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Casinomeister banned from CAP?

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  • #793783

    Alex to be a mod on a forum you have to use a certain degree of tact when speaking to forum members, you should not ever call them stupid or degrade them in anyway. It is hard I know to hold your tongue at times but your a direct representaion of the forum you mod at and always need to keep that in mind.

    I don’t understand why anyone would treat anyone that mods here at CAP bad, I personally am welcomed at every forum I visit with no issues, I also help and mod at AGD with no issues.

    Everyone should keep in mind we do this on a volenteer basis and we only have editing rights in the particular forum we mod. Such as I mod the newbie forum and I do this because I enjoy helping those that are just starting out in this business with any advice I can offer. I have no say in anything that happens at CAP and I have no powers to control anything except as I said to edit out post in the newbie area. :hattip:

    Arjun that is a great idea and I think all members will like that done.


    @bonustreak 195485 wrote:

    Alex to be a mod on a forum you have to use a certain degree of tact when speaking to forum members, you should not ever call them stupid or degrade them in anyway.

    lol no sh*t.



    What Arjun mentioned is highly possible. I was able to login to my account but was unable to post a few weeks back. This continued for 2 days. I don’t post regularly, but on that occasion I wanted to wish someone and I couldn’t because of this issue.

    However smart and advanced we all consider ourselves with our products; we always get stuck with technical bugs. I hope this was the case of a technical glitch and not intentional. Bryan is one of the guys I respect the most in our industry and I would be very sad if there is an issue between him and CAP (where some of my best friends frequent).


    @ArjunCAP 195474 wrote:

    CasinoMeister and all,

    I do not know why CM’s account experienced such an error, but i’m going to find out and see why this occurred. If it’s a bug, or a human performed action, i can find out. It IS possible that a dead link, or some inaccessible link was clicked – this has even happened to me before. either way, i’m sorry to hear this happened and let me check things out.

    Also, just to provide an example of why this MAY indeed be a bug, see the screenshot below. As you can see here, it shows i’m logged in, but cannot post. Considering the fact I am a forum administrator, seems a bit wierd, doesn’t it? I will touch base with CM directly and find out the exact error message he got, and how he navigated to it.

    Wool, eyes, pull, over.

    Rearrange the sentence.

    Please remove my membership from CAP.


    Hey Web are you going to be in London? Either way can you do me a huge favor and wait a few days and see how well Dom and myself to try to get his mess all cleaned up, I would appreciate it. If you want to vent and talk via the phone or pm please let me know but don’t make any haste decisions right now is all I ask.


    @Webzcas 195609 wrote:

    Wool, eyes, pull, over.

    Rearrange the sentence.

    Please remove my membership from CAP.

    Please don’t do that. You’re one of us. If there is a problem, I would like to see you a part of the solution.

    And it happened to me too, couple months ago and only for one attempt. I tried to post and got a screen that I had no authority. This had never happened to me before or after, and it never happened on any of my own VB forums. I just shrugged it off at the time and actually forgot about it til now. Cap staff fiddles a lot with the scripts, and I just attributed it to that. I never fiddle with VB scripts other than the choices provided in the software.


    Dom, Ive always got on with you and I understand why you want to fix the current situation. However the issue at hand here is one of trust. Over the past few months I have watched as the management of CAP bully their way to the position they find themselves in. This is why I am leaving London today and have no desire to attend their conference. Instead I will be catching up with a few webmaster friends of my mine in my home town over the weekend.

    Having had dinner with Michael and J Todd whilst in London I am even more convinced of their integrity and ethics and applaud them for making public the connection between Card Spike, Effective Media and Affiliate Media.

    To me the damage has already been too great to survive. Trust is in very short supply in this industry and when you outrightly try to decieve not only your membership but your clients ( certified programs ) it is virtually impossible to recover from.

    Hence I can no longer support CAP whilst the current management own and control it.


    Over the years CAP has solved a lot of issues and helped set a general standard for affiliate contracts and protected affiliates in the same way casinomeister did with players.

    A bad business decision cannot wipe all that out, the industry is better off because of CAP and CAP, the community that meets here, should not suffer for anything IMO.

    I have nothing to do with affiliate media, who handles the business end of CAP. Any issues on the business end are between the operators and affiliate media. I just want to see our community to continue on helping each other out and sorting affiliate issues.


    This isn’t just a bad business decision that has been taken. The statements made by Cap have been deceptive IMO. Add to the mix the muscling in on the CAC, competing with AGD and Apcw it all leaves a bad taste to be honest.

    So I am voting with my feet and this will be my final contribution here. I do wish you well though and I hope you realize no one holds you or the members of Cap responsible for this situation. By all means buzz me on messenger anytime.



    Definitely no hard feelings. Be well. :hattip:


    I see CAP as an ADB (Affiliate Daily Briefing)

    I was locked out for about a month when CAP upgraded some time ago.
    For that month it was like flying blind.


    I am most likely the oldest person in this business and not by age but in participation. I have been an operater of 3 different platforms, an affiliate and a advertizer. This behavior embarrasses me, just act as adults and business people.

    I am pissed and it takes alot to get me pissed.


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