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could everyone please check this article out and comment?? PLEASE!!!

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  • #590948

    Hi there I am new to this forum as a poster but have been visiting on the odd occasion. I own an affiliate website as im sure the majority of people who post here do. I found a rather disturbing article which can be found here

    could people have a read of it and give me their oppinions? Is this just paranoia or is there a genuine case here, are virtually all affiliate progs defrauding us of our hard earned cash? I guess it is extremely difficult for us to know how much our referals are depositing and we have to trust the affiliate marketing companies one hell of a lot. If what is being suggested here is true, we are only making 1% of what we are entitled to, ie we should be one hell of a lot richer than we are. All comments are welcome. Many thanks


    here is the full article

    look forward to your comments


    THis article and this site have been discussed here before.

    My opinion :

    While there may some valid points in it … the whole article is an unbalanced attack on everyone and everythying in gambling.

    The author has zero credability in my eyes and constantly chooses to rant about weird elements such as

    … These are the same crooks who program their rigged games to make you win when you deposited $25 but loose when you deposited $1,000 or $10,000

    … xxx xxxxxx was heavily involved with pornography at the time, and she was closely working with criminals and crooks as her close partners. You don’t have criminals as your partners unless you are dishonest yourself. She was also an attorney. Many good reasons not to trust her in the first place.

    (and I won’t even mention his paragraph that disparages the entire indian sub-continent as crooks)

    The basis for his rant seems to be an outdated statement on a website that says … Party Poker paid affiliates more than $19 million since 1997 … he then works out how little that would be given their profits.

    However, since then Party Poker have updated their site to say that they’ve paid out $50 million in 2005 …

    which is now supposedly proof positive that they’re crooks according to our author – after all they’re covering their tracks !!

    Basically anyone can publish anything on the net. It’s up to each person to determine the validity of any article …

    For me … it’s rubbish.


    thanks for the reply. It is comforting that the first response is a positive one. Sorry if i have brought up old news.
    I agree that anybody can write an article and he may or may not have proof, but the article does raise some interesting points in my oppinion. I found it difficult to understand his whole 100% -15% -10% etc thing, but i do feel there is a considerable trust element for affiliates. If we are being totally honest with each other we dont know if the stats that are reported to us are genuine or not. Indeed most stats are not updated in real time and from the number of posts here in the bad affiliates section it is apparent to be that the industry on the whole is not all that transparent. However i do firmly believe that in time the crooks will be found out and honest operators will succeed. After all if this article were to be 100% true then surely it is only a matter of time before an honest operator comes along and affiliates payments will rocket for that operator, thus we would all start promting them. I am trying to present a balanced argument and i think my stance is, that a lot of casinos do not report official statistics and are in fact skimming revenue from us, but the problem is not as bad as is reported here. The thing is we will never really know, such is the nature of the global faceless industry within which we operate


    That guy writes stuff like that all the time, and never yet has any of it been based in reality.

    There is not a single actual fact in all of these.

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