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Casino Partners Payment Problems!!

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  • #592195

    Hi Everybody.

    Just watned to let you know that we experience problems to received December commission from Laurent (Casino Partners).

    The owe us more then 8000 USD commission for December.
    And recently shut down our account since of conflict regarding positions in site.

    So watch out!
    now I’m understand that we are not the only one..
    I’ll keep you informed.

    Regards, Gal.
    InterPlay Media Limited.


    What is this, some kind of a paid service?


    In my experience Casino Partners is an affiliate program which is very riski and not reliable – with the worst attitude on-line. they operate these casinos: tropez,delrio,europa,hammer,titan poker.

    sooned or later they will take over your player and business .. and start ‘play’ with you.. pushing you for better positions in ordder to be paid.

    if you are a webmaster/affiliate who is looking for long term partners.. I truly recommending you to stay away from these “partners”. Regards, Gal.

    Interplay Media Limited.


    Hmmm, you’re taking about the “media buy” strategy they and some others have?


    no.. we were affiliate in their program named: casino partners
    and recently realized that we wrong about these “partners”.
    thay ‘play’ with their existing affiliates while chasing new affiliate to scam..


    Are you saying you just signed up as affiliate, placed their banners, made a bunch of money and they won’t pay? That doesn’t sound right, there has to be more to it than that.

    You don’t have to keep explaining who you are talking about, but I have no idea what exactly you are trying to say happened.

    So what exactly did happen?

    Dominique wrote:
    So what exactly did happen?I’m curious too. If Casino Partners really did screw you, that sucks, but I’m going to need more facts before I pull them from my sites. If you were a longtime member here, it would be different, but since the first (and only) thing you’ve talked about is this problem you have with CP, more convincing evidence is necessary.

    A lot of times, people join CAP simply to complain about being ripped off, and it is later revealed that the person who was [allegedly] ripped off was in fact a scammer, CPA abuser, or some other type of fraudster. I’m not saying this is what you are doing, necessarily; I’m just saying that more evidence is needed if you want people to take this seriously.


    Hi, and thanks for your inputs.

    FYI, We’re not new in industry. we have never used forums to complaints so far since we have never experienced major prob with payment from any clients.

    With Casino Partners is a different story. I always heard stories of affiliates about them but refused to believe.. the relations was up and down – I try to discuss with them their low player value from time to time with no results..

    A couple of days ago They shut down our account with more then 400 FD since of conflict regarding positions on site. here is the story: they were nervous since we decreased their positions in site and they surprisly cut our commission to 25% (from 40%) and tried to push us to improve their positions in site in order to be paid full. So they forced me to make a deal with them. We finally make a deal – received the different, in November we respected the deal in full – but recieved again invoice for november 25% (Adminstrative mistake – by laurent) – today is January 25 and we havn’t received yet invoice of December (8+K) .. the account is blocked. and Laurent say they have no obligation to us what so ever..
    And Now casino ‘partners’ is chasing new affiliate to scam instaed of resolve situation with exisiting affiliates (over 3 years working)

    In my experience, if you are looking for long term cooperation. these are the ‘very wrong partners’ to deal with..

    InterPlay Media Limited.


    I am interested in what this deal was.

    It sounds like they said that if you put us in positions we prefer, you will get 40%, but if you don’t, you will get 25%.

    Is that what happened?

    That’s a new one on me.


    Let make a deal with Casino Partners. Put our banners where we want them and we will increase your commission to 40%. From you posts it seems like you did your part, so you should receive 40%.

    Was this a written agreement, anything signed, documented like it should? I suggest going over the terms and conditions when you signed up very closely.

    Since when can a casino group dictate where you place their banners?

    I agree CP owes what is yours. If they refuse to pay call it quits with Casino Partners. Pull all their banners down and find someone else who is a little more honest. This type of crap happens all to often. Tell them keep the cash and piss off! Maybe offer them a paid inclusion instead of commission?

    But thanks for the heads up I will be watching a little closer now.

    Start record transcripting conversations. Casino Partners Unlock the account and pay for what the fellow worked hard for.


    Hi Gal99

    Sorry to hear you are having such a nightmare with Casino Partners.

    If you are looking for a new affiliate, that behaves in an appropriate manner, please drop me an email and we can discuss you joining us at PartnerLogic to promote our award winning brands.

    Good luck with your outstanding issues. i hope this gets resolved soon for you!


    I promote casino partners as well they took quite some time to pay me the december comission but it was sent Jan 30

    They have already sent me the January statement, at the moment everything seems ok with me…

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