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Blocking Israel’s IP Block

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  • #594108

    Seeing as it is now apparent the majority of the larger scrapers hail from Israel I would like to deny access to my websites from the entire IP Block assigned to Israel by Ripe.

    I have had a look around RIPE, but cannot find this information. Does anyone know where within the Ripe site I can find this?




    Please let me know if that database I sent you worked or not.:bigsmile: I have just entired a number of IP ranges onto my forums. It is alot of work Geeezzzzz :crazy: On a Friday even harder. lol


    Thanks Chatmaster!

    Will look at it this afternoon.


    Let me know what you find, I have been thinking of this myself.

    It seems real drastic, but we do need to put a stop to this.


    I feel this threat is very real. The DDOS attack here made me think that if you are sick enough to think scraping content is fine you must be sick enough that hacking, DDOS attacks and bombing forums with spam posts are fine. Rather be safe than sorry they say. At least have the info available, just incase.

    Just like to add. That I am adding ASP code to my sites redirecting visitors from israel to a page restricted by my robots.txt page. I did the same thing years ago for russian visitors as well, but lost the code, sigh…


    Well, I am a babe in the woods when it comes to coding and if anyone has a soluton to this I would very much appreciate a pm.


    Just a thought no one seems to realize the going off and buying scripts are mostly written by hackers. As programers there is always some sort of key in the script. I don’t have all the answers I admitt, but I could try and help at our CAP spring break. I could probably use some advice as well.

    I believe in keeping the site simple. I also believe in using no rss and gradient colors. I can futher explain when we meet. greek39

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