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Change of theme – help needed.

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  • #628950

    I like the theme on my blog at but after two years I’m just not getting much traffic. Could the theme be to blame?
    I’m updating regularly and trying to add decent content where I can.
    if it is the theme can anyone recommend an alternative?
    Thanks a lot!


    I personally dont like your header, but other than that I cant see a problem.. The header to me is just too much in your face. And too big.

    But I cant see why a theme would stop visitors finding you. Thats more down to SEO and traffic driving measures.. A theme might stop returning visitors, but not initial ones.


    @societyofslots 246721 wrote:

    I personally dont like your header, but other than that I cant see a problem.. The header to me is just too much in your face. And too big.

    I agree with societyofslots on this. While I get the concept, the header image takes over the entire focus of the site, imo.

    In so far as the theme question, I could go into a heap of details but to answer your specific question, some WP themes are SEO/CSS optimised and some are not. From pulling your source code, yours isn’t.

    Does this make a huge different?
    EG – Using the proper H tags placements etc etc imho does make a big difference. But they’re not going to cause much change if what’s contained on the page doesn’t match the keywords and phrases your aiming for. Nothing is going to help if one doesn’t match the other.

    In so far as the overall presentation of the site, it doesn’t encourage me to hang around. IDK without sounding like an a$$ the site looks a bit this and that. Have a look around some of the other sites in the review section here and compare your WP with theirs is always a good way to get an idea of what is out there and what sites you are effectively competing against.

    If it was me, I’d be looking for a nice premium paid WP theme which is more suited to an affiliate style casino portal. One which offers a structured lay-out for your home page slot posts. And, one which features up to-date bells and whistles etc etc.

    The thing is Andy, traffic isn’t the key to making a decent income in the game. It’s the quality of each unique visitor which will make you dollars. One of my best sites averages 250 unique a day. That site produces up to 70 NDP p/m.

    Yet I’ve had sites which produce over 1K in unique visits a day from generic terms and they can’t compete with these sign-ups. So don’t concern yourself with driving huge numbers to your site. Like content, it’s not the quantity that matters it’s the quality ;)

    At the end of the day, if your not making a regular income month in month out after 2 years, and your updating/adding fresh content on a regular basis, then IMHO, something is amiss and drastically wrong.



    PS hard to really give you much feedback other than generic information because you’ve provided very little insight into your site specifics. It’s a bit like asking, how long is a piece of string?


    Thanks a lot for the feedback. I haven’t even looked at keywords, in fact I wouldn’t know where to start – I just write stuff and trust that it’ll get found – I fell for the content is king thing I think.
    Next step look into keywords…


    @AussieDave 246727 wrote:

    If it was me, I’d be looking for a nice premium paid WP theme which is more suited to an affiliate style casino portal.

    The theme he uses is a premium wordpress theme and it can be customize to suit for casino affiliate website. I know that because I use this theme :wink-wink


    you should checkout the thesis theme. Very easy to get started with


    I actually like ur header lol , its trippy , but looks more like a computer games site but i like ur header
    dont know add urself to directories


    its actually really kewl u have a translae button, add to directories, botw


    add a faceb ook, twitter, linkedn button , and myspace too i actualy like the header
    i like ur choose r language thing i dont think if any of us have that
    choose ur launguage

    get ur site to best of the web

    though ur only targeting slots

    but why not

    ur heading is kewl as love it


    it would hav been better though

    not just slotmad


    Thanks again everyone (slotsmad is owned by someone else).
    Keywords now, then directories then themes


    It’s a nice theme. Just the header looks a bit unfinished, i would customize it more. Maybe more visible banners. But from my point of view i wouldn’t say that your actual number of visits is because of this. If I were you i would :

    – Define a competitive set of keywords orientated to your domain (take into consideration that there are some hard keywords to compete like “slots” or “casinos”, some times is better to focus os small phrases)

    – Get a few of quality backlinks

    – Have a great content.

    Then visits for sure will grow. After that if the number of returning visitors is bad, it worth spending some time doing “complex” theme customizations.

    Just a point of view.



    @igory 247111 wrote:

    After that if the number of returning visitors is bad, it worth spending some time doing “complex” theme customizations.

    I disagree.

    The site while it’s a decent enough theme, is lacking anything that’s impressive, nothing encourages me (and I’m sure visitors) to stay on site and check it out some. When you stack it up against the following, for example, which are new affiliates, I think getting the theme and its content looking sharp first up, is paramount.

    After that least the guy is on a similar page. Then when the keywords and phrases start to produce fruit, the site will do its job and hopefully start to produce income. I just think what your suggesting by not doing anything to make the lay-out etc etc look impressive, could backfire. Which he’s going to have to jazz up the lay-out eventually. So why risk losing more visitors when improving the lay-out is going to help either way.




    Well, I agree, partially. But i was thinking that since it might be a ‘one guy’ effort, that first he should focus in a reason or way to get people and then focus in a reason to make them stay/return.

    Which doesn’t mean not to do anything about the look-n-feel from the start, but to set priorities.

    @AussieDave 247115 wrote:

    I disagree.

    The site while it’s a decent enough theme, is lacking anything that’s impressive, nothing encourages me (and I’m sure visitors) to stay on site and check it out some. When you stack it up against the following, for example, which are new affiliates, I think getting the theme and its content looking sharp first up, is paramount.

    After that least the guy is on a similar page. Then when the keywords and phrases start to produce fruit, the site will do its job and hopefully start to produce income. I just think what your suggesting by not doing anything to make the lay-out etc etc look impressive, could backfire. Which he’s going to have to jazz up the lay-out eventually. So why risk losing more visitors when improving the lay-out is going to help either way.




    Again – thanks.
    It is only me (as it fairly obvious I’m sure) and I only really write about what I enjoy or interests me, I wouldn’t want to say a slot or a casino is great when it’s actually crap but they pay me good commission, it’s not an important income stream for me.

    However after 2 years I did expect more than 70 or so visits a day.
    And it’d be nice to know that there was say, €500 coming in guaranteed every month.

    I’ll take action on your suggestions and get someone to work on the site before adding some unique sections. Cheers!

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