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Black Dog and Spanish Luck

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  • #593424

    Where do I begin…..
    These are both so very unprofessional with their marketing practices! They spam our forum almost on a daily basis, they have someone from the company make up different user names, I ban that name and bam they come back again, I would ban the ip but it roams so there is not sense in banning that.

    Now Blackdog is following in the footsteps of Brandy and paying people to post something about the casino on forums, I am about to yank out my hair with these jacks!

    I have emailed and been very nice and polite to them asking for it to end, they email back acting stupid like they cannot speak plain english and play stupid to me!

    Just a warning to stay away from these freaks!


    Black Dog are appalling. They went belly up a while back owing affiliates, including myself, decent money.

    New owners (webmasters, I hear) have apparently bought it out but are refusing to clear the debts.

    Yeah, I’m really gonna send my players to people like that :)

    Guys, I can’t defend for black dog casino but Spanish Luck Casino would never spam or have those post to get members to post in different forums for a n/d offers. I should know because I work very closely with them. They don’t even email 2 much promos to their own members on their database. You guys can contact tex who is the main guy there and he will clear everything up. :cheers:

    umm yes they do Scandle, I do not lie


    I completely agree with Scandle5.. Spanish would never Spam boards.. If Tex wants advertising he pays for it.. Maybe its a rogue affiliate?

    If it ever happens again get the guys link and report it to Tex on …


    Get the guys link? ROFLMAO it is people that work in the office of the casinos!! I am not falling for the come post and defend us crap they must be doing, just like they paid players free casino chips to go post good things about thier casino, that is cheap marketing practice and totally scum practice!


    Lol, Bonus Streak, biggrin.gif

    as Randy would say:

    Now tell us, how do you really feel about Black Dog and Spanish Luck?



    I am a Spanish Luck affiliate and they are currently sponsoring me at the BBs and Mysty at the Os..

    I have allways had very good dealings with Tex and Spanish Luck Casino in general and quite the opposite with Black Dog..

    If you would like to swing by an confirm that I am indeed not an employee of spanish luck, but just a regular affiliate. Then id be happy help! Just come by and visit us at the BBs. Heek I saw you there not a week ago ;)

    All the best



    Mod at the BBs


    You promote them that is your choice, great for you! I hate them that is my choice great for me!

    Yes I go by to see Dawn now and then tell her I said “Hi” for me, as for this thread I have nothing more to say here out of respect for the staff here I am sure they don’t want a flame war, this is a professional site after all.


    – Bonusstreak/Vixen/Chris

    Well I dont want this to develop into a flame war.. I dont know how you saw this going that way?

    My concern is just that there is no need to bad mouth honest and hard working casinos. I am very sorry that you have had a bad experience with Spanish Luck. But I must admit that I find it more likely that you are mixing up Spanish with Black Dog..

    Please Check your info before you post at places like the CAP and the casinomeister.. Afterall people read this to get a genuine idea of who is legit and who is not.

    I am also a bit perplexed that Admin here at the CAP lets you post Casino names without any kind of fact checking? You know some of these guys are kind of tender over their Brand names?

    Well as you stated you wont be answering to this post. So I will contend myself to have the last word.


    Bonus Streak can voice their opinon anytime they want to. They are a member in good standing.

    We do exchange experiences we have with casinos, obviously.

    We don’t do personal insults or flames etc. But writing about personal experiences with any program is perfectly fine.

    Accusing CAP of not monitoring content properly will get you nowhere.

    The presence of many great and strong programs here belies your words.

    If you act in a hostile manner I will move this thread to the free for all area.

    There you can flame all you like.


    Lol Another one with the flame thing!

    Well I was not trying to flame anyone, just to voice my opinion as your so eloquently put it! If you feel I am flaming anyone please be free to move or do what ever with the thread.

    In regards to my remark towards the moderation of this thread.. Please dont be offended, it was really just a friendly pointer that you are actually liable for what is posted at CAP.. Nothing more.. If you feel that members in good standing can post what ever they want.. Well By all means I wont interfer!

    Now you stay happy ya hear!


    I dont like the general tone of this thread.

    Black Dog has been a negative topic of discussion for years by affiliates and players. New ownership wont wash the dirt off that name.

    I am not personally familiar with Spanish Luck so I cant say wether they are good or bad at this point. If any other affiliates can provide input on them it would be appreciated.

    Castion you have only six posts here under your belt, please remember you are a guest here and dont make remarks that could be construed as a shots at CAP or established members.


    I’ve worked with Black Dog as a sponsor and affiliate and was extremely disappointed with them all the way around.

    I’ve been an affiliate at Spanish Luck for awhile now and Tex seem to be ok but I have to add that I’ve had to email them several times in regards to my affiliate payment being late and I’m still waiting on an answer.

    I was hoping to get more feedback as I am in the process of starting some advertising at the forum for them.



    With all due respect I really dont see that I am taking shots or flaming Anyone..
    My remarks aimed at the rules of conduct here at the CAP, were made out of pure curiousity. I am used to moderators and admins being very carefull with liability for slander and as such was just inquiring as to your standing on this subject?

    Offcourse I will take your warning serious proffesor. Wouldent want to step on anyones toes.. Also I was just backing up Scandle remarks. Which I can see is also a member in “good standing”. Wouldent want to cause to much commotion as a “guest” here at the CAP. So please dont take this as an attack on your authority or poose! just a rebutal on a very harsh remark made on a perfectly honest casino … Something about Hating them?

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