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July 31, 2006 at 3:36 pm #595923
InactiveI have been very patient until now. The circumstances forced me to post the following and though i am very sorry to do so, i feel committed to alert all other CAP members to this issue and hopefully prevent others from being stolen from.
I will post this issue in details, i have no intention to falsely accuse anyone.
In early May, i have posted this help request to get funds from my Neteller account that i wasn’t allowed to transfer to my bank account because it was “originated by a deposit”.
Wager2winUK (Profile) has replied and PM’d me that he was willing to help.
David (Wager2winUK) has offered to send me a check by mail in exchange to the funds from my Neteller account.David (Wager2winUK) is a 45 years old Australian. Because of my great experience with Australians, the posts amount and frequent, the active sites in his profile and his kind willing to help and attitude plus the fact there was only $264 invloved and i guess the fact that i am trustable my self makes me a man who quite easily trust others. All this made me trust him and transfer the money to his neteller account. I even offered him to keep a few bucks for himself for helping me, he refused so i placed many links to him from my sites front pages to reward him for helping me.
Until now, David (Wager2winUK) has not send me my money.
At first, he claimed he had delays for a couple of weeks.
After a few weeks David (Wager2winUK) wrote me he sent the check { which has never arrived}.
A few weeks later, i asked him to cancel the check and send me the money back to my Neteller account. He replied that he will send me the money via Western Union within a few days because he is sick with flew.After he was seek for a couple of weeks, he wrote me on 7/6/2006:
Sorry for the delay things have been pretty hectic over here.
Got a bit of a problem.
Basically I’ve got a cash flow issue. I’m basically broke. It’s only a short term thing.
I’ll be able to cover your cash (WU) at max in two weeks. Though if it was not for that A hole posting about my PR6 links I would have been able to meet your payment this week.
I had 5 people who were going to buy links but with that post they’ve all decided against it now.
I’m happy to throw you some extra bucks as comp, can you allow me a couple of weeks to get my cash flow in order.
I was amazed to hear he has used/spent my hard earned money and asked him to send me my money when he will have money a.s.a.p.
on 7/22/2006 he wrote:
I’m going to send the WU payment on Monday my time, sometime during the day.
With the drama in Isreal now is it still ok to send to that WU office?
If so could you please send me over the details again, thanks.
Again I’m really sorry for the delay in payment.
BTW hope all is well your end regarding the latest trouble over there.
Best Regards
That Monday was a week ago. Yet, the money wasn’t sent to me and it feels i have to bug him with many emailes to get a reply.
Today, almost 3 months later arrived the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Sick and tired of waiting i have emailed him to return me my money to my neteller account and the email has bounced back.The bouncing message was:
This is the Postfix program at host fastmail.com.au.
I’m sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It’s attached below.For further assistance, please send mail to
If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.The Postfix program
: 550 Recipient address rejected:
User unknown in local recipient table[email protected] is David’s Neteller email address.
I have no other explanation to this situation other than i saying i was cheated by a person who stole my money
and now can not be reached.There was enough time for him to send me the money in many ways, i have waited too long mostly because i was and still am very busy in working on my sites.
I hope no one else here is in the same situation like me. I strongly suggest not to trust David with any money based on my experience.
I am sure you will read this thread someday David.. maybe someone who knows you will alert you to it. I have deeply appreciated your willingness to help at first.. Maybe i’m a little naive in making online friends and trusting them. How does it feel to steal money i need to feed my family including my baby girl? Where is your conscience?
If i were you.. I wouldn’t sleep because of the pangs of conscience. I guess you sleep very well though.July 31, 2006 at 4:37 pm #700538Anonymous
InactiveWow, this is a surprise. He has helped me a on a few occassions also and seemed like a stand up guy. Lets hope he reads this and is in a position to make things right. Sometimes people do some strange things when their back is against the wall, especially regarding money. I hope you get this worked out MD. I hate to see bad things happen to good people. Good luck.
July 31, 2006 at 4:45 pm #700540Anonymous
InactiveBonusgeek wrote:Wow, this is a surprise. He has helped me a on a few occassions also and seemed like a stand up guy. Lets hope he reads this and is in a position to make things right. Sometimes people do some strange things when their back is against the wall, especially regarding money. I hope you get this worked out MD. I hate to see bad things happen to good people. Good luck.
Thanks Bonusgeek, i hate see bad things happen to good people as well. He really did seem like a very nice guy and i do hope he will get things right.I am sorry it came up to this. I will be delighted to post an apology if and when i’ll get what is mine.
July 31, 2006 at 5:38 pm #700549Anonymous
InactiveVery surprising to say the least. I cannot understand why he would do such a thing. I am confident some sort of resolution come about within 24 hours. greek39
July 31, 2006 at 9:44 pm #700572Anonymous
InactiveHi all,
I was not aware of this post until being contacted (PM’d at another forum) by a number of people who were concerned.
I wasn’t going to post, (instead both an email & a PM have been set to M.D). However, under the circumstance, I thought it best to at least acknowledge this post with a public message in return.
As it stood from day one M.D was provided with both my cell number, home number & home address, something I always give out when money exchanges have taken place. This may explain the high number of missed calls to my cell number last night and the catalyst for this thread by M.D.
Over the past 2 weeks wager2win.co.uk and all my other domains have been sold. (links purchased will remain on these sites for the duration of their time frame).
As such I’ve deleted all my email address associated to these domains from my email client. Although the whois for some of these domains remain under my ID’s the new owner is in the process of changing these over.
Which brings me to my next point.
As I’m not receiving any emails to any of these domains, any messages are simply not being received.
Further to this and I wont go into full blown details here, but I’ve not been well for a while now. A limited few members here know about this as did M.D. those who did contact me via PM have also been informed to the exact nature of this illness (M.D included).
