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  • #608275

    This place is behind many many spam mails that are going around. Read Marcia’s post about allslots in the brightshare forum for an example. Devious stuff.

    In Barcelona I was approached by Uri who used to work for casinopays and now works for Cyhawk.

    He wanted me to send players through a site Cyhawk runs. Too bad that I can’t remember what it was, but it was like a portal that affiliates can send players to for CPA or revshare.

    At the time I had never heard of cyhawk, but Uri used to be my aff manager at cpays.

    Uri really pissed me off because he was lying to me in a way that makes no sense lol.

    He said that we had such a good background together making deals, we could surely arrive at a good deal again.

    When I pointed out that we never once managed to make a deal, he said” oh yes we did. We were talking and dealing all the time. And I talked to Donna on messenger all the time. We are old friends.”

    Well, I know whether I made deals or not and I never did with cpays. He kept offering them and I kept declining them. I later asked Donna if she had spoken to him and she says she never even heard his name before. Friends, lol!

    This blatant lying about things that are easy to verify is just ridiculous.

    It demonstrates what sort of people these are.

    It figures they recruited from Cpays. I wonder if there is more of a connection than we know?

    I get a very bad taste in my mouth when I deal with these people, like they are the mob or something. Certainly they have no morals and lie like crazy.


    I get a very bad taste in my mouth when I deal with these people, like they are the mob or something. Certainly they have no morals and lie like crazy.

    No doubt and the dam was crawling with them!!

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