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Badabing is king for they day!!

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  • #583871

    Badabing you have been awarded the prestigous CAP award for best message board poster of the year. I don’t know what got into you (or your lungs) today, but I like it! :thumbsup:

    You have made some masterful posts that had me standing and chearing as you slew some dragons that have hindered the kingdom for far too long!!! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

    Excellent work here and abroad! :rasta: :rasta: :cheers: :clapper: :clapper:


    Badabing’s posts give the MOST Badabang

    It’s GREAT to have him here as part of The Familia !

    Hey All … let’s give THE KING his crown.




    Long live the King, aka Badabing!



    Thanks Bro …

    Just fed up … I am not that smart though. I just want this industry to get back to normal for us all. I want ethics, I want people to think before acting, and I want people to give and HONEST account for actions. Even if not all that is possible in all cases I would like to see some actions showing that they are trying to fix the wrongs of the past.

    I do not want to see this good thing go in the hole like porn.
    No pun intended.

    Thanks again I really appreciate it. I just want to see profits and ethics rather then fighting and tearing all of us that are friends, but also competitors as group apart. The casinos are good at ripping people in to shreds and ruining our livelyhood from within.

    I guess if we start holding the casinos accountable we can and will get this industry through legislation around the world on a more positive level then the way it has been portrayed in the past as I have seen and all of you have.

    You guys are the reason I did this. It is for you all and that is all. It had to be done you handed me the means Professor, so give yourself a hand in this one today and do not be to modest.

    Many here have kids in the house and college, mortgages to pay, lives to live and if we all do not set our sights higher and get it going it we can never expect it to rise from the shambles it is quickly becoming. No politician would look at many of the problems that are occuring here in the industry in as positive ….
    but rather as a big mess that is no means worth political suicide to back us up on the working for legislation of a truly do able industry that can grow for years to come across the globe.

    Reminds me one of my favorite songs lyrics –

    Begin song …


    Then as it twas, then again it will be
    An’ though the course may change sometimes
    Rivers always reach the sea.

    Blind stars of fortune, each have several rays
    On the wings of maybe, downy birds of prey
    Kind of makes me feel sometimes, I didn’t have to go
    But as the eaglet leaves the nest, it’s got so far to grow

    etc ……. Etc …. etc ……

    Through these eyes I sparkle, senses growing keen
    Taste your love along the way, see your feathers preen
    Kind of makes makes me feel sometimes, didn’t have to grow
    We are eagles of one nest, the nest is in our soul

    etc .. etc ….

    I’m never gonna leave you. I never gonna leave
    Holdin’ on, ten years gone
    Ten years gone, holdin’ on, ten years gone


    End song
    Ten Years Gone
    Led Zeppelin

    We are the eaglets of the nest as webmasters growing to fly like eagles, the casinos are the nest eggs, the world of our industry is the nest, we need each other here, we love, we hate at times, we have good and bad times, as well, we need each other to make this work as a whole … it is all intertwined top to bottom. Being predatory in nature as humans we will be greedy and feed the casinos what they need, but sometimes you gotta tell them what , and when enough is enough and come up with ways to bring this back where it came from again without destroyinng the nest we have lived in for years now. Otherwise not sure if it will go the way we want after ten years are gone. If we are to think that after ten years have passed this will all be working still without change then we are really fooling ourselves … The only ones that can clean this nest up is us, and I would rather still be holding on to something in ten years, then a empty nest with no nest eggs left show for our work and acomplishments …
    But if we peck all our fellow webmasters to death or do not hold them, or the casinos accountable for all the shit in the nest we will not have anything left in ten years but a memory of how it was and what shall never again be.

    Hope some of you can relate, I do not think a single specific organization can do this. But all of us can as a whole flock, as long as we do not have huge hidden agendas. We also need more specific organizations for things and some backing from the casinos that are more honest …. and as well maybe offline gambling that can can benefit from being able to broadcast online games when the time comes. But we must clean this nest to bring ourselves to their attention. We have seen that there is a lot of money even in online casinos, but I would not want to touch it at this point if I was CEO of for example the MGM Grand …

    Again sorry about the huge posts but someone needs to speak absolute truth without holding back one bit whatsoever no matter what. OK I am done with the day’s dealings but I hope my days work is enough for my being away a while. I want just wanted to make a difference when I woke up today. Again thanks Prof and anyone reading this thank the Professor for creating a great place to voice our opinions and try and get the ball rolling for a great new year coming in 2004.

    You guys and gals are all great thanks :rasta: :cheers:


    You did make a difference today. Thank you!


    Great posts!



    Captain … Badabing is not THE KING for nothing eh ?


    Again thanks Ya’ll

    sleep tight

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