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September 14, 2006 at 5:53 pm #706052
Inactiveislandmaan wrote:Screw you and I will never attend one of your events, you are a whiss trying to leach off of us!I think all of us Senior players need to make a stand to this jerk. Lou do your own show and dis this bitch.
I agree 100%
September 18, 2006 at 6:32 pm #706414Anonymous
InactiveThis was my first time at a CAC convention and I was glad I went. Not only did I meet tons of great people, but I was easily able to get help on lots of major affiliate issues I have been concerned about. I would advise anyone who wants to become a better casino affiliate to attend the upcoming convention that will be held in Amsterdam. I know I will do my best to be there.
Again thanks to Marc for hosting a highly informative and rewarding convention.
September 18, 2006 at 7:45 pm #706423Anonymous
InactiveTalking from the side of sportsbook/poker and casino operator as well as a sponsor that paid well over $17,000 in sponsorship fees to CAC I was very insulted by Marc Lesnick’s wording earlier in this post.
We have had a considerable number of legal advisors consulting for us, of which they advised us not to attend an event in the US until the circumstances of the recent detainments become clear. This does not prevent us attending events outside the US and not involving travel within the United States.
I would expect someone like Marc Lesnick to understand why we are on the edge of caution. I also would like to hear an apology from Marc for what he said to those who did not attend. Since many of those who did not attend large and small lost money on this. Incidently we also sponsored the Bodog Marketing Conference and had to cancel because of cicumstances surrounding David Carruthers detainment and Bodog stepped up and refunded all sponsors and attendees not wishing to attend with no questions asked. CAC did not do this.
I would like Marc to step up to the plate and retract his statement.
September 18, 2006 at 8:09 pm #706426Anonymous
InactiveAt the conference, Marc repeatedly stood behind his comments. FYI. :popcorn:
September 18, 2006 at 9:59 pm #706444Anonymous
InactiveEngineer wrote:At the conference, Marc repeatedly stood behind his comments. FYI. :popcorn:I don’t believe that statement is 100% accurate. I have a great relationship with Marc, both professionally and personally, and it’s my understanding that Marc stands behind his beliefs, but not how he conveyed those beliefs.
It is not my place to speak for Marc. Nor is it my place to speak for anyone who was hurt or insulted by his post. All I ask is this:
This industry survives due to the efforts and hard work of many dynamic individuals… such as Lou and Marc and many others. The Casino Affiliate Convention has been a catalyst for growth in this business since 2002, and I would hate to see the implosion of such a powerful and important tool for us all.
It is absolutely true that there were statements made which need to be addressed and feelings which need to be mended. However, everyone makes mistakes from time to time… especially me.
The CAC is Marc’s lively-hood, and there was a lot of stress upon him at the time he posted. Please understand that I am not condoning his choice of words, but I am suggestion we keep in mind the position he was in when he made the post… and remember all the good he’s done for this industry as well.
September 18, 2006 at 10:58 pm #706448Anonymous
InactiveSorry J. Todd…I think the perception is accurate in this case…this article certainly tells the story…
September 18, 2006 at 10:59 pm #706449Anonymous
InactiveIf CAC is Marc’s livelihood then he needed to think a lot harder before deciding to alienate affilaites and programs alike.
From what I understand he is a professional conference organiser who will simply move onto other events.
Certainly – he will need to add additional clients to his events – especially if he continues his divisive posturing that wins him few friends.
:exclamatiSeptember 19, 2006 at 12:12 am #706457Anonymous
Inactiveopiemarket wrote:Sorry J. Todd…I think the perception is accurate in this case…Your point is not is dispute, Jamie. He said what he said, and he feels what he feels.
I just meant that he could have communicated his feelings in a better way… and he knows that. It’s true that things need to be set right, but it would be a shame to let this destroy CAC…
If it does, then the DOJ will have succeeded in a backwards sort of way. I just want what’s best for this business, and I believe CAC is a big part of that. We are at a very critical time in this industry… we need to find a way to unite and not fragment.
September 19, 2006 at 1:06 am #706464Anonymous
InactiveI think Marc should come and face up to his comments, if he in fact knows he was wrong then he should have the GUTS to come and amend the wrong. Just my opinion but there are many affiliate managers who I would be proud to call a friend insulted by Marc. Maybe for future events or whatever Marc should hire a PR person, he is not very good at speaking on a forum when under pressure. CAC was great and I met many great people, it would be a shame if it did not continue but I would understand why many would not want to attend in the future.
September 19, 2006 at 2:15 am #706469Anonymous
InactiveI agree J. Todd that we need to stick together unite. I also totally agree that we need to have industry events that are well managed and attended. In fact, this community is extremely close compared to the other industries in which we participate.
However, if the major concern is losing an event that is co-ordinated by someone who does not even participate in this industry. I think Marc made his position quite clear on this forum and further supported by his communications at CAC. He is biting the hand that feeds him and that cannot go unpunished. There are numerous people who are at potential personal risk by participated in a US-based event – and frankly it is not worth attending such an event until these matters sort themselves out. You of all people should agree with me on that point.
A number of financial supporters are VERY unhappy with the position taken by the event organizer who was not supportive at all during this precarious times. Just read back in this thread and you will see some historical heavy supporters of this conference that are in this position.
Maybe its time for someone in the industry to step-up and run a conference for the good of the industry – instead of a cash grab the way it is currently looking. I enjoyed my time at CAC but it was mainly because of meeting the industry players, trade fair and social events – it certainly was not for the interesting and well prepared topics in the seminars and forums.
