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October 23, 2008 at 3:46 pm #783753
InactiveSS taxes over 250K is a crock,.. it is the upper most possible with all the bs attachments..
If we split the country in half, and had each side contribute the same % to national defence, and then let each half run itself we would have the republican side grow and flurish, and he dem side would shrink and go bankrupt kust like Chicao, Cleveland and the other democratic run places.
October 23, 2008 at 3:59 pm #783757Anonymous
InactiveDo you look at facts?
If we split the country in half, and had each side contribute the same % to national defence, and then let each half run itself we would have the republican side grow and flurish, and he dem side would shrink and go bankrupt kust like Chicao, Cleveland and the other democratic run places.
So this had nothing to jobs moving to republican areas, where people were poorer and workers and consumers have fewer rights? Besides by the time this recession/depression is over, the cities of the south and west will be just as bankrupt, but with their people suffering more, because of their focus on “The Investor Economy” means they have crappy social services. The funiture mills, the textile plants in the south are gone too, as people there are becoming to expensive, they’ll be outsourced too.
You’re so concerned about the debt and taxes that you think Obama will run up that you’re ignoring the fact that your party ran up 90% of all debt in the history of the country in the last 28 years and that McCain is ready to create a $1 Trillion deficit for his first year in office. I can see why republicans think bankrupting the government to put money in their supporters pockets is attractive, but why would a family making $100,000 or less buy into this?
October 23, 2008 at 4:10 pm #783763Anonymous
InactiveAhh yes you have fallen for the “You need your goverment to care for you” routine.. good luck with that.
So answer this straight, you raise the gas companies taxes by 50 billion, the Utility companies taxes by 20 Billion, the corporations like McDonalds taxes by 40 Billion do they say “gosh darn it” or do they pass that extra cost of doing business to the products?
Trying to screw the rich is only screwing yourself no matter how you look at it. Instead of being against people making lots of cash, people should work to put themselves there, not resent success as Democrats do.
Oh and did you hear Barney Frank? We have a lot of room to increase taxes on the rich to fix this.. After literally being in bed with the top execs of Fanny and Freddy barney should spend some serious time in his dream home picking up soap in prison.
The only change obama has in mind is in your pockets.. Wake the hell up.
October 23, 2008 at 4:12 pm #783764Anonymous
InactiveOh, and ask how many jobs will be cut with taxing the crap out of corporations. oh but Obama will create more goverment jobs for infrastructure. just what we need is more goverment spending or did you guys not link that together yet?
October 23, 2008 at 7:22 pm #783791Anonymous
InactiveSo am i off here when i interpret the short version of your posts as “if we raise taxes back to the rates during Bill Clinton’s administration, economic growth will drop?”
and you claim that despite the fact that growth was better under clinton than the last 8 years of bush?
October 23, 2008 at 7:24 pm #783792Anonymous
InactiveYes, Econimic growth was quite larger.. just do not confuse wallstreet with the economy. Then we have Spending through the roof. But yes the Ecomomy grew.
October 23, 2008 at 7:37 pm #783793Anonymous
InactiveObamas tax plan is the 30 06 bullet to the back of uncle sam’s head as he is kneeling on the floor picking up the broken pieces of the current economy.
October 25, 2008 at 10:23 am #784056Anonymous
InactiveHere’s a savings comparison of the Bush, McCain and Obama tax plans using both McCain and Obama’s released tax returns as data.
This is the full pdf report. It’s only 9 pages and worth looking at.
xhttp://www.americanprogressaction.org/issues/2008/pdf/tax_returns.pdfI was surprised to see McCain getting SS.
October 25, 2008 at 3:25 pm #784060Anonymous
Inactive@allfreechips 182535 wrote:
just do not confuse wallstreet with the economy
isnt that the premise of capitalism? that wall st is the front face/image of the economy? wasnt that bush’s agenda?
from what i know, the current forces in control of your country are very much in dig with wall st. and have fueled the economy through war…
…or are you saying that wall street is going down but the economy is not?
October 25, 2008 at 4:20 pm #784066babacar
MemberI just wonder why, we wont go back to backing our finances by gold? Where are we getting the money for these stimulus checks anyways? Out of thin air?
This is why i didnt vote for mccain or obama. I did vote in the republican primaries though (for Ron Paul). Either way you look at it, these 2 candidates were both funded by huge special interest groups (ie. the big banks and other sectors).
Whoever wins the presidency here they have won, and just like a good stock market investor, these big banks have hedged their bets on both of these race horses.
Its a no-lose for them, but what about us the american people?allfreechips;182414 wrote:With the Increased corporate and investor taxation the pricing passed to the consumers will far outweigh the welfare, i mean tax credit checks obama will be sending out. Most people seem to not consider the fact the rich, the corporate giants do not pay taxes, they include them in product pricing. Its all a cost of doing business not a penalty to them. Raising these taxes is raising the cost of living for the poor and middle class period.Redistribution of wealth is proven to make nobody rich, it is only possible to make everyone poor. Simple economics proven time and again as taking away the ability to become wealthy takes away all motivation to do anything.
I wish McCain would push a flat tax and eliminate corporate taxes, then we would see a rash of spending and prosperity never before realized after that second world war. Taxing the country into submission is not the way to move forward.
October 26, 2008 at 2:11 am #784093Anonymous
Inactive@wallstreeterww 182873 wrote:
I just wonder why, we wont go back to backing our finances by gold?
i think its because it will limit the banks to making less money literally from air. besides, the money would have to be backed by gold, so the money supply would have to be proportional to a country’s gold reserves. this obviously becomes a problem when your country just prints IOU bills without needing to back them up with anything, making it fiat money.
i also read somewhere that the cause for german hyperinflation in the 1930s was their refusal to move away from gold backed finances while US and UK did. got to catch up on the research there not to sound like an ass.
but there are probably bigger issues at stake here and i’m not too knowledgeable in this area.