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BCP – I’m a mug

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    Get this from Best Casino Partner. I don’t do much there – I just listed Golden Gasino for completeness on a list of 100+ casinos accepting US players and added a banner but picked up a couple of players, one of who was a pretty decent one. I had $2,500 owing at the end of July. Here’s the email I got:

    At this time the payment for your Affiliate account has been placed on hold. According to our records he account is showing a low volume of traffic, and a total of 2 New Players since January 01, 2008. No further payments will be issued until you have contacted your Affiliate Manager.

    I sent a response telling them they WOULD pay me, that I was starting to take the links down and also asking them to assure me that this never happen again. The response:

    I will speak with your Affiliate Manager this afternoon, if he has
    approved you for payment I will release the funds immediately. Please keep
    in mind that the email below was sent in order to encourage the Affiliate’s
    to contact their Managers in order to discuss the current status of their
    accounts. We would not keep any of your earnings from you, however, in
    some cases this is the only way to have Affiliate’s get in touch with their

    They paid yesterday and my aff manager apologised to be fair:

    Please take easy, do not forget, you are under my ombrella! :)

    I have authorized the payment and it will be released today.

    This will never happen again, likewise if you receive a similar email
    please let me know before take any action, I will deal with it!

    I feel like a mug – an affiliate program should not be sending out emails effectively holding affiliates to ransom. I’ve never experienced this in the 4 years I’ve been doing this, mainly because I don’t trust most Playtech (ex-Playtech in this case) programs…this proves why.

    I am posting this for two reasons: firstly other affs should be warned what they are getting into before it’s too late and secondly I see CAP are reviewing Casino Blasters/BCP certification.



    WOW that is total BS. I’m glad that I’ve not dealt with them (BCP) in a very long time and I managed to finally get my pay that was due for almost a year just this month after emailing them weekly for two months!

    I still have a couple hundred due from CB, but it’s not worth the frustration and time it would take to get it.

    I’m glad that you got your money simmo!


    This is the exact reason AGD notified affiliates about that new terms that BCP stated ‘would not really be used’. They started inactivating accounts almost immediately and now they are pulling this shit.

    I’d hate to be making a lot of money with them… the terms allow them to do what they want wit your earnings. They have moved from a quality program to one I wouldn’t promote for anything.


    I don’t send them much, and I haven’t had any trouble with them. They have always paid, be it a couple hundred or a couple thousand.

    I recently got a curteous mail asking for me to contact them, I haven’t yet and I think it’s been a month. Maybe I’m on the butcher block this month – hehe, I have a minus balance this month.

    Coins converts and retains well, they convert somewhat and retain badly.


    Lean times cause lame decisions.

    Casino Blasters and BCP have been straying over to a more Israeli/Playtech style of motivating affiliates and its a huge negative for them. I spent endless hours alternately berating then cajoling them to get them to come back to the white light and so far they have proven highly resistive to a change of course.

    If you earn money with them continue on, if you havent started with them yet there are more affiliate favorable alternatives to work with.


    Lol, speak of the devil, I got a follow up email. I replied that I was alive.

    Now am getting the usual “call us, we want better positions, we want x# of players a month” and whatnot.

    I wrote back that I don’t like strong arm tactics.


    This Fred guy has been chasing me for weeks, ask if I can give more exposure and I explained that I have not seen a single change in tracking.. he then says where are your links so I can UMM I the affiliate have to tell you how to do your tracking??? No thanks!! They are stepping up on the “thug” type of marketing tactics and using that famous “what does no mean” attitude. Same with Lucky Ace Partners they are still hounding the hell out of me.


    Yeah im getting sick of sendng a lot of traffic the the aff managers that want it only to be left kicking mysef in the ass later for giving up players when they change terms, % or close my account for unrelated reasons.

    Over all I feel a great sense of software groups going down the tubes. Playtech (no suprise), RTG, and RIval is giving me a bad feeling now as well as revenueis dropping there.

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