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Barrack Obama for Democrats

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  • #769548

    Guys , you are talking apples and oranges.

    The professor is talking about why Obama should win.

    Jack Ten is talking about the odds of winning.

    Entirely different things.

    I totally agree that this country has been so badly mismanaged that were it a company the execs would be in jail.

    But – re the odds of winning.

    I am traditionally republican.

    I don’t like Obama particularly. I would have been a lot more comfortable with Clinton.

    Would I therefor vote for McCain? Not in a million years. He will continue down the path of destruction. He will expand the war to Iran. He will ruin the economy even more.

    Hence my vote would be for Obama, whether I like him or not.

    I think there are a lot of people like me.


    JackTen is your main objection to Obama is that hes black? Do you really believe only blacks voted for him? And 97% of a single race would vote for any candidate? Are you getting these statistics from your Aryan Newspaper?

    Was Hillary’s Vote 97% woman too? I suppose uppity woman at that?

    Lets pray the rest of the country isnt so racist and ignorant as you suggest.

    Will McSame get 97% of the vote from elderly white americans?


    Lets pray the rest of the country isnt so racist and ignorant as you suggest.

    Yes, I do wonder after Bush managing to get in twice in a row… I sure hope more people come to their senses. I don’t think the country is that racist (or sexist) anymore, but most people don’t even know that we have a huge national debt, nor do they understand what it means to each one of us.

    And then there is the issue of fixed elections, and votes not being counted… It is worrysome.

    I think a lot in this election depends on information – how much real information about the actual state of the nation will the average voter get?

    I think a bit of understanding of economics will convince most anyone.


    This is not aimed at anyone in particular, but just something I’ve wanted to say since the beginning of the primarys.

    Being a black female I can tell you that not all blacks just decided to vote for him because of his race! It’s very insulting when I get that impression from folks. Also being black does not automatically mean that you vote democratic. I know of several black males and females that have been republican for many years.

    I wanted Hillary to win the nomination, but now that that is not possible I’d like to see them run together. I don’t have a clue who is right or will do as they say, BUT I do know that we need a change and need it ASAP.

    McCain IMO is just to old to rely on for four or eight years and I don’t see how he can relate to anything relavent to today. I have nothing against him other than age and the fact that he has to many of the same view as thouse currently in office.

    It’s a colorful world that we live in and before long race will not be a issue in elections because the minorities will out number the “majority” as we become a melting pot of races. :D


    I`m not american and not living in the US, but the foreign press in general is very impressed with Obama.
    A charismatic leader with an electrifying speech and a very particular tone of voice, well suited for a political campaign where emotions are 90%.


    @Professor 164668 wrote:

    JackTen is your main objection to Obama is that hes black? Do you really believe only blacks voted for him? And 97% of a single race would vote for any candidate? Are you getting these statistics from your Aryan Newspaper?

    Was Hillary’s Vote 97% woman too? I suppose uppity woman at that?

    Lets pray the rest of the country isnt so racist and ignorant as you suggest.

    Will McSame get 97% of the vote from elderly white americans?

    That was totally uncalled for.
    Sorry, I’m not aryan and I have nothing against blacks. I’m providing you with a political analysis based on statistics and census facts. You keep telling us WHY people should vote democrat. I tell you how people vote, not how they should vote. Unless you’re saying CNN is an Aryan source.

    I found this in about 3 seconds of searching, North Carolina exit polls :

    I was a bit off, only 91% of black people voted for him.

    2004 election :

    88% of black people voted for John Kerry. GamTrak, there are social factors that affect people’s votes. It’s a well established trend in electoral studies that african-americans vote democrat. I’m not judging whether it’s right or wrong, all I’ve said from the beginning is that Hillary had better odds to win against republicans because she owned the blue collar votes.

    Edit: In the late 1800s and the first half of the 20th century, average workers usually voted for leftist parties. In the last decades that trend changed and “average” blue collar workers have started to be more conservative and vote center-right. This is the segment of the political pie that’s been eluding democrats in the last decade. If you notice from the stats above, Hillary had much better results in the 65+ segment of the population, which is traditionally more conservative. Those numbers (54-41 for Hillary) was in North Carolina (which voted for Obama) in the DEMOCRAT primary, so imagine what those numbers will be at the general election.


    @JackTen 164704 wrote:

    88% of black people voted for John Kerry. GamTrak, there are social factors that affect people’s votes. It’s a well established trend in electoral studies that african-americans vote democrat.

    I’m not disputing that, but on one hand they say blacks vote democrat and other hand they say that blacks don’t bother voting at all. I’d be interested to know of what percentage of the black population does that number represent.

    Personally, I don’t pay very much attention to stats (learned that from playing the sunday football tickets) LOL and I also did the US census in 1980. Stas reflect what happened, but does not always provide an accurate picture and they can be manulated.

    Many folks of different races can identify with Obama and I believe that is the reason that he will be the first black US Commander and Chief in the next election.


    Race, gender, age, disabilities and such will always affect a large percentage of the population, even though it shouldn’t.

    And there will always be statistics lumping people into categories, that’s what statistics are all about, categorizing stuff.

    So while stats are often inaccurate and also unfair because they can be as biased as the people creating them, they are still an indicator of something.

    I still think that voters in general just don’t have facts available to base decisions on. So they base them on likes and dislikes.

    If I were running for office, I would count on the general intelligence of people and present facts in an easy to understand manner instead of all this rhetoric. Not too many facts surfaced in the elections I have watched, other than mud slinging items.


    I agree with the fact that stats do indicate how things will go and therefore makes the world go round.

    In this case there are no stats to really go by as there was never been a campaign like the one we withnessed.

    I still think that voters in general just don’t have facts available to base decisions on. So they base them on likes and dislikes.

