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Blackhat sites linking to you

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  • #589548

    Hi guys

    Quick question:

    I have seen on WMW that many people think that Google et al don’t penalise you if a “bad” site (ie: a blackhat or spam site) links over to you on the basis that there is nothing you can do about it so you shouldn’t be penalised.

    This is important opinion for me as I am writing a links system: do you agree with this theory?



    PS. I know if you link to them it could hurt btw!


    I have also heard this, cannot know for sure, but why should I be penalized for other sites link to me…

    This could be used to take down your competitor very quickly.
    Imagine, you set up a lot of balck hat seo’d sites and start to bombard your competitor… (As I remember on another forum the guys are trying to do this (maybe on SEOchat… cannot recall sorry.. Goggle Bowling or what was its name… They would like to proof it…)

    Maybe the big G takes it into consideration, but I think it counts with the white sites/black sites ratio… I’m not sure, just thinking…


    Yeah, it’s called Google bowling and I’m sure some of the black hat SE optimizers could elaborate much better than I could.

    Of course, I don’t know what the cut off would be for having black hat backlinks in order for Google to penalize you. I’m sure it would have to be in the thousands for the Google penalty to kick in, but I’m just speculating.

    I think the main point is that having a few black hat sites link to you probably wouldn’t be enough to trigger any penalities in Google.


    I believe it was SEO Chat where they had the Google bowling thread, although I also saw some discussion of it at Threadwatch.


    I heard if you have to many links from the same IP you can be penalized…just thought i would add that if you guys did’nt know…
    :cheers: :Partier: :highflyer

    truckin wrote:
    I heard if you have to many links from the same IP you can be penalized…just thought i would add that if you guys did’nt know…
    :cheers: :Partier: :highflyer

    That´s true. As Google takes it as network. Oneway links are better than backlinks and when you have too much links from not casino related sites google can cick you out too.

    I have seen on WMW that many people think that Google et al don’t penalise you if a “bad” site (ie: a blackhat or spam site) links over to you on the basis that there is nothing you can do about it so you shouldn’t be penalised.

    I agree 100 %.

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