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Barrack Obama for Democrats

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  • #769360

    Thank you Professor for your excellent, excellent post! I’m supporting Barack Obama, in fact I donated to his campaign & I’ve NEVER given any politician a penny in previous elections. A vote for McSame is just a vote for a Bush 3rd term. They have done so much damage to this country & we can’t afford to continue down the same path. Republicans are going to get crushed come this fall, not only in the Presidential election but also in the Congressional races. Want to feel uninspired or do you have an insomnia problem? Watch McCain’s speech launching his general election campaign yesterday:



    This is an excellent Topic and Excellent Discussion, but its a better fit in the politics area so we are moving it.



    Join the REAL fight. The fight for a strong and free America, vote Democrat!


    By the way, this is exactly why “strategic voting” is so marginal. Electoral studies show that people almost always believe their candidate/party is 1st or 2nd, so why would they vote strategically?

    Polls showed Hillary had a much better chance of beating McCain.. but as this thread demonstrate, irrational people (sorry, statistics speak for themselves) believe Obama is going to win, easily even.


    Sorry for chiming in from the outside, but can’t resist the temptation to agree with Prof.
    Americans urgently need someone who can steer the country to a new direction. Apart from a better health care, also a definite need for improved education, a new, more energy efficient electric power and transport system.


    @JackTen 164430 wrote:

    By the way, this is exactly why “strategic voting” is so marginal. Electoral studies show that people almost always believe their candidate/party is 1st or 2nd, so why would they vote strategically?

    Polls showed Hillary had a much better chance of beating McCain.. but as this thread demonstrate, irrational people (sorry, statistics speak for themselves) believe Obama is going to win, easily even.

    Below is the latest current National polling. Obama will get a post nomination bump, improving on these numbers in the coming days & weeks. But these numbers don’t tell much of the story or why Republicans will get pummeled this fall. Bush’s approval rating is at 28% (, 81% say the country is on the wrong track ( McCain has voted 95% of the time in favor of Bush policies. Now that the General election process has begun you will start to see Obama pull away quickly as the contrast between McCain’s platform & Obama’s is clarified. This country is in no mood for a continuation of the last 8 years, which is what we’ll get if McSame wins. In 2 special elections held last month, Democrats won in 2 SOLIDLY Republican territories. Taking away 2 Republican seats ( That’s just a preview of what will happen this fall.

    Both beat McCain overall by similar numbers:

    Obama v. McCain
    RCP Average 05/21 – 06/03 — 46.4 45.0 Obama +1.4
    Gallup Tracking 05/29 – 06/03 4412 RV 45 46 McCain +1.0
    Rasmussen Tracking 05/31 – 06/03 1600 LV 47 45 Obama +2.0
    USA Today/Gallup 05/30 – 06/01 803 RV 47 44 Obama +3.0
    Pew Research 05/21 – 05/25 1242 RV 47 44 Obama +3.0
    Newsweek 05/21 – 05/22 1205 RV 46 46 Tie

    McCain v. Clinton
    RCP Average 05/21 – 06/03 — 47.4 44.4 Clinton +3.0
    Gallup Tracking 05/29 – 06/03 4412 RV 48 45 Clinton +3.0
    Rasmussen Tracking 05/29 – 06/01 1600 LV 44 46 McCain +2.0
    USA Today/Gallup 05/30 – 06/01 803 RV 49 43 Clinton +6.0
    Pew Research 05/21 – 05/25 1242 RV 48 44 Clinton +4.0
    Newsweek 05/21 – 05/22 1205 RV 48 44 Clinton +4.0


    irrational people believe Obama is going to win, easily even.

    No Irrational People will vote Republican even if the candiate is a one eyed goat that spends all day licking his private parts as long as “Billy” was on their ticket and the right wing brain washers told them to.

    These same irrational people will sit unemployed, in their pick up trucks, stalled on the side of the road because they are out of gas and listen to people on AM radio like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage who tell them what to believe. And nod wildly as the drool runs down their chin.

    How any rational person could completely ignore the last eight years and all the statistics that show what a disaster its been for America is beyond me. Is it possible? Yes, apparently so.

    Here is one definition of insanity that I have heard thrown around of the years. I think its applicable here.

    “The definition of crazy is when you do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome”

    Another quote:

    “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
    George Santayana

    “For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.
    ” John F Kennedy

    Guess who coined these quotes right wingers?

    “A people free to choose will always choose peace. “

    “Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.”

    “Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man. “

    “Protecting the rights of even the least individual among us is basically the only excuse the government has for even existing.

    “To paraphrase Winston Churchill, I did not take the oath I have just taken with the intention of presiding over the dissolution of the world’s strongest economy. “

    Who was it?
    Take a guess? Left wing nut case you say….. Nope the author was Ronald Reagan.


    I forgot…look what happend with these countries which were ruled by generals.


