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Content scraping – the final solution and reality check

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  • #694716

    Well geeze I was unaware BH techniques were legal and morally okay! I guess I will use some good BH seo techiques on the people who think its totally legit. This would make life much easier for me. I just have too develope some of my own scripts and send them out. I wonder what site I should target? greek39^*

    greek39 wrote:
    I am finding some of these blackhatters/malicious hackers have some high degree of intelligence. Some have contributed so much to the internet be it security, firewall improvments, hold patents, and yet somewhere along the way they turn corrupt. Is it greed? I ran into this one fellow and I am truely amazed over all that he had accomplished. Its’so unfortunate when people let money govern their lives. This guy who I won’t name, was as dedicated as they come. I wonder why he turned in on himself, he had so much too offer all of us. greek39^*

    I agree with this.

    Some really smart people there.

    It’s a shame they choose to do things in a way that hampers progress rather than contributes to it. It would be a pleasure to work with good minds like that.


    Yah, I get your frustration Greek. That is one thing that blackhats all have in common. Because their online marketing knowledge is restricted they often fail to see the difference between White hat and Blackhat strategies. I mean often they will refer to Whitehats wearing Grey hats. They feel that SEO in itself is an act of SERP manupilation. This often can’t be argued by the people that are debating with them as these people often do not have the knowledge to debate with them. I have read Janet’s pointless missleading posts and actually think that this lady really needs to get a life. Do not turn to the darkside. The mobster’s life is truelly not worth living.


    I wouldn’t dare turn to the dark side, they are blackhatters after all, mobsters yes. But for the people writing the scripts for the life of me I can’t figure it out, why? But it seems Janet endorses such methods, I find that interesting. Maybe I will dig up some good court cases on the issue. If blackhatter techniques were so okay I wonder why Google put out Jagger, 1,2,3 wasn’t the main goal to weed out these unsavy characters? greek39^*


    Two guest lurking I wonder who they are? I am doing this on my own accord, sovereign from this forum. For those lurking and finding things interesting I am just scraping the surface. greek39^*


    Let me be clear, i do not endorse any type of behavior which is against the law, or any type of behavior which damage other people with the intention of harming them.
    I do endorse fair competition, now the all discussion here is what “fair” is, is fair determined by the law, is it determined by Google, or by each person own mindset.
    Does it even “fair” want my site, which is totally WH to be ranked above the other person WH site, that person may need the money more then I do, so…
    “Fair” is a very problematic term .

    let me 1st start by saying that SEO by my definition is taking advantage of understanding how the search engines algorithms are “thinking” and what they consider as “good” indications that a specific page is relevant to a “specific” search term and it is “better” then the other pages ranked below it when someone searches for the “specific” term.

    I will tell you what “fair” is in my mind, if someone is using all of his knowledge and understanding of how Google works, and is able to convince the Google machine that his site is better the other person site, and this is done in such a way that the other guy who is now ranked below him, can, with sufficient amount of $$$, practice and education use the same techniques to rank higher again, this is fair, just like any sport game.

    Again, I am talking about techniques which are not hurting the other site, but simply improving the site that ranks higher based on “quality indicators and relevance to the search term” in the Google machine eyes.

    This is why, as I said from the 1st post in this thread, each webmaster, and especially in such a competitive industry like this, need to be on the leading edge of SEO understanding , and I am NOT talking about being a BH, I am talking about knowing and having the ability to use the latest tricks of the trade, since link exchange, which is an SEO trick is used my most of the people here , but this “trick” is an old one, and you need to learn the new tricks of the trade in order to survive.

    again, not BH tricks, but SEO ones and there are so many out there, go read, educate yourself, the problem now days and it is going IMO be like this for a long time, is that Google is not perfect in deciding exactly which page is really better then the other in a perfect way (if there is any) so you need to help Google, and the best help is to talk the talk, and walk the walk, which means doing proper SEO for your site.


    Edited by request of the author.



    Did you know one of my companies I have indirect ties with is being sued by CNN. greek39^*


    I would like to point out that our little campain is having an effect…

    888 Holdings PLC stock is trending down… hard today.

    London Stock Exchange – 888 Holdings PLC (Note: Change the chart Timeframe to ‘Intraday’)

    From 888s own investor page.

    Looks like someone is trying to stabalize the stock, but it looks to me like its not working and the price is headed for the sewer. :popcorn:

    Hey, moron, I just know your checking all this out… Better stop it, you can still pull back right now and save your ass, if you don’t, its only going to get worse for you… I promise.


    I request that post be deleted. The problem is fixed!! greek39

    It’s edited.



    Well, as soon as I get the time I will write a page about Pacific Poker and it’s role in the blackhat attacks being launched on quality portals.

    I will be open for linking and posting here.

    As far as SEO goes, there are only a very few things that truly matter, and they have nothing to do with learning how algorhythms work or outsmarting google. They have to do with serving the customer.

    If you build your site according to those simple steps and keep adding more of the same, you will have a successful, purely white site.