How about some more indepth topics related to what you see in the CAP forums….such as SEO, linkbuilding, site design, partner negotiation, or how about sessions for affiliates to review programs – likes & dislikes, etc. I don’t mean to get off-topic in this thread – I just think that CAC is a great event because of this community not because of the organizer.
Just my two cents – someone from the industry would have been WAY more sympathetic to some of the risks the heavy hitters potentially face by currently travelling to the USA, calling them “little boys” and “gutless” certainly is not appropriate and shows the true class and character of the individual.
September 19, 2006 at 4:18 am #706478Anonymous
InactiveOpiemarket –
Thanks for the articulate and well thought-out response =0)
Marc actually does participate in the industry in several ways. He runs a site (Start Casino), he has a great understanding of the industry, and by accepting money for CAC he is just as vulnerable to legal charges as any affiliate… maybe even more at risk than most.
I would never try to dispute his “position” or statements. Christine (Bonustreak) was correct in her post, and I know Marc will come here and address these issues personally. He was travelling directly from CAC to another event in California by car, so I don’t know if he’s had the chance to get on to CAP.
All I want is for us to consider the context of the utterance… the emotional, mental, and physical stresses he was under at the time… and keep that in mind as we discuss this. I fully agree that these matters need to be sorted out… both legally and emotionally… for the sake of CAC and the industry.
September 19, 2006 at 4:22 am #706479Anonymous
InactiveIntegrity wrote:The CAC is Marc’s lively-hood, and there was a lot of stress upon him at the time he posted. Please understand that I am not condoning his choice of words, but I am suggestion we keep in mind the position he was in when he made the post… and remember all the good he’s done for this industry as well.I believe that had this been the only mis-step made by Marc (leading up to the conference), there may be a bit more tolerance shown. Unfortunately, many feel this is the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.
If you recall, the first hubbub was over the addition of Hayden Hewitt, co-owner of Ogrish.com, speaking on “niche advertising.” This caused quite an uproar by those who found Ogrish to be offensive and having little if anything to do with the online gaming industry. Marc’s early replies were flip (at best), informing affiliates that “niche marketing is the wave of the future.” This may very well be, however, most affiliates with so much as a hint of consciousness were offended by the notion that Ogrish would be representative of “the future.” Fortunately, Marc saw reason and removed Mr. Hewitt from the speaker list. Unfortunately, this thread has since been removed, however, those who were so outraged by Marc’s adding of Mr. Hewitt, along with Marc’s subsequent early replies, have not forgotten this mess occurred.
Days later, Marc came up with this thread: http://casinoaffiliateprograms.com/bb/free-cac-passes-contact-your-affiliate-manager-now.14102.html?
MANY affiliate managers were mortified and angered over this and justifiably so. Imagine spending thousands of dollars to exhibit and attend CAC, only to have affiliates threatening to drop exposure, should an affiliate manager not provide passes (or hotel rooms, transportation, etc.). This was a bad idea all the way around and for those already dropping considerable $$$ into the CAC coffers, it was as if they were being “squeezed” further and in a very uncomfortable and embarrassing manner.
Next we have the most recent uproar involving Marc’s initial “sissies” comment, followed by his persistent “guts” and “men from the boys” barbs. Marc has continued to remain defiant and insulting in his position, without so much as an acknowledgement of at least a slight bit of understanding towards those who felt it necessary to pull their participation.
Compared to other industries, the marketing of online gambling is quite casual and relaxed. Because this is so, it should not allow for a lessening of professionalism and certainly not by those who perform a service for payment. Imagine if River City Group were to behave in this same manner…
When the “stress” argument is presented in relation to Marc’s insults, I find it difficult to accept this as any sort of forgivable excuse for what he has done. Was it “stress” that drove Marc to bring Hayden Hewitt on board for the CAC line-up? Was it “stress” that caused Marc to press Affiliate Managers for freebies? Nope…and nor was it stress that caused Marc to alienate those who held legitimate concerns and chose to err on the side of caution.
River City Group continues to do great ‘in-depth’ conferences and Lou has created an absolute phenomenom in his approach with the CAP Spring Break. Both Lou and River City Group have the professionalism, respect and the vision to continue to grow. It cannot be denied that the CAC has evolved into a worthwhile industry event, however, I question whether the CAC can remain viable with Marc at the helm. Judging from the past week, my guess is no.
September 19, 2006 at 4:41 am #706480Anonymous
InactiveMarc your ignorance is only exceeded by your arrogance.
September 19, 2006 at 5:27 am #706483Anonymous
You make many points in your last post, and I cannot and will not dispute their importance. =0)
I have accomplished the only thing I wanted to in this thread. Now, it’s up Marc to take the next course of action, and up to the rest of you how to respond to that.
Thank you, my friends…
September 19, 2006 at 1:41 pm #706512Anonymous
InactiveEveryone here has valid points.
When I stand back and seperate myself from the situation, the following issue emerges:
…the DOJ will have succeeded in a backwards sort of way. We are at a very critical time in this industry… we need to find a way to unite and not fragment.
J. ToddTo the DOJ it is mission accomplished. The affiliate industry is infighting.
Always the best strategy is to have the enemy destroy itself.
While it is important that issues like this one are adressed, let’s take good care it does not serve as a “divide and conquer” for the DOJ.