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Content scraping – the final solution and reality check

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    no, they will either go to the google cache or the internet archive or simply take the snippets from the SERPs, unless you want to block google

    In most cases you can block the google cache, with no ill effects to your ranking, I thought all SEOs were aware of this… 888 sure is.

    all true, but lets get a reality check , we all know that it takes less then 30 sec. to put up a scraper site, from domain registration to full blown hosted site (I do respect you so i assume that you know how it is done)…

    Yup I know how its done. I also know that the person registering 50+ bogus domains a day can and will get their domain account pulled, if reported.

    ok, work together doing what, this is what we are trying to nail down, how do you fight, in a menner that you have a chance

    I think what has been going on here at CAP about 888 is a good example. A group of webmasters gets fed up and takes action… it is having an effect and 888 is taking notice… and we will win.

    yep, I do read you load and clear, but how may people here have the capability of doing it , or even to intention to get into something which meight put them in gail

    How many? More than you think.
    It is very funny that you would mention going to jail… Most of us here risk going to the cross bar hotel everyday just for running our business, funny you would think that an argument like that would sway anyone here.


    PPC scenario…
    You bid and pay $1.00 for “casino” on PPC #1 (a legit ppc)
    PPC #1 buys traffic for “casino” from PPC #2 (smaller but also legit)
    Scraper sends traffic to PPC #2 SERP page for “casino” for affiliate earnings along with an 888 banner at the top and a 15 second redirct to the casino page.

    Is that close?


    ok, so lets summeries, it was a good discussion

    to protect your site:
    1. do good SEO (all textbook best practices)
    2. protect your content from crawlers which may steal you content

    it depends on the amount of content being takes
    1. if a all page or large portions then go to the entire food chain and complains DCMA etc. and use legal actions as well
    2. if small portions, try to talk with the entire food chain and talk them into the understanding that even if what the scraper did is still “legal” it is not a good behaivier and they should not support it by providing services etc. to that person

    if you want to take things more deaper, it is up to you what you do and what methods and techniques you are utializing

    would that be the right set of rules ?


    I completely agree with what Lots0 said.

    The core question is what we believe the purpose of our marketing efforts is. Do we believe in providing people with the tools to make an informed decision on online gambling or do we want to direct any unsuspecting surfer to an online casino just for the sake of making a quick buck? It´s long term vs short term. Integrity vs rogue behaviour.

    The landbased gambling industry´s image is solid because they have learned this lesson. During the mobs rule it was hookers and slots machines. Today Vegas has established itself as the biggest theme park in the world.

    And I do believe scrapers can be picked off one at a time. It may be tedious but it will be successful in the long term. There are ways to make money in this industry but they require you to put in more effort than the monkey business procedures that constitute scraping.
    As the whitehats were in this industry first everyone has to play by our rules and if the BHs violate them we will try to take them down.


    Goldfinger – :)

    Janet said:

    would that be the right set of rules ?

    I don’t know about rules, maybe a broad outline of a few actions that can be taken.

    I personally think the most effective way to deal with this is to band together and use our collective strength to combat the problem.


    It took reading this thread a couple of times to finally figure out there may be a correlation to my rankings and my recent scrapes.

    I guess these scrapper thieves don’t stop to think how their theft is affecting us. I am trying to support my retired parents who bit off more than they can chew and can’t pay all their bills. My traffic is a joke since I put up the blacklisted pages and I have been scrapped like the rest of you to no end. Google and msn have dropped half of my pages. Needless to say my earnings are next to nothing and if it gets to the point where I can no longer help my parents and they lose their house or something, then someone is going to pay.

    These thieves are laughing all the way to the bank right now. I wonder how much they will be laughing when they have to use a wheel chair to go inside the bank. They are messing with the wrong dude. I will treat them the same way as if they are coming into my bedroom and stealing money out of my drawer. No different in my eyes.

    For you thieves lurking here that have scrapped my site, I will spend every last penny I own to find out who you are and where you reside. You think you can steal from me and I am going to do nothing, well you have made the biggest mistake of your life.

    I am done being a chump.

    I am sorry this post in not constructive to the thread.

    Fergie wrote:
    I’m hoping that we can dig into this and come up with some good information as to how we can attempt to solve the scraping issue.

    This thread is an invitation for all of us to put our heads together and figure out if there is anything concrete that can be done about the thousands of scraper sites going up daily.

    #1 get the programs to stop paying these creeps!


    I think that will help out a little bit. However, that also means that either WE or the affiliate managers has to track down EVERY referral in order to determine if it is a scraper.

