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Captainette, The Captains Wife

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  • #676978

    Noel and I are deeply upset to hear of your terrible loss. Our heart felt condolences go out to you all.

    She was charming with a very bright future. We enjoyed her company and will miss her…

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you…


    Please accept my sincerest condolences on your loss



    Dearest Allan, Patti, Melissa, family and friends,

    We are deeply saddened by the news of your loss and want you to know that we send you all our warmest wishes and heartfelt condolences to help you get through this difficult period.

    Like many of our friends here, we too had the wonderful pleasure of meeting Jessica at Miami. She was indeed a lovely, bubbly girl and will forever be remembered with great fondness.

    God bless you all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


    Income Access



    Nothing I can say will make you feel better, known you for a while online and recently met you for a brief moment at the CAP party in Vegas.

    This is what you HAVE to do, the personal grieving and then go to your family mate. You have to be strong for them, they need you now more than ever.


    Please accept our sincerest condolences, Jessica was a great young lady and a pleasure to be around. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

    Dean and Mark


    Dear Allan and Family,

    May the warm memories of Jessica soothe you in this difficult time, and help you be at peace.

    With deepest sympathy,

    The GamblingWages Team.


    This is extremely sad news… and I remember the Captain and her daughter very well during the CAP outing in June. They made a great team, and were some of the nicest people I have ever met.

    She will be missed by all of us here at and my thoughts are with Captain and his entire family during this very sad time.


    I am so sorry to hear this, Patty and Allen, our prayers are with you and your family.

    Brian and Dhel


    My deepest sympathy and condolences to you and family over this tragic loss Allan.If you need anything at all you know where i am.

    Best Regards


    Allan and Patti,

    We are very sorry to hear this. Our deepest condolescenses.



    Captain and family,

    Words of comfort are hard to find… impossible
    So may all these words of support help what it can in the coming times and bring you the most possible warmth and love.

    For what it’s worth; My deepest condolences…
    All our prayers are with you.

    Mário Marques
    VIP Profits


    Allan, Patti, Melissa, i’m so sorry for your loss and wish there was something we could do. It is always great to see such close families, like we got to meet you folks in Miami. I hope your love for each other and our good thoughts can help you thru this tragedy.

    Please let us know if there are any groups that Jessica and the family would like us to support in her memory.



    My deepest condolences to you, Allan, Patti and Melissa…All my prayers, and thoughts and support go out to you.:sad:


    Allan and Patty, my dear friends…

    My heart is breaking for you both… two of the sweetest, most generous, and most decent people I have ever known. Nothing makes sense.

    I sit here and think and pray for the words to express how badly I feel for you guys, and they all pale… because there are none. And as badly as it hurts me to see this happen to people like you, I know my pain is only a small fraction of what you two feel.

    I have known my daughter for just a few short years… and I cannot fathom life without her now. You guys didn’t deserve this, and I am so so sorry.

    I love you both so much, and there’s nothing I can do to ease your suffering.

    The only thing I am certain of is that your daughter had to be one of the luckiest people on earth to have had parents as wonderful as you both. I know without a doubt that she was surrounded by so much love and acceptance and happiness… and if you could speak to her she would tell you that, even now, she would never trade places with anyone else and miss out on having had you both for her mom & dad.

    If either of you need anything… and I mean anything… you let me know… I love you guys so much, I am so sorry… and am in constant prayer for your peace.


    There are no words to say that have not already been said.

    Please know that you are in my prayers as well.

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