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August 23, 2005 at 5:11 pm #671477
InactiveThey are humouring us. What is the point of a poll??? They know how we collectively as affiliate webmasters feel about these changes they have forced upon us. They are buying time. What a hideous outfit that they are truly showing themselves to be.
August 23, 2005 at 5:22 pm #671479Anonymous
InactiveWebzcas wrote:What a hideous outfit that they are truly showing themselves to be.That is a major understatement
August 23, 2005 at 6:03 pm #671483Anonymous
InactiveThis latest development is very frustrating. Several of us posted our thoughts on the 20% rule… and Referback promptly ignored us. WTF?
Slightly off-topic — does anyone know what’s going on with Fortune Affiliates? Are they actually doing anything? It sure would be nice to hear something from them here at CAP.
August 23, 2005 at 6:05 pm #671484Anonymous
InactiveSlightly off-topic — does anyone know what’s going on with Fortune Affiliates? Are they actually doing anything? It sure would be nice to hear something from them here at CAP.
A wall of silence – I wouldn’t expect to hear anything too soon. That said I’m happy to keep them all blacklisted whilst they treat us with contempt.
August 23, 2005 at 6:08 pm #671485Anonymous
InactiveWebzcas wrote:That said I’m happy to keep them all blacklisted whilst they treat us with contempt.LOL — me too. The longer they remain blacklisted, the more money they lose. :devil:August 23, 2005 at 6:56 pm #671489Anonymous
InactiveI believe they are employing Sadam Hussein as vote counter so we have nothing to fear from the poll…..
Sheesh what is wrong with them??
August 23, 2005 at 6:57 pm #671490Anonymous
InactiveSheesh what is wrong with them??
You mean apart from being dishonest and untrustworthy?
August 23, 2005 at 7:07 pm #671491Anonymous
InactiveAnybody have a good guesstimate on how much they will save in the short
run by stiffing everyone ?
August 23, 2005 at 7:07 pm #671492Anonymous
Inactiveoops me thinks you misunderstood my “what is wrong with them” comment
I mean “what is wrong with them” as in what illness/mental state are they in
not “whats wrong with them” as in they are ok
August 23, 2005 at 7:14 pm #671495Anonymous
InactiveHey Aleph,
That is a very good question that the Professor and I have talked about. The figure would be substantial this month and a for some months to come. From what I am seeing in my Referback stats leads me to believe thousands of dollars are being dishonestly taken from affiliates with the new t/cs in effect. $250,000.00 give or take we be a posible est. Still in the long run Referback is going to loose more than they have gained in the short run.August 23, 2005 at 9:17 pm #671516Anonymous
InactiveIf its only $2-5 million per year they are fools … if its much more hummm
you could understand why they would be tempted by the devil to renegade
on their promises … but still I would think they’d be FOOLS … especially if
they wanted to replace affilliates with in house labor … using in house
labor in the long run will be MUCH more expensive than using per
performance self motivated self financed labor. You can not replace affiliate
labor with inhouse labor … the quality of work and motivation will NEVER
EVER come close to justifying it on a business case. So sure this decision will
do good for the bottom line for them in the very short run … but at the cost
of loosing the entire future.
August 24, 2005 at 3:16 pm #671575Anonymous
Inactive“using in house labor in the long run will be MUCH more expensive than using per performance self motivated self financed labor”
Exactly but I sense that someone has talked them round to the opposite and they actually believe it, more fool them as it will turn around and bite them on the ass in the long run
August 24, 2005 at 4:14 pm #671584Anonymous
Inactiveaffiliate labor is cheap, flexible, performs, requires no paid benefits and allows
a company to adjust their cash flow by delaying payments … you can’t
beat this using inhouse labor … me thinks anyways.
August 24, 2005 at 4:31 pm #671589Anonymous
InactiveWhat referback was up to at the SES confernce.. This came from a SEO consultant that was fishing for information for me.. They actually had a meeting with referback just to find out what was up for me.
The SEO Consutants take on them.
it seems theyre expanding into other markets and have teams of people working on promoting the sites. which would make sense about why they’re not as interested in affiliate revenue. I got a sense that they want to get into uk, japan, china, etc
August 24, 2005 at 8:09 pm #671620Anonymous
GuestWell I think Aleph is right, they will gain in the short but are in serious denial if they think that
1. we will take this lying down, which we’ve proven we will fight and hard.2. our efforts of bad publicity won’t topple any effort on their part for damage control. Just doesn’t work that way. if enough people say you’re crooked, you’re crooked in the eyes of the people that matter, the public, their players and future players. And it won’t be telling any lies either. We’ll simply be telling the truth of the matter and I kid you not; the truth carries a lot of weight.
3. there will be a clear and distinct winner here. quite the opposite. both sides are going to lose and lose hard, and if they shit on us now, …. later, … when they try to smooth things over with us in a last ditch effort to save their business (as it is now) … ain’t nobody gonna be listening. There has just been too much BS and IF they want to have any chance at saving grace, they better do it now; in grand style; and without the slightest hint of putting a spin on how things are; we aren’t stupid, we don’t buy it; and aren’t going to forget if they insist on forging ahead with all this.
edited to add:
what you say Krystall just doesn’t make logical business sense to me. why not keep affs happy by staying honorable; keeping a great reputation (or used to be before all this anyway, from players pov) which then infers confidence in investors … the other way.. . well would you want to invest in a company known to cheat its partners? I think not.
and then go ahead and branch out. As Aleph put it; we are production based; if we don’t produce quality players, we don’t make money, but they definitely don’t lose money if we don’t bring in players, that part of their arguement is so out of the realm of reason its not credible enough to deserve response.
this whole thing just reeks with unprofessionalism and inexperience. Ask any respected business owner/leader in the real world whether its smart to do what RB has tried to do; and they would look at you as if you had NO clue as to how to run a successful business.
Due to times and circumstance; RB and others like them, have enjoyed a cushion of insulation from failure simply because their competition was just not there in any kind of recipe that could step in and take the reigns, but those days if not over, are very numbered. It would be wise to remember your friends because they will be the ones that make it possible to survive a bad run of things.
over-extending yourselves (by that i mean branching out) while at the same time bringing on yourselves a ton of bad publicity, is not a recipe for success. Trust me on that.