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Confirming Ones Identity

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  • #621420

    Hi, i’m a student looking to earn a bit of extra cash while i study to allow me to not get a “proper” job (is that offensive?) so i’m looking at building a few affiliate websites for online gambling.

    I understand that i would need to produce ID as evidence that i’m eligible to work in the UK and for employers they are satisfied with a Birth Certificate. Is the same true of Affiliates? And if not would they accept a provisional drivers licence?

    I have neither a provi drivers licence or a passport and being a student i want to spend as little as possible, so what would be required of me to prove my status?

    Thanks :D


    All you really need is a bank account and address, because what country are you actually working in?
    The Web has no boundaries……


    I’m a UK citizen and resident. Just wondered what the general acceptable form of ID was.

    Saves me contacting every single affiliate program or wasting time promoting one if i’m gonna have to pay £80 for a passport. will if i have to but if i can avoid it i will :)


    What pat meant was that you don’t need to send them ID as you could be working from anywhere..

    Affiliate programs are based all over the world too, and since the tax and working laws are not the same in each country, you wont have to provide the programs with anything like that because you are basically your own business.

    It could be different if the program is based inside the country you are residing in, but you would have to check with those programs.


    ah, a rhetorical question. The sentence did read rather weirdly the way i interpreted it.

    Thanks Pat, Renee.

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