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  • #660963
    Classics wrote:
    Second, dmoz functions by volunteers. Right now there are hardly any gambling editors so hardly anything is done. If you don’t like that, do something about it.

    It’s fine if a person doesn’t care, but if you do, what dmoz needs is 100 honest, good, sane gambling editors.

    Seriously, what chance do any of us have of becoming editors of gambling categories? In relation to DMOZ the second most popular subject behind how do I get my site listed is, how do I become an editor. As I’ve said before, if they don’t have enough editors, why don’t the give a few more a chance at editing.

    I tried contacting a category editor once through the link at the bottom of the category and it just bounced. Businesses shouldn’t allow that to happen even if they are volunteer operated. Either note on the category page that they are not accepting submissions or make sure there are people to review them.

    This thread is almost a case of deja vu from about 12 months back.


    That’s it. The only other thing to do is volunteer. The way for to get work done that you want to see done is to do it, not wait for somebody else to do it.

    That’s not exactly easy to do in a commercial category. I’ve tried a few times to get listed in a gambling related category (not using my own domain as one of the three needed). I put in good descriptions and selected appropriate sites. How do I know that? Because all three of those sites were added to the category on the same day I got an e-mail saying I was rejected. I don’t know about anyone elses experiences but I would be surprised if anyone without visible experience was allowed to edit a gambling related category.

    The non-commercial categories on the other hand are painfully easy to get into. But what’s the point of that?


    Two things, build sites with quality, original content.

    We were listed there but got booted out for some or other reason. No explanation, and no response to our queries. Granted – this did happen a while back – but after resubmitting, we have received no response and have not been readmitted.

    So.. my question is: What constitutes a quality site with original content?

    This is not an attack on you Classics .. just a thing to ponder as to why a lot of us do not understand the “rules” and why there is such a “bad taste” in our mouths when it comes to DMOZ

    I put in good descriptions and selected appropriate sites. How do I know that? Because all three of those sites were added to the category on the same day I got an e-mail saying I was rejected.

    – that’s funny. maybe not lol funny, but at least “oh well, wtf else do they want?” funny.


    Hey Everyone,
    DMOZ is a total waste of time and effort. How many people actually would use it as a search engine or do? There are no gambling editors at DMOZ, because they want except anyone that is qualify. Anyways, why work for free? My friend Islandmann was not trying to bribe. Also my friend Perilis as well as others here posted very good points. I believe that DMOZ would be wise in going to a paid inclusion to make money. Why offer anything for free. Why work as a editor for free?


    I submitted a friend’s site to Dmoz, , in the /Computers/Programming/Resources/ section and that site was up in Dmoz within a week.

    Anything to do with gambling, however, is incredibly commercial and the number of submits must be mind-boggling.

    We’re in an industry that is ripe with junk sites, spam sites, banner farms, copied content, aggressive webmasters, and low on quality. I can’t imagine how much garbage the editors for commercial categories must sift through. It’s more likely than not that the editors are also harassed by aggressive webmasters. It’s a wonder Dmoz keeps these categories published at all.

    It’s unquestionable that they (the editors) quickly don a cynical attitude towards all sites submitted, and the only gambling site that has an ice cube’s chance in hell of being accepted and listed by Dmoz these days will have to be impossibly great and packed with original content. My guess is that editors in gambling categories give each submission a 2 second peak before deciding if it’s worth a closer look.

    If you don’t think being in dmoz is beneficial, think again. Think about the backlinks. May not get you traffic directly, but those backlinks are worth more than 1000 recip links from crappy gambling sites. I would love to be listed in Dmoz, but I realize it’s not likely to happen. I submit once a year – just in case.


    This thread is almost a case of deja vu from about 12 months back.


    But accusing islandmaan of bribery because he wants to pay someone who may be able to pick the right sites and descriptions is a bit out there.

    I didn’t pay anyone for helping me with my dmoz listing, but I certainly would do so if I thought specific wording of the description or specific page content would help and someone out there was more learned than me. I never assume that I know best, I always assume someone out there knows more on whatever subject than I do.

    Paying someone to apply their knowledge on your behalf is done every day and it’s not bribery.


    Hey, guys, lets not derail what is a very interesting topic into a forum splitting hairs trying to define bribery. mmmmmmmkay?



    Hey Lou just close this thread as I am the one who started it, it has gone way off line. I don’t want this board to go the way of others and this is what this thread is doing.

    Let’s keep in mind what we are about and that is helping all to succeed but I must say this should not have gone out of control as it was a simple question.


    Captain wrote:
    Hey Everyone,
    DMOZ is a total waste of time and effort. How many people actually would use it as a search engine or do?

    Its not so much that people use it to search but more that the major search engines regard their pages highly so if you are on DMOZ, Google (for example) will index the category page you are on and you’ll get extra weighting. Quite significant extra rating in some categories with high PR).




    Exactly, Simmo.

    It’s worth the effort.

    Also, imagine the effect on the whole online gambling industry if every gambling webmaster wanted to get into Dmoz. The quality of sites would skyrocket and industry credibility would follow.

    The thing is, we have to be honest and admit to ourselves that the majority of our sites, mine included, have one purpose: To send traffic to casinos through affiliate links. Dmoz’s purpose is to create a directory of quality sites for the convenience of surfers, and not to help us market casinos.


    What I dont get is why the search engines are prasing DMOZ so high – it oges against all their “rules” – at it’s best, DMOZ is a link farm with no original content, period. Only because it’s non-commercial, doesnt mean it has better quality. Since Google ranks links from DMOZ as the highest level of link possible, the Google statement that “there is no human interaction” means squad.
    You dont need DMOZ link to rank high, but, damn, it helps a lot :)


    Hey Lou just close this thread as I am the one who started it, it has gone way off line. I don’t want this board to go the way of others and this is what this thread is doing.

    Let’s keep in mind what we are about and that is helping all to succeed but I must say this should not have gone out of control as it was a simple question.

    It’s ok, Islandmaan.

    The thread is back on track.

    Unless you feel that the unretracted accusation is harmful to your reputation, I think we can go on here.

    Most people who have been in this industry for a bit know you and respect you and are fully aware that you would never suggest bribery. And those who don’t know you – be advised that Islandmaan is one of the most respected longtime members of this community here at CAP.

    It’s your call though, Islandmaan. Your word will get the thread closed or moved to the attic. You have a right to say so. :)

    I’ll buy you a beer in Miami and we’ll have a laugh about it, OK? :cheers:


    Thats fine let the thread run I think it shows the board supports me, I just should not let this get under my skin but it does. Thanks guys for the support, hope to see ya in Amsterdam.


    islandmaan wrote:
    Thats fine let the thread run I think it shows the board supports me, I just should not let this get under my skin but it does. Thanks guys for the support, hope to see ya in Amsterdam.


    I know all about things getting under your skin. :nervous:

    It goes away, I am happy to report. :tongue:

    Amsterdam it is – I know a really neat coffeeshop we could go to for a spell. :hehe:

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