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  • #611041

    Yes I’m tangled up in this whole “we are holding your payment” bribery thing (and its not the first time). I replied with some more polite but choice words as most people have. The response:

    Now…..according to our T&C you know what I should do but again I believe
    that you can do much better this is why I have released your payment
    because I’m expecting from you an email which advise me that our properties
    is well visible across your network.

    Why the f**k are we doing anything with these clowns? The more traffic you send, the more hold they have over you. But you want to tell them where to stuff it and you know they will stop paying you. Catch22. Rogues.

    No option to pull them before it’s too late but it’s potentially going to cost me $000’s. But leave them up and it will only get worse. The more I earn with them, the further I have to fall when the time comes. And inevitably it will come…for everyone.

    So it’s official. I started promoting them and as it turns out I am f**king stupid after all. I’d like to suggest to CAP that they be de-certified before more mugs like me fall into the trap.


    It’s unbelievable.



    Oh and here’s the justification:

    Your money is coming only from our CRM effort because this
    player stopped playing 2007 Feb, but came back 2008 Feb thanks to our

    So it’s all thanks to them I have made any money at all! Even if you accept that, that’s still no justification for stealing the referral.


    Ok, I have heard enough. I guess I will forfeit what they owe me, but I am pulling them today.

    Cut my losses and leave.


    That’s what I did a while ago. I will not be blackmailed into promoting anyone, ever. Thankfully I didn’t have much to abandon — 1 player and $300, but still…

    I’d like to suggest to CAP that they be de-certified before more mugs like me fall into the trap.

    I agree. The actions of BCP and Casino Blasters are about as predatory as you can get. They are retroactively enforcing a new T&C, which is unacceptable. If we let this go on, other programs may follow suit.

    Fuck Fred/Allen and everyone at BCP and Blasters. And WTF is Stupid defending them? Is he/she on CRACK???


    WOW, that is just un-f’n believable!

    Looks like they are anxious to shoot themselves in the head with that type of behavior.

    I pulled them along time ago after I recieved a check that bounced.

    I’m glad that you got your money.


    I pulled them awhile ago also, but I think that CAP should take action on this and decertify this group. I understand that ‘open discussion’ is typically advantageous, but they have no wants in regards to actually listening to affiliates.


    Yep.. Spoke with Miguel today after the whole episode.. and even though they said that we will be paid.. they are being yanked off all our sites tonight.

    F**k them!! :dafingers


    @Engineer 175743 wrote:

    And WTF is Stupid defending them? Is he/she on CRACK???

    Not understanding that either.. obviously has a very good relationship with them..


    Just received this.. they make me want to puke.. pure blackmail…

    Anyway.. casinos have been pulled…. good riddance..

    Hi Kevin,

    Please keep in mind, that the nature of the email below is simply to advise
    you to contact your Manager, the commissions were not being removed from
    your account, nor were we attempting to keep any funds from you. I have
    been notified by your Account Manager Fred that the funds can now be
    released, I have sent your WT transaction to the Bank, and you can expect
    to have the funds shortly.


    and my answer…

    Seems a lot more like blackmail to me..

    Not once before had an affiliate manager tried to contact ME…. Although, he need not bother anymore.



    They are gone off my sites now. Poof! I’m not playing games like that.


    Soon as they send me my damn money which is suppose to be in the next few days they are off mine as well!!


    They are history as far as I am concerned. Feel free to copy and paste this response to them. Maybe if enough people ditch them they’ll get the message, although I doubt it somehow. :sarcasm:

    Hi Emiliano

    I’m sorry but I’m not prepared to continue sending traffic under this agreement. The more I send, the more players I get, the more you can hold me to ransom over existing players and I’m going to follow the lead of some of the other big affiliates and stop sending new traffic with immediate effect. Not only do I think it’s disgraceful that a program would threaten to impose T&C’s that were not in place when the agreement was put in place, but I think the fact that your company are prepared to take players gained through your “partners” and refuse to pay out as per the agreement also displays a total lack of trust.

    You say that the only reason I am earning from that player is through your retention. Well, retention is in place to benefit the casino and every other operator I know accepts that it is standard business practice and important for retaining players. It’s in your company’s best interests as well as mine and if they didn’t act to retain players, they wouldn’t be here. Without the referral from me in the first place you wouldn’t have a player to retain.

    You also say that most of the Top 10 affiliates are promoting you. And you ask me the reason why? Simple: they cannot pull out without accepting that you will keep all their commissions. I do not intend to find myself in that position.

    Should you guys change your stance and do the right thing – continue to pay out the commissions as per the original agreement that was in place when I signed up – and remove the term from your T&C’s then maybe I’ll come back at a later date. However if you continue to refuse to pay me the commissions due each month, and continue to use this tactic, then not only will I not be sending any more traffic, but I will be happy to add my voice to the growing threads of discontentment.

    I have removed all links to Online Vegas and Golden Casino from my sites.

    Kind regards,


    By the way, I’m not going to post this publically, because I don’t want to get anyone into trouble if they overstepped the mark, but BCP changed my password today! They called me for a chat this evening during which I said I would meet them in Barcelona, put over my POV, and then I was given the new password. Nice.

    I have sympathy for Emiliano to be honest. Can’t be easy working for people who clearly see affiliates as a means to an end.


    Hmm.. locking you out is really going overboard…

    There is actually nothing that they can say or do that would make me put them back up onto my sites.

    Enough is enough.. there are other casinos .. and better ones at that.

    Screw them!

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