That’s not a scape goat for an justified excuse. But feel it is worth a mention.I’m now awaiting M.D to reply to my email & PM at which time a Western Union payment will be sent to the details I’ve requested from him. (I’ve misplaced these or more to the point deleted them from my inbox by mistake).
Anyway’s I’m sorry it had to come to something like this, however, now that I’m aware M.D has been trying to reach me over this matter, this matter will be taken care of (as WU’s are now accepting CC payments from Australia) ASAP. As soon as it’s paid I’ll email M.D with the MCTN.
Hopefully M.D will post a response to this as soon as payment is collected.
July 31, 2006 at 10:45 pm #700577Anonymous
Your story sounds reasonable mate – except for the fact that you took his cash and kept continuing to fail to repay it despite many promises. Three months !!!
After so many broken promises – and failed emails – I’m not sure that I’d spend my time and money calling you on a cellphone to hear another set of stories either. Three months.
Notification of the community was a reasonable step – and it’s obviously had it’s effect as you’ve surfaced to try and smooth the waters.
You are not the injured party – you took M.D’s money and were taking your time about paying it through. Three months !!!! We have credit cards, we have overdrafts, we have bank loans and personal finance. Three months is far too long !!!
:notify:You obviously have interent access – and are able to struggle to the keyboard and type a sob story. At any time you could have contacted MD via email, or here, or simply repaid the cash.
Instead you decide to use someone elses money as your own working capital to get yourself out of a financial bind – and then come up with a whole series of reasons as to why you did not do the correct thing.
I’m glad to see it’s about to come to an end – but I don’t even get the feeling that you acknowledge the guilt.
:notify:July 31, 2006 at 10:49 pm #700580Anonymous
Inactive(reading above I sound grumpy)
I do hope that you are ok now Wager2winUK – but even with illness – keeping business dealings straight is important.
It’s hard enough for us all to make a living without being scammed by fellow affiliates – so I am glad to see it will not be the case here.
:bigsmile:July 31, 2006 at 11:40 pm #700586Anonymous
InactivePay the man back his f#%n money, i don’t care if you’re on your death bed, have some honour, all kinds in this world eh, oh man, only mob rules work in these situations, throw Gooner a couple hundred and he’ll trot over to his countryman’s pad and bust up some knee caps and come back with the loot
July 31, 2006 at 11:49 pm #700588Anonymous
InactiveI’m curious, although i’ll never get an answer to this
Is it because he’s Jewish, i know some people just hate giving money to Jews, since they own all the banks, etc…
It’s kinda the feeling i get here, that there is something more involved
Maybe he was thinking because there is a war going on with your country that you might drop dead anyday, i know, i’m a mean bastard, forgive me, but this is part of profiling the criminal mind, you try to figure out what is going through their head
I don’t know, the situation seems odd, it’s like $200, that is a very small amount in my world, definitely not one worth risking your business and reputation over
August 1, 2006 at 12:31 am #700595Anonymous
Inactivenick777 wrote:I’m curious, although i’ll never get an answer to thisIs it because he’s Jewish, i know some people just hate giving money to Jews, since they own all the banks, etc…
Actually you will get an answer. No it’s not a racist thing nick777!
I’ve shown the balls to come here and post, knowing full well that I’d cop flack over it, no matter what I say. Granted I should not of let it come to this point, however, it has, and I’m dealing with it now.
August 1, 2006 at 12:40 am #700596Anonymous
InactiveI can see at the bottom that we are all lurking here …
:laugh:Glad to see that it’s going to be sorted out Wager2winUK – you always seemed a decent sort on the forum.
sigh.gif(and Nick777 – not EVERYTHING is a grand conspiracy mate – sometimes it is just personal disorganisation)
:laugh:August 1, 2006 at 12:49 am #700598Anonymous
InactiveWager2winUK wrote:Actually you will get an answer. No it’s not a racist thing nick777!That’s too bad, it would’ve been better for you if it was
If you said, i don’t wanna give money to a Jew because i don’t support their stance in the current war, etc, blah blah blah, or whatever reason you might have for disliking Jews, as several people do, and have had for many years
This admission of yours just makes you a non discriminate scammer, and that’s a much worse character
Anyways, i could care less, i would never send anyone i dont know money like that, especially an Aussie, no offence to Aussies, but wasn’t that an English colony settled by thieves, weren’t they banished to a far away island surrounded by sharks because they couldn’t fit in to their own society, that’s the story i got, that’s not to say they haven’t mended their ways over time, but i think we just got a glimpse of that historiabilia
You were better off to just take the money and run, now you have no choice, you have to pay him back, you implicated yourself and could go to jail if you don’t, and your reputation is already f#%d, you totally dummied yourself with this move
August 1, 2006 at 12:56 am #700600Anonymous
InactiveJeez, guys. I think they can sort this one between themselves now.
August 1, 2006 at 12:57 am #700601Anonymous
InactiveThe manner in which I handled this situation was not right, at the time instead of throwing it on the back burner I should have just taken care of it. No if’s No buts.
TheGooner makes a very relivant point:
Quote:It’s hard enough for us all to make a living without being scammed by fellow affiliates.I understand the reason why some look towards me and this matter and my actions as dodgy, and that’s a fair and justified call. I’d probably hold the same feelings too.
Whats taken place over this matter in regards to its history I can’t change, but I can at least fix the cash side of things up, which I intend to do as soon as M.D replies to my PM here and or my email.
August 1, 2006 at 1:13 am #700603Anonymous
InactiveI have to say that I take offense to this statement!
Is it because he’s Jewish, i know some people just hate giving money to Jews, since they own all the banks, etc…
You all can do what you want, fight how you want but leave the race card alone. Just my opinion that it don’t belong here.