company will forfeit all advanced payments to “X” for non-performance issues.

    *Like a deposit* more than an advance….

    of course, they don’t like this :)

    But I say… you don’t seem like you have much faith in your casino for as much faith as you say you have in my success. Your casino must suck if you won’t sign it.



    thanks ! this is a good idea, I will use it the next time!

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