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    Simmo so funny you said that because this John said there was an error on my account so he took the liberty of logging in for me and viewing it as I would, and decided something was not looking right and created me a new account and gave me the password! lmaooo yah like I was converting more then he wanted to admit so instead of a slight shave he decided to rip out all the evidence at once.

    My response was close it, I have no intention of working with a program that works like this. All banners are down as well.


    I must admit, there aren’t many programs I don’t trust, but I am starting to wonder if this one really does give you credit for all the players you send. I send a fair bit of traffic over the last 2 months – not huge, but enough I would have thought to get more than one $25 player.

    Anyway, I’m out of it now so the headache is gone. They’re not very happy with my public thread by the way ;)


    @Simmo! 176544 wrote:

    I must admit, there aren’t many programs I don’t trust, but I am starting to wonder if this one really does give you credit for all the players you send. I send a fair bit of traffic over the last 2 months – not huge, but enough I would have thought to get more than one $25 player.

    Anyway, I’m out of it now so the headache is gone. They’re not very happy with my public thread by the way ;)

    They would have nothing to be upset about if they hadn’t imposed a retro-active, predatory term and begun enforcing it. It is their own bed they are lying in and nobody is to blame except for BCP themselves.


    Hot damn, this password changing and new accounts business sounds terribly like CPays antics.

    In the process you always lose the old players. And the great success in talking to affiliates on the phone and pulling the wool over their eyes….

    When a questionable program calls you, see if they

    relax you enough to get you to do the talking
    ask you about your sites in a way that makes you talk proudly
    compliment you on your intelligence and make you feel good about your decision making
    make you feel special, nothing that applies to the riff-raff applies to you
    make you feel sorry for them
    make you empathize with them
    open/close accounts and change passwords
    promise a higher percentage and the moon
    make sure they end on a note where you feel good about yourself when you hang up.

    This is what they are trained to do. Everyone likes recognition and they dish out huge platefuls of them. Everyone likes to talk about themselves. Everyone likes to feel special. Everyone feels sorry for others with jobs that serve up a lot of problems. Everyone wants to make lots of money.

    During all that they eliminate what you have built up in the past by wiping computer tracks – making new accounts and passwords.



    the way they have it set up actually should be incentive enough to quit rather than keep going because it guarantees you will NOT have residuals in the manner of which we are accustomed.

    cut losses because they will only grow.


    I thought this was priceless…:roflmao:

    I asked them to confirm that the payment came from HAMBLEDON N.V., because that was the only processor I did not know, but the amount was not what I expected. They confirmed it was from them. Then I told them that they sent me too little and this was the answer I got….

    Hi Kevin,

    Yes I can see now that there was a low balance in July, please remember
    that the process for payments is a manual one for now, I do not see the
    accumulated low balances, and unfortunately it requires the Affiliate to
    contact me to let me know. I will absolutely add the owing balance to the
    upcoming schedule and send a combined July/September payment to you.

    Thank You

    So, working with them means you need to keep sending new players .. constantly contact your affiliate manager and do the accounting for them as well. :)


    @peralis 176729 wrote:

    So, working with them means you need to keep sending new players .. constantly contact your affiliate manager and do the accounting for them as well. :)

    Do you think they pay the players or is that our job too? :D


    @Simmo! 176732 wrote:

    Do you think they pay the players or is that our job too? :D

    According to some players at meister, it must be our job since they are not doing it.


    Thansk for all the feedback guys. The sales team has been pressing to certify BCP and they were mad I was blocking it. Thats why I asked Yvette to ask members what they thought so they wouldnt say it was just me being difficult.

    Privately I have been discussing this damned term and their behavior for months with both Jeff and Fred and they have been stubborn mules. I told them they HAVE to modify it and start playing fair or we cant endorse/certify them. I am hoping over time they will wear down and see the damage this is doing to their program and make the change. Lets hang in there and I believe we can get them past this problem.


    I agree, we have to hold fast. Jeff and Allen have absolutely no power to get this term changed, though. It comes from the top down and the top is 100% committed to this new term.

    We basically have to play a ‘wait and see’ game on how this will affect BCP and CasinoBlasters. Enough time HASN’T gone by for it to truly affect them in a big way. Once their current player base drops a bit and fewer new players are coming in – they may sing a different tune.

    Even if they do….. I am not sure how comfortable I would be certifying their terms and conditions. In fact, I think I will go out on a limb and say they will not be certified at AGD unless they show a long, proven track record and a commitment to a change in thought process in regards to T&C’s. They have already shown reprehensible acts by enacting retroactive terms and that is not something we wish to promote.

    BTW – I think we all appreciate you (Lou) stepping in and stopping certification :clapper: That shows true integrity!


    Hey Prof,

    I just received an email with the following title:

    ‘BestCasinoPartner Is Officially CAP Certified’

    from BCP. Here is the email below:

    BCP Email wrote:
    BestCasinoPartner Is Officially CAP Certified! is very pleased to announce that we have been officially welcomed into the family of certified affiliate programs by is the largest and longest-running online gaming affiliate resource, featuring an active community forum, chat rooms, affiliate marketing tools, industry news/articles, scam alerts and a rigorous and distinguished certification process for casino affiliate programs. CAP Certified Partners are held in the highest regard and expected to protect the integrity of their affiliates and the industry as a whole.

    If you’re planning on attending CAPEuro (September 25th-27th) please send us an email or call us at +1-514-515-6182 so we can arrange a meeting.

    Contact Info:

    Skype: allensupport

    To read our terms and conditions, click here .

    I don’t think they should be sending out that type of information whenit is not true :(


    Got the same.


    I got it too. Are they really certified here??


    Got it too :bullshit:


    Me six

    I actually make good cash with them lol but I know I am waiting to get burned but the kids need a Christmas right?

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