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Certified Programs and affiliates copyright theft!

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    I think that all affiliateprograms listed under Certified Programs need to make statement regarding how they are going to handling affiliates copyright theft!

    It’s not that fun to se how affiliateprograms making tons of money from affiliates that ripping of a whole site from honest and hardworking affiliates.



    I agree. I don’t see where its asking too much for them to all make a statement so that we can decide who it is we want to support.

    This copying of content is IMHO our worst enemy right now; and I don’t even compete in the SEO wars. That said however, I do get a little free traffic, or used to anyway. But copying our content ensures every obscure keyword will become targeted with sites that in my case, will certainly beat me out on links. Since its the same content, they’re going to rank better.

    So I’m thinking that most here, who do rely on SEO rankings, would be the ones out in front handing out pitchforks and torches, ….

    Perhaps a poll on whether this should be asked of sponsors? Personally I think its important they DO take a stand on this issue that we can count on to punish the guilty while keeping the innocent safe.

    Should be easy enough to do. Most stolen content is going to appear as a page that is sending traffic much later on than when the original content page started sending traffic to that sponsor. I realize that won’t work in 100% of the cases but it should be as good a place as any to start.

    What I fear is that if anything isn’t done now to get unscrupulous sponsors to do the right thing, that soon those sites that have so much content (whom btw I’ve heard from one source that some are sending over 800 players a month) … that before long we won’t have enough bargaining power to be worth comparing to those cheats that are sending so many players per month.

    Even the honest programs will eventually feel the pressure to give in – simply in order to stay alive.

    This situation IMHO has huge implications and I think a collective force will be needed in order to stop the bleeding.

    I sincerely hope that this is given the attention by all, that it deserves.


    I agree with this.

    It is a dire situation, and we should find out which programs will support their affs in content theft situations.


    QUOTE: I think that all affiliateprograms listed under Certified Programs need to make statement regarding how they are going to handling affiliates copyright theft!

    I Couldn’t agree more. Dom is there anyway to get a global post in the CAP certified areas that we’d like to see them post in this thread how they plan to deal with content theft?

    I personally lean towards the idea that if you nab them, you nab their players, too.



    I agree that this is a major problem, and I have refused several sites that I caught copying another.

    The best method is for the Affiliate Program to be in touch with the Affiliate and ensure they change the content, or close their account. I have a slight problem with the transfer of revenues though, as there are always going to be cases of two sites accusing the other, and this could potentially make it worse.



    I have a slight problem with the transfer of revenues though, as there are always going to be cases of two sites accusing the other, and this could potentially make it worse. can prove whos content was there first


    I am not aware of any “global post” function, so I sent the Professor a note.

    I think this is a good idea.

    krystall2 wrote: can prove whos content was there first
    Goof point Krystall.

    I personally lean towards the idea that if you nab them, you nab their players, too.

    naturally I love the idea because its likely the person that busts them is going to be the person who’s content they stole, thus the players should go to them.

    But then where is the incentive to the casino to bother to chase all this down? if the casino gets to keep the players, then trust me they will be much quicker (and unforgiving) than otherwise.

    so for me, I’d happily trade the players to see the low-rent, low-class, lazy warts on the ass of society get what’s coming to them in a faster, more severe reaction to their cowardly ways.

    but of course as you can see, I’m probably not as passionate about this as some might be :)


    The following announcement has been posted in ALL certified partner forums:

    Attention Partners

    There is a growing problem with content theft and so called site scraping by a small number of disreputable affiliates. These parasites employ automated scripts which hijack content from legitimate affiliates in an attempt to gain higher search engine rankings. Unfortunately they have had some success with this tactic and are ramping up their efforts at this time.

    The theft of copyrighted material is not only an abhorent act, it’s illegal.

    We therefore urge all CAP partners to help us eradicate this problem by removing the profit motive.

    If you have not already established a policy on dealing with these content theives we ask that you do so.

    If you do have a policy for dealing with this terrible problem we ask that you post it in your forum area.

    Most HONEST affiliates are now evaluating their present and future partnerships with this issue in mind. Obviously, we wish to support the programs which support US on this important issue. We sincerely want to count on you to join us in cleaning up this blemish on the industry.

    Thank You


    Thank you Professor! This is very well put and I hope all the programs will post a policy for dealing with this.


    Ok, I’d like to see this form up into something we can get some programs to implement. So let’s say our main objective here is to stop copyright theft. Let’s leave the blackhat tricks completely out of this and see if we can get some of the fine CAP Certified programs to agree to “Part I”

    Part I: If an affiliate can prove with the way back machine (or in any other fashion) that the text is in fact STOLEN, the offending affiliate account should be closed.

    Let’s worry about what happens to those players $$ later…. what say we see some affiliate programs step up to the plate here and just say outright “if you catch and can prove that another affiliate is stealing your content we will terminate that partners account”

    I for one am changing programs on 50 websites currently (believe it) and would really like to see who steps up here….

    So… can we also get programs to state this in here? I know Professor has people posting these policies in their own forums, but it would also be great to see a list develope in one spot – I see this thread as a good place to post your affirmations to a policy similar to “part I”


    I have had my T&Cs analysed recently by the great and the good and one of the changes that was made was to insert the fact that if affiliates copied content and copied sites they will forfeit all earnings to the affected webmaster.

    To that end i have a WJ Partner council that will help me determine and guide re this. To often Affiliate programs don’t get involved with the people that matter most in the industry and that is why i have the WJ Partner council.

    I for one will not put up with this growing scourge, I work hard and the majority of my partners work very hard. I have had this issue crop up 7 times in the last two months so i have decided to make my stand re this.

    These changes were made early in July so i believe that i might be ahead of the game here.

    Have great day guys and good luck with your battle, you certainly have a sympathetic ear here

    Have a great day guys and good luck with your battle ,you certainly have a sympathetic ear here.



    I’ve been waiting until I had the time to add something official to our terms (which I will be doing shortly) but our unofficial position has been consistent over the years. In fact, as Krystal knows, we have withheld payments in the past to people who used content stolen from her, so we have no problem making this part of our terms. That was over a year ago before this became so widespread.

    I just thought I would make that clear until we make it an official part of the terms.

    wagerprofits wrote:
    In fact, as Krystal knows, we have withheld payments in the past to people who used content stolen from her, so we have no problem making this part of our terms. That was over a year ago before this became so widespread.

    Yes, and thanks for the help Jeff :)

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