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BH’er hacking sites

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  • #596727

    There is a blackhatter hacking established websites (.org, .edu etc) and creating subdomains, or pages from their main indexes.

    Doing a search on UK Google for ‘uk bingo’ you will find:

    x ( is a PR8 site)
    x (homepage is PR7)

    And the list goes on an on. A lot of these sites have been around for ages. have high PR and anything that is put on their sites will surely rank, thanks to Google’s algorithm. The thing is I don’t think the webmasters of these sites know what is happening. It looks like some blackhatters have hacked their system and created tons of pages and subdomains on these urls. I’ve reported some to Google but the pages / subdomains are still there. Really it’s a shame that these sites should suffer because of what these idiots do.

    Is this what we have to look forward to and how do we possible fight against this?


    I’m surprised no one has expressed an opinion on this blatant form of theft and spamming. The problem is only getting worse with 29 out the top 50 positions occupied by the pages these people are creating for certain keywords.


    I did notice that trend several months back. To me this is going beyond blackhat. Unfortunately there is nothing that we can do. I guess you can try contacting the owners of the hacked websites and they will take down the offending pages. But truth is you would have to hire a staff to do this full time.

    Reporting the sites to google to me is a waste of time.


    Yes this does appear to be a problem. Have you contacted the root domain owners of any of these sites to report the hacks?


    I did try to contact a few, and a few were removed. But there are so many, and its not easy to say, “hey, your site’s been hacked!”
    A lot of these sites are quite old, so I think whoever is preying on weak hosting security systems. And yes reporing the to Google is a waste of time. I see many of these pages have a .dhtml or a .phtml extension. What is that?

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