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Casino Rewards Spam

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  • #594466

    Hey guys,

    I got an email from Renee who is going to have the person spamming me on a daily basis to stop. This is the same person who’s id shows up continuously. She does not appear to be willing to shut them down, though, which is unfortunate.

    Here is the kicker, though…. All the images from the spam mailings are coming directly from internal pages at Casino Rewards.

    For example:




    I don’t know about you…. But this looks to me like they might be the culrpits. It is possible that the person FOUND these images, but I certainly couldn’t find them from the affiliate site.

    I think they are the ones spamming. Anyone else know better?


    Doesn’t necessarily mean Rewards is spamming, likely means they are providing the template.


    However, it does mean that they are well aware of all the people looking at the emails (by the amount of traffic the graphics are getting).

    Which means – they should be WELL aware of the spam that is being sent long before we told them (even if it wasn’t them who sent it).


    There is some truth to this problem kwblue. Persuing it for me would be out of personal vengence something I try not to do. Any program can be scuntinized but you have to draw the line somewhere.

    Get the ones that really hurt you, like 888, cpays, ect…


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