    @Dominique 164408 wrote:

    I agree with that. But will their numbers be high enough to make up for the swing voters who won’t vote for Obama? He has a few things going against him, like lack of experience, weird church ties and unfortunately racism is still well and alive in the states.

    The Bush supporters are still there, and ready to push McCain through with the same devious miscount of votes that got Bush in twice. That really needs to be watched.

    I think in the end it will boil down to whether people are ready to leave Iraq, and I think that’s the issue where democrats have a good chance, regardless of who the democratic candidate is.

    I think (i.e. hope) that Obama will pick up more of a following once the real debates begin. It’s one thing to see rehearsed prebuttals and rebuttals, but I think Obama will shine in the improvised, one-on-one debates. He seems to speak from his mind and heart, not from a piece of paper typed up in double-spaced 48-point text.

    McCain will continue to spew the usual meaningless garbage we have come to expect from republi-bots, while Obama will calmly inject common sense and rational thinking into the public’s ears and minds. I am hoping that Obama’s refreshing outlook and personality will encourage people to vote democratic this year, although I do concede that my hopes may be a bit high.


    That has got to be one of the funniest sites i’ve seen in a long time…

    The top fourteen stories had me in stitches :)
    Thanks for the Friday laugh!


    If you want my opinion or if you don’t here it is..LOL I wish like heck we had someone running worth a shit (excuse the language) I do not like either Obama or McCain… But I know one of them are gonna win. I did not like the bush admistration and what it has done to our country. Why didn’t we have more then one Republican running?

    As far as Obama goes you do not want to hear what I think of Him. I am not racist at al. I do not care what color a person is, it is what they stand for, and so far Obama has not shown me much of anything he stands for. he avoids most questions, and never gives a complete answer. He came up from nowhere with his charisma and charm. I study peoples eyes, after all they are the windows to the soul, and he has the most lying eyes I have ever seen. Ok enough on him.. I could go on and on. LOL

    Ok McCain..I don’t know what to say. I do not think he will win, not only because he is a republican, but because of his age. This race will surely go down in history. McCain has good intentions in a way, but I do not think he will get anything done.

    I do not think I am going to vote at all, I do not like either one. Who ever gets it, I just hope and Pray they will do something to change this country, because we are going to hell in a hand basket!



    My pleasure, Renee. To tell you the truth, I only found the site myself a few days ago and can’t believe I haven’t seen it before. It’s a daily bookmark now :)


    @ClassyTouch 164572 wrote:

    If you want my opinion or if you don’t here it is..LOL I wish like heck we had someone running worth a shit (excuse the language) I do not like either Obama or McCain… But I know one of them are gonna win. I did not like the bush admistration and what it has done to our country. Why didn’t we have more then one Republican running?

    As far as Obama goes you do not want to hear what I think of Him. I am not racist at al. I do not care what color a person is, it is what they stand for, and so far Obama has not shown me much of anything he stands for. he avoids most questions, and never gives a complete answer. He came up from nowhere with his charisma and charm. I study peoples eyes, after all they are the windows to the soul, and he has the most lying eyes I have ever seen. Ok enough on him.. I could go on and on. LOL

    Ok McCain..I don’t know what to say. I do not think he will win, not only because he is a republican, but because of his age. This race will surely go down in history. McCain has good intentions in a way, but I do not think he will get anything done.

    I do not think I am going to vote at all, I do not like either one. Who ever gets it, I just hope and Pray they will do something to change this country, because we are going to hell in a hand basket!


    Wow your first post at CAP and such a strong one :)

    Quick question about the American political system – are there any other parties that could take the presidential seat? Or is it just out of McCain and Obama?

    IMO if I lived in a country where it wasn’t compulsory to vote, I’d vote anyway because I wouldn’t want to leave my life up to a bunch of uneducated voters.. If I didn’t like either party I would probably research them both and decide which is the worse of the two and vote for the other.
    It’s a shame the US doesn’t work like other countries where it’s not compulsory to vote – if a certain % of the population doesn’t vote, no president is elected and they have to keep going until enough people vote that there is one. At least that way the people get what they want.


    @ClassyTouch 164572 wrote:

    As far as Obama goes you do not want to hear what I think of Him. I am not racist at al. I do not care what color a person is, it is what they stand for, and so far Obama has not shown me much of anything he stands for. he avoids most questions, and never gives a complete answer. He came up from nowhere with his charisma and charm. I study peoples eyes, after all they are the windows to the soul, and he has the most lying eyes I have ever seen.

    I have never seen Obama avoid a question about issues that he should divulge to the public (his plans for the country, policies, etc). Whether or not he will follow through on everything he claims is another matter, but I have no reason not to believe him. It seems silly to me that anyone would choose a presidential candidate based on how their eyes look when viewed on a 2-dimensional TV screen.

    But I appreciate your comments – I’m finally starting to understand how and why Bush was able to get elected twice.

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