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BCP/Casinoblasters – Once You’re In, There’s No Way Out.

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    @YvetteCAP 176618 wrote:

    Hey Guys,

    Just curious..what do you think about them being certified with CAP? They are willing to work out any issues and will also be available for questions if their forum is setup.

    Let me know…

    Would not care one way or the other…as I am not about to get their casinos back up in a hurry… (Would hate to see a newbie get trapped because they thing that this group is ok simply on the basis that they are certified)

    If anything a section that has a different category.. like “Arbitration”

    Once bitten…..

    They have made promises before, which in the light of the mass payment holding and account closures recently, proves that they cannot be trusted.

    There is not really anything that needs to be discussed.. Many of us signed up prior to the addition of that clause.. Holding payment until I get in touch with an affiliate manager is plain and simple blackmail..


    NOPE, absolutely not. New affiliates do not know that CAP certification is not an endorsement and will fall victim to them. Our goal should be to protect the industry not the casinos. :)

    They need to earn their way (if possible) back by taking out the term and paying up the money they owe to affiliates.


    @Goldfinger 176629 wrote:

    They*ve had a very bad reputation ever since they started and no turn around is in sight. It’s close to asking if it would be ok to certify Cpays.

    thats a bit harsh. they still have a million fuckups to make to match the level of Cpays.

    besides this retroactive payment clause, there was nothing wrong with their casinos. in fact, when casino blasters stopped accepting US players, they transferred all US players to golden casino and still mapped them to me through BCP. can’t say that many programs did that…and definitely not something Cpays would do.


    I think if they did change the T&C’s it would be just to satisfy enough to get the CAP seal THEN revert back to the shady tactics they pull. On the other hand there are programs that are CAP sealed that I don’t personally promote but that is my decision I made on my own not because of a the credentials a place carried, it is up to new affiliates to learn to read and study/research affiliate programs before they sign up to promote them. If they were certified do you think they would care one way or the other what we all think, they make up their own rules just like 888, they really don’t need us affiliates they can just go out and buy grilled cheese sandwiches on EBay and have Jay Leno advertise for free to millions of views for them.

    Simmo whatcha gonna do with your prize money ? That should take care of a few drinks at the bar in Sofia for me :capmiami:


    Adding to the original discussion, I think it’s fair to add that BCP replied to say that they interpreted my email regarding not sending more traffic as a request to close my account, apologised, and re-opened it. I’m not sure if they still intend to continue to pay me existing revenues but will no doubt find out next month.

    @GamTrak 176631 wrote:

    NOPE, absolutely not. New affiliates do not know that CAP certification is not an endorsement and will fall victim to them. Our goal should be to protect the industry not the casinos. :)

    They need to earn their way (if possible) back by taking out the term and paying up the money they owe to affiliates.

    OK, this is realy a whole seperate discussion, but the problem is IMO that while Certification does open up a communication channel which is a good thing, even with the less scrutible operators, but as you suggest Gamtrak can in some cases give a false impression.

    The answer IMO, something maybe Warren and Lou will consider, is to have a secondary level called “Sponsor”, which could be charged the same as Certified, where it is made clear to new affiliates that Sponsors are promoted at an affiliate’s own risk, but still gives the program a forum etc.

    Then, after X time of good behaviour, certification becomes an option. This may also actually increase the scope for CAP revenues too, which could benefit us all.

    Bonusstreak: Prize money? You’re confusing me (again) :)




    @Simmo! 176673 wrote:

    Bonusstreak: Prize money? You’re confusing me (again) :)


    Haha, fresh from the CAP newsletter:
    CAP Money Winner:
    Drum roll! This week’s winner of an gift certificate or Paypal Cash for $125 is Simmo for posting the thread “BCP/Casinoblasters – Once You’re In, There’s No Way Out”.

    Grats Simmo :)


    @Simmo! 176673 wrote:

    OK, this is realy a whole seperate discussion, but the problem is IMO that while Certification does open up a communication channel which is a good thing, even with the less scrutible operators, but as you suggest Gamtrak can in some cases give a false impression.

    I would agree with that except for the fact that IMO they were fully aware of the fall out from doing this so they obviously do not care so allowing them a place to ‘work things out’ just encourge others to screw affiliates knowing that they will still have access to “work it out” in the future via certification.

    I know that when I started out I did not have a clue about the industry, BUT I was confident in working with sites listed on CAP because I would assume that they would be the best.

    I know that we are all responsibible for investigating places we work with just like the players are before they give up thier money, but that does not mean that we/CAP have to give sites that want to blackmail us, play games and play with our money a platform to get at more affiliates.


    They have ways to communicate and solve problems now -it’s called EMAIL! They are just giving a bunch of crap to get back in here and when they email other casino webmasters to try to get pomotions they will start off with ‘We are CAP certified ,you can trust us’.
    I actualy can’t even believe that idea to bring them back was even in Yvette’s head. Cpays is certified at PAP ,that’s a joke too.


    Well I wanted to run it by you guys to get an idea of where the consensus is. :banger:

    @casinobonusguy 176719 wrote:

    They have ways to communicate and solve problems now -it’s called EMAIL! They are just giving a bunch of crap to get back in here and when they email other casino webmasters to try to get pomotions they will start off with ‘We are CAP certified ,you can trust us’.
    I actualy can’t even believe that idea to bring them back was even in Yvette’s head. Cpays is certified at PAP ,that’s a joke too.


    Thanks for the feedback guys. I asked Yvette to check with the members FIRST on this one. In the future if we get someone who we feel is questionable we will ask the community before we make a final decision on certification.:hattip:


    It might be a good idea to set up different certification categories because new affiliates can easily think that CAP is a quality filter amongst gaming affiliate programs (to be really honest, I was handling CAP like this until I didn’t know more about the industry.)

    I have still faith in CAP certification, as at least that shows the program is willing to communicate through their forum section here, but for choosing new programs to work with I’m going to the AGD website and pick one from the best program list after I asked others here in the forum – or vice versa.

    I don’t know about the process how one can be certified on CAP, but it should definitely show some level of quality, so they don’t get an affiliate rich platform regardless of their activity.


    I agree ADG is where we go to when we are thinking of working with new programs.


    Thanks Professor! :)

    It may also be a deterant for other programs that may, in the future, look to ‘save’ money at our expense once they see that CAP means business when it comes to these type of tactics knowing that they MAY not be given certification and access to fresh meat. :D

    Member is very pleased to announce that we have been officially welcomed into the family of certified affiliate programs by is the largest and longest-running online gaming affiliate resource, featuring an active community forum, chat rooms, affiliate marketing tools, industry news/articles, scam alerts and a rigorous and distinguished certification process for casino affiliate programs. CAP Certified Partners are held in the highest regard and expected to protect the integrity of their affiliates and the industry as a whole.

    Is this true??


    WTF? :tooconfus

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