    AND – many of the scraper sites will look like WH sites to the eye, so digging would have to be done.

    It’s just not realistic that they are going to police their affiliates. I hate to say that, but true.

    On the other hand, when we bring the information to them – it would be nice if they do something about it. Even better – Move the affiliate earnings to the person who was scraped.


    I would avoid drawing any conclusive opinions just yet. There is the other side of the story coming soon. It will be a long article with responses from some highly respected people. This does take time, perhaps a week. I will try and put in a formatt that everbody understands.

    But thus far I think the thread has cast some useful information. greek39^*


    I hope the other side of the story will address the fact that sites that have rouged 888 here at CAP and on Dominique’s Rouge 888 page have been targeted in what I can best describe as a retaliation attack of scraping and cloaking by 888 and/or its affiliates.

    As has been pointed out already in this thread, all you have to do to see this attack for yourself is to search in google for the domain names, without the www or .com, of the sites that are listed on Dominique’s Rouge 888 page.

    I think this apparent attack by 888 and/or its affiliates changes the face of this whole issue.

    The smaller, newer sites that have not acheved a “trust” rating yet, that are being attacked, will like Bonusgeek, start seeing a reduction in google rankings almost immediately. The “trusted” sites will not see an immediate effect, but in my opinion their “trust” rating will be eroded over time as will their rankings/traffic if this attack is allowed to continue.

    So now… what next…Anyone have any more ideas on how to deal nicely with this group???

    As much as I like Bonusgeeks ideas, I feel that doing things his way is maybe not the best way to go right now… ;)

    Added, it would also be nice if we could figure out a way to help the smaller sites that have been hurt by trying to do the right thing.


    I think for the most part people know how I personally feel about 888 and the scraping issues. But this thread is offering me an opportunity I did not have previously, which is nice. A chance to explain things in a better light.

    I have made many posts which were mainly vague and sent people off on wild goose chases. In my opinion, thus far SEO is nothing but an system of chaos. To many variables to truly master. The intenet and the www and quite distinct, the internet feeds the www but the www cannot feed the internet.

    But anyway, I hope I don’t kick myself in the ass with what is too come. greek39


    First of all, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, needs to turn in the pages of scrapers found listed under the affected domain names.

    If enough people turn all these in, google may ban the individual permanently. It’s happened before, and that person could not even get a white hat site listed anymore.

    List one search page where all of the entries are scraped, and note the number of sites on the right top corner of the search page

    in my case Results 11 – 20 of about 31,400 for gamesandcasino

    so 31,000 under this search.

    You can play around with how you type in the site URL and find alot more.

    If all of us complain that a search for site abc turns up tens of thousands of listings that are not at all ABC, google will act.

    Google is sick of that crap itself. It may help them find some better ways to weed these out.


    The last couple of days I have received many “hits” from domains like these:

    The list is very long. Am I under some kind of attack ? (my sites are listed on Dominique’s 888 page…)


    >>>Am I under some kind of attack ?

    Yes you are, just take a look Here


    Many know what happened to TrafficPower. Google stomped on them and their clients sites in one big swoop. Just do a search for Traffic Power in google or go to I would not be surprised if the same happens to the person soiling our industry.

    888 are not behind this latest attack. The individual or individuals targetting our sites with these shitty redirect pages on these .info and .pl domains – I feel is giving us a strong warning.

    We have obviously affected that person’s relationship with 888 to an extent that he/she has been hit big time in the pocket. So at least we can take solace in that. I know that from speaking to Andrew Beveridge of eCOGRA last week, that John Anderson is not happy. John has also informed Andrew that 888 have addressed these issues. We certainly are seeing a lot less scraper sites promoting 888 in the recent weeks. This is a good thing.

    So it looks like the individual behind the scraping is now trying to generate revenue off a shitty PPC Site and damage our rankings in the process.

    So in the meantime what action do we take? These sites are not scraping our sites, indeed the source code on the sites that redirect to veryfastsearch appear to be scraping the results from google, which include our site’s description – this in turn providing us with a backlink.

    The thing is there appears to be well over 10,000 of these sites each providing backlinks. A crude attempt to nuke/bowl the targetted sites out of the serps.

    For a new site this is very worrying. For a site still sandboxed, again very worrying. For an established site which has strong rankings and solid WH Seo in place, it is like throwing marshmallows at a tank. Ineffective.

    Another thing we have to take on board is that a competent blackhat can throw up to 4000 new sites a day. Utilising many scripts and utilities readily available.

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