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BCP/Casinoblasters – Once You’re In, There’s No Way Out.

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  • #779219

    Oh boy, this is not good, but I’m going to assume that they jumped the gun in hopes of certification that was denied? :Cry:


    This is no acceptable excuse to certify them , I thought the certification stood for all that was posted but rigorous and distinguished certification process for casino affiliate programs .If they are certified I won’t think so anymore.Hoping this is big mistake.


    OK — I’m really confused.

    I thought the consensus was that most affiliates did not want to see them certified here?

    Newbies: Be extremely careful if you decide to work with Best Casino Partner or Casino Blasters. Once you’re in — like the title of this thread states — there is no way out.


    I am going to wait on Professor to confirm or deny this before I make any comments…

    Still a bit gobsmacked by the email….


    It’s true that they have applied for certification and we honestly hoped they would have been approved by now. The problem is when they applied it was PRIOR to this new predatory term being added to their program. They also had not started locking affiliate accounts. (We have been working for several months to get this resolved)

    This has to be resolved before full certifcation can be approved. I know Jeff and Fred are as eager to be certified as we are to have them onboard so lets keep our fingers crossed that they can FINALLY get approval to modify or remove this term so we can move to full certification.


    Looks like a follow-up email from them is definately in order IMO. :D This is the kind of sneaky, low down stuff that has them in the scope of the industry and I really hope they do the right thing and play fair and honest!


    I called this group out along time ago… Glad someone else is making a good point on why not to promo CB. They still owe me money btw :(


    This might be a bit unpopular, but this is tough call, IMO.
    I don’t envy Lou’s position right now!:)

    CB and BCP have been pretty good to us over the years.
    Fred and Jeff really are good guys, and I think they will discuss the problem with us.
    This new term in it’s current form is clearly not OK, and I fully understand the anger.

    That said, if there is no forum to discuss it with them on, then you are basically throwing in the towel, throwing your money away, and letting an important issue fall to the wayside.

    I say we support Lou and BCP on having a forum, if for no other reason to deal with this issue.
    BTW, I believe there are other solutions that will be acceptable to both sides of this issue.

    I vote yes on the forum.

    Please, NO EMAIL BOMBS!:roflmao:


    people here are owed money by them , there are so many issues with them that i cant even name them all .I for one will be signing off if they are welcomed back.They don’t need to be certified to come here do they?I am sure they can sign up and post like the rest of us?The fact they sent out the message today indicates they probably paid their fee and were told they were accepted -or are they that dumb to send it out just because they love to spam about everything.
    We all gave our opinions on them and imagine if you are owed money by them and wake up tomorrow and see Lou’s standard ‘please welcome best casino partners ‘ as a cap certified member.


    Guys you have my full assurances BCP will NOT be fully certified until this term is modified or removed and BCP stops locking affiliate accounts. This is too serious an issue to ignore even though Casino Blasters has always been a top notch group to work with.

    I appologize for the frustration and confusion caused by this state of Limbo on their application. It’s my sincerest desire that we get this cleared up as soon as possible and that we move forward in the near future. Unfortunately unless there is a change I cant certify this program.

    Jeff has full posting rights here at CAP and I encourage BCP to join the dialogue on this issue and lets get it fixed.


    TRULY, I do understand, and I knew I would get pounded!:banger:

    I DO believe they are approachable, and an acceptable solution can be reached if we ALL put our heads together.

    I am a bit of the eternal optimist I suppose, however, I would rather TRY, and fail, rather than to do nothing and succeed.
    JMO, and I respect any opposing views.

    This is a tough one for sure.


    @Professor 176919 wrote:

    Guys they will NOT be fully certified until these tersm are modified or removed and BCP stops locking affiliate accounts.

    can you include that they pay all your affiliates too? I really don’t see how this community will
    benefit with them being here.


    Be that as it may, I am not working with a program that sucks me in until I have a nice player base and then says: “If it wasn’t for our retention efforts, you would not be making this money”, like they said to another affiliate when withholding payment.

    DUH! Without me they wouldn’t have this player to retain.

    I am not going to work and ignore the writing on the wall, I am getting out while the getting is good. Better to take a small loss now than a big one later.

    That term has to go, I told Jeff I didn’t like it last time we talked. Back then I knew of no cases where it was enforced, but now it’s being enforced and that’s where the buck stops.

    I am not discounting that they did a very good thing when they mapped players over to BCP during the Playtech exit from the US, and I have spoken in their favor several times because of this. But my gratitude can’t extend to having my income confiscated. I have several families depending on me for a living, and my loyalties lie there first of all.

    Just drop that clause and operate fairly like so many other programs and be done with it. It’s not about being good or bad, it’s about fixing things and getting on with life. I see no problem in getting on with it once that term is eliminated.

    The player base is all we affiliates have to count on when some ill befalls us. If that is taken out of the equation, I am not wasting my time.


    CBG all affiliates must be paid commisions due them, that goes without saying.
    The benefit to the community IF they drop this draconian term and practice is an open line of communication with a major program that thousands of affiliates work with.

    Dom I agree with what you say as well.


    locking accounts is very rude behaviour if there is no need to do so.

    but what does BCP do, change the password ?

    if tracking stops if an account is locked that is 101 disaster, but i think they do not do that, or will it ?

    You guys are all talking about BCP but the same policy is applicable to CB too am i right?


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