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CAC & Mark

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  • #596860

    I don’t know this guy Mark at all, but he sure seems like an asshole, and I have yet to meet anyone who has anything good to say about him.

    Has anyone floated the idea of competing with him?


    Marc is generally a great guy, but he’s under a lot of stress right now and communication skills/ diplomacy are not his strong points. He’s an excellent organizer and promoter, not a statesman…

    After we get through this week I would expect Marc to return to normal and not ruffle so many feathers as he has been prone to do lately.


    Maybe I have him confused with a different guy. One of my complaints, (which many aff managers echoed last year) is that passes for we webmasters should be much less expensive than for the casinos. There are many small affiliates that really can’t afford $500 for entrance. Pass that cost along to the casinos.

    What really pissed me off was last year someone from Brighshare or Wagershare had given me their badge to go in and look around. This guy was sitting right at the door looking for this to happen, and then not allowing me in with the other person’s badge. At other convention in other industires the big-money players are issued or can buy guest badges for exactly this purpose. The guest badge is transferable to anyone for any amount of time. I guess it was the guys snotty attitude that really turned me off, but then maybe it wasn’t Marc.


    I have to say I have never been so flooded with complaints.

    Unbelievable, all the major programs are pissed.


    Hey Dom,
    They should be pissed for the insulting remarks Mark made. Mark is a idiot to say the least. I lost all resect for mark when he announce the speaker from the death sight Orgish. Also I think mark lies to suit is own means. This time he has shot himself in the foot. Let’s see how he tries to weasle out of this one.


    I have to agree unfortunatelly – he not only denied a refund for the CAC pass that i have purchased – i belive with the current situation they should have been refunded, its not like i have a pms or whatever and changed my mind not to come over because of some silly issue. but ok – thats his right to deny me that, and im not going to take him into court for the sake of $500.

    What really angered me was one of his coments though – i am asking him for a refund, NOT demanding one, and he insults me in the PM suggesting that i have chickened out and should be there if im a real man:

    “What I am seeing is a separation of the ‘men from the boys’ at this event.”

    Enough is enough, i understand he is under stress – but we are the ones this is all organized for and as far as i remember we always were on his side.


    He is just a jerk, and Lou I am surprised you still support him. He has always been an idiot, he has been disrepectfull in the past. We are all more professional then him.



    Well I have to admit hes definately lost a lot of points with affiliates and programs over the last two weeks.

    Between Ogrish and this last posting hes done a lot of damage to his public image.


    To say at least Professor, to say at least.


    Remaining reserved on the issue, I would like too see someone else organize these events. Perhaps CAP and some other affiliations a combined effort. Only having attended the CAP Spring Break from last year I found the atmosphere very relaxed and enjoyable.



    CAP has spring break, maybe there shoud also be a Fall…. I don’t know pick a name.

    I really liked it when CAC coincided with G2E.


    CAP Fall Beer Break :drunk2: CAP Rocks! The affiliate managee spoke with I have spoke with are wanting to ditch Lesnick. It’s time for CAP to take his place once and for all. Most everyone feels CAC is a boring useless event except for seeing friends and the parties. Everyone loves CAP Springbreak.

    Captain wrote:
    CAP Fall Beer Break :drunk2: CAP Rocks! The affiliate managee spoke with I have spoke with are wanting to ditch Lesnick. It’s time for CAP to take his place once and for all. Most everyone feels CAC is a boring useless event except for seeing friends and the parties. Everyone loves CAP Springbreak.

    I agree let’s have CAP do all the organizing. We could have a break for each season, Winter beer break, spring beer break, summer beer break, fall beer break.

    I would bet the programs would love this!! Far more gets accomplished in a relaxed settings. greek39

    greek39 wrote:
    I would bet the programs would love this!! Far more gets accomplished in a relaxed settings.

    heh, i have to say i agree 100% :D

    Captain wrote:
    The affiliate managee spoke with I have spoke with are wanting to ditch Lesnick. It’s time for CAP to take his place once and for all.

    Yep. I’m getting the same feeling from some aff managers I met with today.
    See you all at the parties tonight :cheers:

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