    I agree that folks do that about most things in life. Being that I try to stay informed I find it hard to believe that anyone that wants to know what the candidate represent can’t find the information via tv or the internet.

    I don’t get stuck on any one news station and try to catch different ones because I get upset when I listen to some of the so called experts and the way they attack each other (I think it’s MSNBC and Fox or CNN) anyway some of those guys are scary.


    @GamTrak 164705 wrote:

    Many folks of different races can identify with Obama and I believe that is the reason that he will be the first black US Commander and Chief in the next election.

    It’s not Obama’s fault at all, but I know quite a few people that have been very frustrated in the past few years with Al Sharpton’s antics, now combined with the Rev. Wright stuff. The double standards they preach. And there’s no doubt they’re right on some level, but the anti-white attitude simply isn’t helping.

    I read in the newspaper today about a black artist / comedian (Gregory Charles) who had a show on Broadway. Well he had hotel problems and.. security wouldn’t even let him enter the building where his own show was.

    Racism still exists and I really doubt he’s going to win. It can certainly happen, but I don’t think it’s likely.


    I’m an independent and I know where the candidates stand on most issues (including Clinton even though she is out, except for a possible VP spot)

    off the top of my head:

    Taxes/Economy: Obama/Clinton want to let the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010. Those making $250K or more will see a tax hike basically back to the Bill Clinton years. (BTW. capital gains will go from 15% which what it is now to 39.5%)

    McCain wants to keep/extend the current Bush tax cuts and revamp the tax system to a more simple one. However, McCain is rather weak when it comes to economic issues but does hate taxes; he wants a permenent ban on Internet taxes and the new cell phone tax. He’ll reduce the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%.

    The War: McCain wants to stay, Obama/Clinton want the troops out and force the Iraqis to take responsibility and focus efforts on finding Al Qaeda/Bin Ladden.

    Immigration: All three want a “comprehensive immigration” policy (which is the first words out of their mouths when asked about immigration). FYI: There are currently about 10 guest worker programs already on the books. The people want border security first then a comprehensive immigration policy to deal with the estimated 12 million undocumented. McCain/Kennedy (and our old friend Senator Kyl) drafted that immigration bill a year ago May that never got voted on after most of the Senate and House members got blasted by their constituents.

    Healthcare: Obama/Clinton want Nationalized healthcare (they want to open up the same plan they get in the Senate to the general population). McCain wants to let market competition decide. All three would provide tax credits/breaks to offset the high cost of health insurance.

    Energy: Obama/Clinton want to go green and create millions of new jobs. McCain proposed the 18 cents summer holiday tax-break nonsense. Clinton agreed, Obama didn’t. Democrats as a whole are pretty much against drilling in Anwar and Nuclear Power. Republicans for them.

    McCain hates earmarks and has never snuck one in a bill in since becoming a senator (1986) while Clinton if I remember correctly earmarked about 340 million worth and Obama about 91 million. Neither the biggest offenders however.

    What is funny is all three talk changing Washington – Aren’t they part of Washington? All in the Senate? So what is stopping them now?

    I hear the Democrats are destined to win big in both houses and if they get the presidency then major policies/direction will change otherwise expect more of the same.

    Most of the time gridlock is best but in these critical times a drastic change in policy/direction is clearly needed. Bush/Cheney and the rest of the boys club have been partying on the peoples’ dime way too long.



    here is an interesting piece Religious Right Figure Gets Chills: Obama Could Win 40 Percent Of Evangelicals on

    this article doesnt prove anything but just shows that there are conflicting reports and point of views everywhere…


    @JackTen 164708 wrote:

    It’s not Obama’s fault at all, but I know quite a few people that have been very frustrated in the past few years with Al Sharpton’s antics, now combined with the Rev. Wright stuff. The double standards they preach. And there’s no doubt they’re right on some level, but the anti-white attitude simply isn’t helping.

    While I’m not a Sharpton fan, he is allowed to speak his mind just like Wright and that white preacher that mocked Hillary last week which I thought was absolutly horrible of him to do. We are suppose to love not hate on each other like that and him supposidly being a man of god should know better.

    Rev. Wright is way over the top, but if you think about some of the things he must have witnessed his parents go thru due to racism and slavery or even himself then he is mad as hell and happen to have a platform to voice it. I’m more afraid of those that hide there true feelings about racism.

    Personally, I paid no attention to any of them because they are all way to extreme for me, but I don’t see how folks hold Obama accountable for the actions of others.

    Blacks will help put Obama in office, but it will be the hispanics (which last I heard out-numbered blacks in the US) and white people that secure it for him.


    Does anyone remember this little John Mcain Jingle

    ” Bomb BomB Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran”?? nough said, thats enough to scare the shit out of me. i would never, ever vote for him. His head is in the past, and he is nothing but war minded.

    i also have another worry.

    With Barack getting the nomination, and as fucked up as this country is with race….[ there are way to many idiots out there who still think they are better than someone else because of thier skin color, ] i am afraid of these words…”assasination attempt”….does anyone else fear that there is going to be some kind of attempt on baracks life?

    I hope they have stepped up the security around him and his family..this country has a bad history with Good Men and Good Ideas, being shot down, but idiots. I love Hillary, i would of loved to have her be the nominated one, but i will vote for Barack, But i fear for him, and i wish i didn’t have to.


    I am a Christian and a Democrat. I would like to know who gave the Republicans the right to claim that in order to be Christian one has to be a right wing extremist and therefore automatically a Republican?

    In the deep dark distant past, before the party was over run by fascist radicals, I was a Republican. In those days though a Republican was a fiscal conservative, who believed in individual rights and freedom from the government intruding into our personal lives. They also believed in a strong military in order to defend our country. Somehow, somewhere along the line all those principals were put under the heels of extremist and radical views.


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