    1. Make sure your pages load fast.
    2. Make sure your internal navigation works and is easy to follow.
    3. Make sure that each page has one distinct subject.
    4. Male sure you keep things updated and fresh and you keep adding more information.

    If you follow this, you will be building a successful white hat site. As such, the right people will link to you.

    Everything else is finding short cuts, which may or may not work and which never have staying power.

    If you want to spend your time doing the same thing over and over and over again, go blackhat.

    If you want to spend your time tweaking and adjusting and targeting this, that and the other keyword, go SEO or “grey hat” or whatever you want to call it.

    If you want to spend your time building something you are proud of, that is truly useful to people, and that has staying power, go pure white.

    You can make money either way.


    I am off this thread and I suggest you blackhatters be very worried right about now. greek39^*


    I find it very hipocrytical that a select few people here are giving so much credence to the law. They make it sound like it is the gospel written by god. A perfect example is the mess J Todd is in. I suppose because that is now law that means it is just and fair. That is the biggest horshshit I have ever heard in my life. The law is a joke, I could rap all day here about injustices on the american people by our laws. Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves right now and the laws we have today are a far cry from their intent.

    Those people who think all is ok as long as the law permits it have little scruples. I suppose back when women didn’t have the right to vote, that was ok too because it was law. Or when america thought it was ok to have slaves. Sure, no problem, it wasn’t against the law. What a sorry excuse to try to justify unethical wembaster practices.


    :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

    Janet wrote:
    Let me be clear, i do not endorse any type of behavior which is against the law, or any type of behavior which damage other people with the intention of harming them.
    I do endorse fair competition, now the all discussion here is what “fair” is, is fair determined by the law, is it determined by Google, or by each person own mindset.
    Does it even “fair” want my site, which is totally WH to be ranked above the other person WH site, that person may need the money more then I do, so…
    “Fair” is a very problematic term .

    Janet, internationally there is no court that actually write internet laws. There is NO judge anywhere that is specializing in the internet. Infact, most of them have no comprehension of what is wrong or right as this is a very much new territory for the law. Currently the law is specifically written in most countries based on 100’s of years of history and lessons learnt and it is not directly relevant to the internet. Unfortunately individuals like you are judged by laws which make it simple to stay “legal”.

    By supporting BH techniques you do indeed endorse techniques that damage and profit from other people’s hard work. That is why parasites are so disliked in nature; very few of them actually do something meaningful.

    I will try my best to explain to you the white hat concept as you clearly have NO understanding of what that means. First of all let me make it clear. There is no Grey hat! You are either wrong or you are right. You can’t stand on the line and claim you are right. White hats actually specialize in identifying the qualities that SE’s such as Google want to give to their viewing public. We concentrate not only on obtaining those rankings but also on pleasing the users that click on those results, with the quality they are longing for. We look at acquisition methods and retention methods from a professional marketing point of view. We look at the rules that SE’s provide and follow them. We do not manipulate! Black Hats on the other hand, Google bowl or like Mick would say Bomb, they scrape content, completely ignore acquisitions, retention, usability or any meaningful contribution to the internet.

    Janet wrote:
    let me 1st start by saying that SEO by my definition is taking advantage of understanding how the search engines algorithms are “thinking” and what they consider as “good” indications that a specific page is relevant to a “specific” search term and it is “better” then the other pages ranked below it when someone searches for the “specific” term.

    Refer to my previous reply, I am truly not explaining this to you again it is a waste of time anyway.

    Janet wrote:
    Let me be clear, i do not endorse any type of behavior which is against the law, or any type of behavior which damage other people with the intention of harming them.
    I do endorse fair competition, now the all discussion here is what “fair” is, is fair determined by the law, is it determined by Google, or by each person own mindset.
    Does it even “fair” want my site, which is totally WH to be ranked above the other person WH site, that person may need the money more then I do, so…
    “Fair” is a very problematic term .

    Again, sigh. Lady, you just don’t get it. It is not about fairness when it comes to black hats! It is about right and wrong end of story. Stealing other people’s hard work or manipulating SERPS is neither right nor fair. It is wrong,… end of story. Geeeezzzzz it is black hats that make Google’s work so much more difficult. White hats actually contribute!

    Janet wrote:
    Again, I am talking about techniques which are not hurting the other site, but simply improving the site that ranks higher based on “quality indicators and relevance to the search term” in the Google machine eyes.

    Sorry are you the same person? What are you talking about? Black hats have never and will never contribute to the internet positively! Yes you think it is all about ranking high off course it is, because that is where your knowledge and understanding ends. No black hat techniques is a functional online marketing strategy.

    Janet I do not know the amount of experience or understanding you actually have in the online industry, but lady you need to go and learn some more. This is not intended as an insult please, this entire conversation or debate call it as you like, is me trying to explain to you the basics of the online industry as it actually functions from a professional point of view. Please be mature enough to understand me as such, you do not understand the online industry despite the fact that you clearly feel you do.

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