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CPAYS – What A Joke

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  • #599321

    Rather than try and explain my issues I thought it would be easier just to cut and paste my email!

    Further to my email below I have removed all links to any CPAYS affiliate links from our sites. These include:-

    Prestige Bingo
    Ruby Bingo
    You Bingo
    32 Vegas Casino
    Diamond Club Casino
    Joyland Casino
    New York Casino
    Playgate Casino
    Prestige Casino
    Diamond Club Poker
    Playgate Poker
    Prestige Poker

    Original Message

    From: BallsUp! Network
    To: CPays Support
    Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 4:36 AM
    Subject: BallsUpLove

    I am forwarding you this MSN conversation with Clariza that took place this evening.

    As I have stated in this conversation if this email is not answered or I do not receive a detailed response by 12pm GMT today then I will be removing all links across our Network with immediate effect and will no longer promote any brands via CPAYs.

    We may only be a small network at this point in time but we have only been launched since 1st October 2006 and have numerous web pages where we actively promote at least 16 of your brands…..

    Below is the conversation:-

    Nickie says:

    Hi Clariza

    Nickie says:

    my name is Nickie from BallsUp Network

    Nickie says:

    now i know that there was a fund via our link but it isnt showing on my affiliate account, why is that? says:

    Hi there.

    Nickie says:

    hello? says:

    can i have your username please?

    Nickie says:

    my affiliate user name?

    Nickie says:

    BallsUpLove says:

    one moment please.

    Nickie says:

    it was for Joyland Casino

    Nickie says:

    a deposit of £20 says:

    Ok, can i have the url?

    Nickie says:

    one seconf says:

    from what i understood, you’re having a problem with the link am i right?

    Nickie says:

    my tracking link or my web page url? says:

    ok says:

    your web page url

    Nickie says:

    Nickie says:

    and no i had no problem with the link

    Nickie says:

    i had a problem with their wager requirements! says:

    but the link is working right?

    Nickie says:


    Nickie says:

    Nickie says:

    and it even has on my stats the download

    Nickie says:

    but funnily enough the deposit isnt showing! says:

    Ok i can see that the link is working right. says:

    Regarding the wagering requirements, says:

    i will forward it to the relevant department.

    Nickie says:

    its ok, ive spoken to them says:

    we will contact you once there’s a result for this.

    Nickie says:

    my concern at this point in time is why isnt the fund showing in my affiliate account? says:

    have you tried looking at the traffic stats?

    Nickie says:

    basically, i funded £20 to do the review, when i left i had £100….i requested a withdrawal….only to receive an email saying i need to wager a further £1779 to be able to withdraw

    Nickie says:

    YES! I have looked at the traffic stats, it shows the download, mine! but not the deposit! says:

    have you read the terms and conditions in joyland casino? says:

    Ok let me check on that.

    Nickie says:

    i have now! but thats ridiculous, how can someone who funds £20 not be able to withdraw at least their initial deposit, after all it is their money! without first wagering over £2000! says:

    regarding this matter i have to forward it to the finance department.

    Nickie says:

    anyways, my problem is not that with Cpays, my issue is that i have 16 links over my 5 web sites all under Cpays, how do i know that these are all working

    Nickie says:

    i only know that this one transaction isnt showing because it is mine! what about the ones i dont know about? says:

    you can check the links of the banners, your username should be on the link instead of “tsystem”.

    Nickie says:

    im really sorry Clariza but im not stupid, i have over 200 affiliate accounts over out network, i know how tracking links work says:

    i’m sorry for that. says:

    i thought you were asking about the links.

    Nickie says:

    how about we do it this way, until this is rectified i remove all our reviews that are linked cia Cpays? and until Cpays can give me an answer that i am happy with we dont deal with you (not you personally)

    Nickie says:

    let me just explain before i remove all the links from my network

    Nickie says:

    we have links on

    Nickie says:

    Nickie says:

    Nickie says:


    Nickie says:

    we dont just chuck banners on our pages, we review the sites, which takes approximately 2 hours per site says:

    Ok, i will forward this to your account manager so he can make the necessary action for this.

    Nickie says:

    they are very comprehensive says:

    For the meantime please don’t remove our banners in your site.

    Nickie says:

    Potentially Clariza, I am directing traffic with no earnings

    Nickie says:

    I am doing this to earn money not because I love Cpays lol says:

    Yeah, i understand.

    Nickie says:

    can you see where my problem lies?

    Nickie says:

    just quickly looking at the stats

    Nickie says:

    79 clicks…..8 downloads……no earnings

    Nickie says:

    and i know at least one of those clicks funded £20!

    Nickie says:

    its not acceptable

    Nickie says:

    who is my account manager? says:

    I’m sorry for the inconvinience this had caused you. says:

    We are having some technical problems this past few days. says:

    I’m sorry but we are not allowed to disclose that information.

    Nickie says:

    ok well as far as im concerned if I havent had an email by 12pm GMT today (its 4.25am now) then I will be removing all reviews and links that I have through Cpays and will no longer promote any of the products via yourselves

    Nickie says:

    the email needs to explain FULLY to me the issues, how they are to be rectified and assure me that I am not promoting your brands for FREE

    Nickie says:

    the fact that you cant disclose the name of my account manager is ridiculous

    Nickie says:

    now i have an email from someone called UDI

    Nickie says:

    would he be my account manager? says:

    i’m sorry but we are not really allowed to disclose such information.

    Nickie says:

    or is it James? says:

    all i can do for now is forward your concern to your account manager and he’ll take the actions for these.

    Nickie says:

    well i would suggest clariza that you do as I am doing and save this conversation….i will be forwarding it to the email address I have for CPAYS

    Nickie says:

    thank you for your time

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