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casino banner conversions

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  • #622139

    Can anyone recommend a type of casino banners that convert best or an affiliate program with the best banners?


    Hi Grem, Contact the affiliate manager for the affiliate program you are promoting and ask them for their best converting banner. A couple of things you should be looking for in a banner is
    something which tells the the user what to do eg
    “click here”

    a call to action.


    skyscrapers on the left convert the best


    @grem 221014 wrote:

    Can anyone recommend a type of casino banners that convert best or an affiliate program with the best banners?

    Most of banners, layers and artworks are not working well CTR has been decreased for me.

    I think visitors´s behavior has changed and they ignored the traditional ads / ads-artworks zone. For my stats, simple links in a good content are better.

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